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21. Holistic And Alternative Veterinary Medicine Pet Education Information on massage, acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbal medicine and other holistic techniques in dogs and cats. Index of commonly used food supplements. http://peteducation.com/category_summary.cfm?cls=0&Cat=1306 |
22. Acupuncture In Medicine - The Journal - Introduction acupuncture in Medicine is the official Journal of the British Medical acupunctureSociety, the Swedish Medical acupuncture Society and the Legitmerae http://www.medical-acupuncture.co.uk/aimintro.htm | |
23. Acupuncture-direct Order Form, Disposable Acupuncture Needles At Wholesalers Pri Disposable acupuncture needles. http://www.acupuncture-direct.com/ | |
24. Canadian College Of Acupuncture And Oriental Medicine Offers a fouryear, full-time course of study. Located in Victoria, British Columbia. Includes program and tuition details, as well as application forms. http://www.ccaom.com/ | |
25. Welcome To Acupuncture.Edu One of the most popular acupuncture sites, includes The Midwest Collegeof Oriental Medicine, Guangzhou University for Traditional Chinese Medicine...... http://www.acupuncture.edu/ | |
26. Guangzhou University Of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Home Page Email guangzhou@acupuncture.edu Telephone 86591233 Facsimile 86594735 Telegraph3901 If you experience difficulties with the Guangzhou University web site http://www.acupuncture.edu/guangzhou/ | |
27. Acupuncture & TCM Links Of Vil's Home Page Please take a moment to visit our Sponsors. Welcome to acupuncture TCM Links ofVilberto s Home Page. return to contents. 2 acupuncture Resources Megasites. http://acupuncture.8k.com/acupvil.htm | |
28. Acupuncture acupuncture, Qigong, and Chinese Medicine . Ancient practices such as acupuncture,Qigong, and the use of various herbs are claimed to restore balance. http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/acu.html | |
29. Acupuncture Ireland - Acupuncture And Chinese Medicine Organisation - Links Governing Body of The Register of Chinese Medicine which includes only fully qualified and insured practitioners, and protects patients by maintaining ethical standards. http://www.acupuncture-ireland.com |
30. National Certification Commission For Acupuncture And Oriental Medicine The mission of the National Certification Commission for acupuncture and OrientalMedicine (NCCAOM) is to establish, assess, and promote recognized standards http://www.nccaom.org/ | |
31. The Medical Acupuncture Web Page - Index these pages , we would like to inform Medical Doctors and other Health Care Professionals, of the therapeutic properties of acupuncture.The neurophysiological http://users.med.auth.gr/~karanik/english/main.htm | |
32. CHG Allied Chiropractic Provider Benefits Represents chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathy, and massage therapy, and other alternative disciplines. Online provider search. Norcross, Georgia. http://www.camhealthpartners.com/camsearch.cgi | |
33. THE VETERINARY ACUPUNCTURE PAGE The Veterinary acupuncture Page , aims to provide educational material on acupunctureto Veterinarians , who want to learn this therapeutic method. http://users.med.auth.gr/~karanik/english/veter.htm | |
34. Alternative Medicine: Why So Popular? Article by Hans R. Larsen investigates the reasons why acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, vitamin therapy and other modalities are flourishing. http://www.yourhealthbase.com/alternative_medicine.html | |
35. Acupuncture Back to Health Information Treatment or Therapy. acupuncture. Onthis page. report. Top. acupuncture Theories. Traditional Chinese http://nccam.nih.gov/health/acupuncture/ | |
36. Acupuncture And Natural Medicine Clinic Providing services in naturopathic medicine and acupuncture in Portland, Oregon. http://www.natural-healthmedicine.com/ | |
37. Acupuncture- Home Page What Is Acupunture, Philosophy Of Dao, Yin And Yang, Five acupuncture has been a major part of primary healthcare in China forthe last 5000 years. The emphasis of acupuncture is on prevention. http://www.holistic-online.com/Acupuncture/acp_home.htm | |
38. Dolores - Especilistas En Aliviar El Dolor - CMLSalud Know about Lasvi Pins and forget about neck ache, backache and other common diseases. http://www.cmlsalud.com | |
39. HealthWorld Online - Acupuncture - The History of acupuncture in China acupuncture, or needle puncture, is a Europeanterm invented by Willem Ten Rhyne, a Dutch physician who visited Nagasaki in http://www.healthy.net/library/books/acupuncture/ACUPUN3.HTM |
40. Acupuncture Alternative Conference Malaysia 2000 Asia Pacific Conference on acupuncture, Homeopathy Complementary Medicine, 3,4, 5 September 2000 at Kota Bharu, Malaysia. http://www.geocities.com/apcon2000 |
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