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41. Clinical Trial: Acupressure In Treating Nausea In Women Receiving Combination Ch acupressure in Treating Nausea in Women Receiving Combination Chemotherapy for BreastCancer. acupressure is applied as in arm I except at a nonspecific site. http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00046865?order=36 |
42. Website Unavailable Sussex and London Information about therapists practising seated acupressure treatments for businesses and events. http://www.theofficemassagecompany.co.uk/ | |
43. Accupressure. Migraine - HolisticOnLine - Your Gateway To Alternate Medicine, Co Naturopathy, Oriental Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Light Therapy, DietTherapy, Nutrition and Lifestyle changes, acupressure, Shiatsu, Alexander http://www.holistic-online.com/Remedies/migraine/mig_acupressure.htm | |
44. Sacred Journey Childbirth Services - Debbie Bozarth, CD, CMT, CLA, CBE, LLLPC - Northern California doula services both prenatal and postpartum, lactation assistant, birth plans, massage and acupressure therapy. http://www.sacredjourney.net | |
45. Acupressure For Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, Heart Health Infocenter, Holi Heart Infocenter. Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, acupressure forHypertension. acupressure for Hypertension. acupressure is useful http://www.holistic-online.com/Remedies/Heart/hypert_acupressure.htm | |
46. Choices Chapter Nineteen A chapter from Michael Lerner's well researched book examining the four principle disciplines of Chinese medicine chosen by American cancer patients as the most beneficial complementary resource for treating cancer and its sideeffects; herbal medicine, Qi Gong, acupressure and acupuncture. Includes referenced clinical trials on the effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine and its derivatives in cancer treatment and extending life. http://www.commonweal.org/choiceschap19.html | |
47. Acupressure acupressure. acupressure points and techniques. How to do acupressure acupressuretechniques. acupressure Points All points to improve emotional wellbeing. http://www.eclecticenergies.com/acupressure/ | |
48. Eyemassage.com Index Eye massage products including a CDROM and the magnetic acupressure eye massager. http://www.eyemassage.com/ | |
49. How To Apply Acupressure How to apply acupressure. What is acupressure? What is acupressure?acupressure (sometimes written as accupressure ) is a technique http://www.eclecticenergies.com/acupressure/acutechn.php | |
50. Marla Steele - Healing With Energy CA. Pet Psychic offers readings by phone, email, inperson, group events. Distance energy healing for people and animals, equine massage and acupressure. Many fundraising events with Petsmart Charities. http://marlasteele.com/index.html | |
51. Welcome To Bed Of Balls.com Sells a selfcare massage and acupressure device. http://www.bedofballs.com/ | |
52. Acupressure | Personal Health Zone acupressure information, books and resources. There are over 1200acupoints process hundreds of different conditions. acupressure. http://www.personalhealthzone.com/acupressure.html | |
53. HEALING -TOUCH Dr. R. R. Kapur of India (Delhi)is a consultant, acupressure therapist and Reiki Master. Features a short introduction to Homeopathy, acupressure, Magnet Therapy and Reiki. Online consultation is also available. http://drramankapur.tripod.com/healing/ | |
54. Acupressure Books acupressure books. acupressure Books. Click for More Book Categories. 3. The WellConnectedDog A Guide to Canine acupressure by Amy Snow, et al (Paperback) Avg. http://www.personalhealthzone.com/acupressurebooks.html | |
55. American Salon Massage In San Jose, California (CA) - San Francisco (SF) Bay Are Swedishstyle and acupressure massage by Chris. http://users.rcn.com/cd.dnai/a/b/am/amsalon.html | |
56. Online Guide To Acupressure James Roy Holliday III. guide to acupressure. Using acupressure. To stimulatean acupoint properly, you must apply deep probing pressure. http://www.geocities.com/jrh_iii/acupressure/ | |
57. Asheville Massage Therapist Jena Chambers Massage therapist offers deep tissue, reflexology and acupressure. Information on services and contact information. http://www.jenachambers.com/ | |
58. Acupuncture Information From A World Of Acupuncture Information on acupuncture, traditional Chinese diagnosis, selecting a practitioner, acupressure, qigong and tai chi. Maintained by Essential Elements in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. http://www.aworldofacupuncture.com/ | |
59. 80 Acupressure Links Parent Directory 31Mar-2001 0417 - stats/ 31-Mar-2001 0010......acupressure Links. http//www.acupressure.org/ Index of / Name Last modified Size http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/main/bigsearch/acupressure.html | |
60. BCATA: BRITISH COLUMBIA ACUPRESSURE THERAPISTS' ASSOCIATION What is acupressure and what is it good for. British Columbia acupressure Therapists Association. Supporting Encouraging The acupressure Profession Since 1991. http://www.acupressurebc.org/ | |
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