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61. Annisage Healing Touch For Animals Maria Duthie, licensed massage therapist, does massage therapy, acupressure, craniosacral therapy and Reiki on dogs, cats and horses. http://www.annisage.com | |
62. REIKI Is The Name Given To The Ancient Tibetian: Health, Healing Power, India He Specializes in reiki, pranic healing, hypnotherapy, crystal healing, Sai sanjeevani Healing, magnetotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure. http://www.reikiabode.com/ | |
63. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Nausea And Acupressure Nausea and acupressure. Alternative names Return to top. acupressureand nausea Information Return to top. Question Can nausea be http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002117.htm | |
64. Point2Health.com Offers free alternative health care advice and suggested herbs to cure almost any ailment. Also acupressure and reflexology suggestions. http://www.point2health.com |
65. Obstetrics And Acupressure By Pamela Wallach - Acupuncture.com Obstetrics and acupressure. by Pamela Wallach, I performed acupressureon St 36 (su san li ), Sp 6 (san yin jiao) and LI 4 (he gu). http://www.acupuncture.com/TuiNa/Obstet.htm | |
66. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture And Tik Dah, Practised By Hilary Downey Hilary Downey from Auckland, New Zealand uses acupressure, cell salt therapy and tai chi chuen exercises. http://www.visions.co.nz/hilarydowney | |
67. Acupressure Jin Shin Do Shiatsu School Courses A teaching and practising school for acupressure, Jin Shin Do and Shiatsu. pon graduationfrom Program I or II, you will be awarded a Diploma of acupressure . http://acupressureshiatsuschool.com/ | |
68. Acupressure Analgesia By Debra Betts - Acupuncture.com acupressure Analgesia. I hope that this article will encourage practitionersto both teach and use acupressure as a birthing tool for labour. http://www.acupuncture.com/TuiNa/obstet2.htm | |
69. Energytapping Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a self help energy psychology process based on acupressure that rapidly clears emotional issues and relieves physical pain. Stephanie and Ted Neff, directors. Paradox Center, Los Angeles, CA. http://www.geocities.com/energytapping/ | |
70. HealthWorld Online - Integrative Medicine -, HealthWorld Online - Natural Health Administering an acupressure Treatment. © Janet Zand L.Ac., OMD (Excerpted withpermission from Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, Avery Publishing Group http://www.healthy.net/asp/templates/article.asp?PageType=Article&ID=241 |
71. Allergies Information on alternative treatments for allergies including aromatherapy, acupressure, reflexology, and yoga. http://www.dhyansanjivani.org/allergies.asp | |
72. HealthWorld Online - Integrative Medicine - Click here. acupressure for Menstrual Cramps. © Susan M. Lark MD (Excerptedfrom The Menopause Self Help Book, Celestial Arts, 1996). http://www.healthy.net/library/books/lark/acu_crmp.htm |
73. Acupressure, Acupuncture Without Needles, Acupressure, Acupuncture Without Needl Also known as Shiatsu massage, acupressure is administered by pressing with the fingertips and sometimes the elbows or knees  along a complex network of http://www.occultopedia.com/a/acupressure.htm | |
74. Academy Of Holistic Health Arts - Main Holistic health studies and wellness, including the art of massage, acupressure, polarity and Reiki. http://www.holistichealtharts.com | |
75. Acupressure Schools Q&A A guide to careers and education in acupressure including a directory ofacupressure schools. acupressure Schools and Careers Q A. What is it? http://www.naturalhealers.com/qa/acupressure.shtml | |
76. On Site Massage For Stress In Corporate Environments and prices of on site seated acupressure and Indian head massage for businesses and organisations.......South East http://www.calminghands.com/ | |
77. - Acupuncture And Acupressure Acupuncture and acupressure. acupressure is a variation in which therapistspress on acupuncture points with their fingers instead of using needles. http://www.thebreastcaresite.com/Eendcom/USAmoena/HomePage.nsf/(VIEWDOCSBYID)/AC | |
78. TOUCHES.com - Therapeutic Healing Arts Massage, somatics, Swedish, shiatsu, deep tissue, acupressure, Bowen, regenesis, theme rooms, corporate program. http://www.touches.com/ |
79. Welcome To AcuBead acupressure strips for headache, neck pain,low back pain and weight loss. DrugFree. http://acubead.com/ | |
80. Genie Hardee, ND Naturopathic and bodywork practitioner. Offers courses in traditional Chinese medicine, Shiatsu, acupressure, and energy kinesiology. http://www.geniehardee.com/ | |
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