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21. The Art Of Voice Acting - James R. Alburger By James R. Alburger. The San Diego, CA area voice coach offers training in mic performance as the only voice trainer in San Diego with a book on the market, 25 years of experience on both sides of the microphone, and eleven regional Emmy Awards. His training focuses on acting techniques, not just reading copy. http://www.voiceacting.com | |
22. BAVC : Forum & Jobs : Next Stage Presents Acting Techniques For Stage Actors And Next Stage presents acting techniques Forum Jobs » Services available » Next Stage presents acting techniques for stage Actors and Directors, http://www.bavc.org/forum/messages/11/553.shtm?1074450017 |
23. Arvada Center For The Arts And Humanities: Basic acting techniques*. Register Online When Jun 8 Jul 27, Tue, 645 - 825pm, 8 weeks Cost $100.00 Instructor Dr. Lee Gallup Availability On sale. http://www.arvadacenter.org/actingclass.php?classid=31 |
24. Encyclopedia Of Acting Techniques John Perry Fully illustrated, this practical book contains stepby-step exercises and improvisations for both the individual and groups. http://store.bakersplays.com/enofacte.html | |
25. Art Of Voice Acting Workshops 8week and 2-day workshops with James Alburger and Penny Abshire, professional speakers and voice actors. Workshop and Seminar training on voice and acting techniques for effective communication. Also offers private voice coaching and demo production in the San Diego, California, area. http://www.voiceacting.com/training/index.html |
26. Experts@Dal Fax (902) 4941472, 2 Faculty member(s) matching topic acting techniques . Christopher, Patrick - Associate Professor - Theatre http://experts.dal.ca/topicsearch2.cfm?keyword=Acting Techniques |
27. Tar Heel Films - NC Film Filmmaking Video And Production - Workshop - Breakthrou Workshop Breakthrough acting techniques! Most read story about Workshops Workshop - Breakthrough acting techniques! Article Rating. Average Score 0 Votes 0. http://www.tarheelfilms.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=108 |
28. THTR 300 - ACTING TECHNIQUES 3 (Humber Full-Time Calendars 2004.2005) Course Number THTR 300. acting techniques 3. acting techniques 3 builds on the work done in acting techniques 1 and 2. Students are http://postsecondary.humber.ca/courses/THTR_300.HTM | |
29. HCCC 406 - ACTING TECHNIQUES (ON-CAMERA) 4 (Humber Full-Time Calendars 2004.2005 Apprenticeship. Course Number HCCC 406. acting techniques (ONCAMERA) 4. Refer to the course description for HCCC 106 acting techniques 1. http://postsecondary.humber.ca/courses/HCCC_406.HTM | |
30. The Chekhov Actor's Training - Acting Techniques, Methods, Workshops, Learn, Act Actor s Training The Ultimate Michael Chekhov Actor s Director s Training, The Chekhov Actor s Training The Ultimate Michael Chekhov Acting Workshop for http://www.chekhovactorstraining.com/home.asp | |
31. Enhancing Dance Performance Through The Application Of Physical Acting Technique 196, Wednesday, March 31, 2004. 830 AM945 AM, Convention Center356/357. Enhancing Dance Performance Through the Application of Physical acting techniques. http://aahperd.confex.com/aahperd/2004/finalprogram/session_21360.htm | |
32. CTA | California Educator Book of basic acting techniques. We Are Players is a 66lesson syllabus of basic acting techniques and an introduction to the art of theater. http://www.cta.org/CaliforniaEducator/v6i1/port_book | |
33. BCC - Bergen Community College Education Course. ADMINISTRATORS ONLY , THR110, Basic acting techniques 2 lectures, 2 labs, 3 credits. ADMINISTRATORS ONLY , THR http://www.bergen.edu/ECatalog/subcrslist.asp?type.cbn=55 |
34. Product Page Asian Theater Kabuki acting techniques I The Body 6000 minutes Author Richmond/Arnink. Media Videotape. Price $125.00. ~ Ordering ~. Qty Go to Order. http://msuvmall.msu.edu/imc/product.asp?sku=38609 |
35. Product Page Asian Theater acting techniques of the Noh Theatre of Japan 2955 minutes Author Richmond/Arnink. Media Videotape. Price $95.00. ~ Ordering ~. Qty Go to Order. http://msuvmall.msu.edu/imc/product.asp?sku=38602 |
36. New Page 1 THE USE OF acting techniques. IN. INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP 1. Acting Up in the Corporate World The Use of acting techniques in Business, Training and Sales. http://www.radford.edu/~bac/training/t&d_tip4.htm | |
37. JCU - JCU Handbooks 2004 - TH1710: Improvisation And Acting Techniques JCU Handbooks 2004 TH1710 Improvisation and acting techniques. TH171003. Improvisation and acting techniques. Cairns. HECS Band 1. 52 hours workshops/seminars. http://www.jcu.edu.au/courses/handbooks/current/subjects/th1710.html | |
38. The Trained Actor's Bookstore Please Select . in the marketplace The following books focus on the technique and skills of acting. acting techniques. http://www.trainedactor.com/market/books.html | |
39. Visions, The Online Journal Of The Art Of Magic Other Visions. The Workout Room acting techniques For Magicians by Ilja Kamphues. Ilja is both magician and actor, with more than http://www.online-visions.com/other/0303iljya-1.html | |
40. THEA312 - Documentary Performance--Advanced Acting Techniques Academic Year 2004/2005. Documentary PerformanceAdvanced acting techniques THEA 312 SP. This course will introduce advanced acting http://www.wesleyan.edu/course/thea312s.htm | |
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