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41. Miscellaneous Medical Conditions miscellaneous Medical Conditions. In addition to the acronyms page at this site,there s an excellent Dictionary for Parents of Children with Disabilities (in http://www.uniquelygifted.org/med.htm | |
42. FAQShop.com : Three Letter Acronyms (TLAs) Like most other technical areas, the Systems Management arena is fullof Three Letter acronyms (TLAs). This page Comment. miscellaneous. AD http://faqshop.com/misc/tla.htm | |
43. Lounge: Lounge Acronyms And Missin Parties com/miscellaneous/Lounge/Q_20515258.html 7958380. Comment from shekerra Date 07/09/20030740PM PDT, Comment, I can t give away all of my secret acronyms (twala http://www.experts-exchange.com/Miscellaneous/Lounge/Q_20673726.html | |
44. Electronic Reference Sources: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, And Almanacs (Rutgers disaster recovery, and miscellaneous. DOD Dictionary of Military Terms (US Departmentof Defense) Includes separate sections on acronyms Abbreviations and http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/e_ref_shelf/refdict.shtml | |
45. Internet Marketing Directory - Miscellaneous Acronym Finder Look up 288,000+ acronyms abbreviations their definitions http://www.internetmarketing-strategies.com/links/miscellaneous.html | |
46. Acronyms Income SSI Supplemental Security Income. Back to Table of Contents.miscellaneous acronyms. ABA Applied Behavior Analysis ACOA http://www.communitygateway.org/faq/acros.html | |
47. CDT.org Resource Library: Misc Organizations; miscellaneous Administrative. What s New? Glossaries (5). LinksAcronym Finder Searchable database of 300,000+ acronyms and meanings. http://www.cdt.org/resourcelibrary/Misc/ | |
49. ChIN's List Page: Major Reference Sources->Miscellaneous Chinese Version. Major Reference Sources miscellaneous. Title, Summary, SummaryPage.acronyms and Abbreviations of Chemical Compound Names(Free), SummaryPage. http://chemport.ipe.ac.cn/ListPageE/L165.shtml | |
50. Listings Alberta: Canada : Alberta : Edmonton Region : Miscellaneous Addresses Dictionary of Quaternary acronyms Abbreviations http://listingsca.com/Alberta/Edmonton-Region/Miscellaneous/ | |
51. J. Roque Dias TRANSLATION LINKS Page 1 Abbreviations, acronyms, and Initialisms List of Bloody acronyms (ROFL ) Topo da Topoda página / Top of page Diversos miscellaneous Abbreviated Glossary http://www.jrdias.com/jrd-links-1.html |
52. Dictionary Of Three Letter Acronyms ingredient in marijuana. TLA, ThreeLetter Acronym, miscellaneous,The three-letter acronym for three-letter acronyms. TLC, Tender Loving http://www.kendrick.org/tla/default.aspx?action=browse |
53. Miscellaneous Publication 24/2000 - COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR NATURAL RESOURCE MANAG acronyms. AWG. February 2000. CSOs include CLCs, Bushcare facilitators and Rivercareofficers as well as miscellaneous coordinators and project officers. CALM. http://agspsrv34.agric.wa.gov.au/agency/pubns/miscpubs/Mp24_2000/acronyms.htm | |
54. Teaching-Tools.com / English Mathematics, Geography, English, Tools Listing, miscellaneous. English.Click on the to resulting page). Abbreviations acronyms. Abbreviations http://www.teaching-tools.com/english/index.php | |
55. Fuel Cell Today - Links, General Information About Hydrogen And Fuel Cells miscellaneous Links. Acronym Finder Database of acronyms, abbreviationsand initialisms. AltaVista Translation Box Online translation service. http://www.fuelcelltoday.com/FuelCellToday/EducationCentre/EducationCentreExtern | |
56. More Tennis FAQs | Tennisonline.net => Tennis, Tournaments, Draws, Links, And Mo miscellaneous Tennis FAQs (still more Common Pro Tennis acronyms The following aresome of the acronyms you may see in a discussion of pro tennis and their http://www.tennisonline.net/html/miscfaq.html | |
57. Miscellaneous Links ORG Technical Library Luxpop, miscellaneous photonics calculations Glossary ofTelecommunications Terms The Photonics Dictionary acronyms and Abbreviations http://wwwhome.math.utwente.nl/~hammer/links.html | |
58. Merlyn Site Index Page - J R Stockton ordered acronyms - Mine, and links to wider lists; Batch in DOS .. Win98/ME - ComputerUsage - PC Information Links - very miscellaneous; Algorithm index http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/ | |
59. Star Wars Community Message Boards Make Your Own Acronyms. starwars.com, Community, Forums, Star Wars miscellaneous, Make your own acronyms. starwars.com,Community, Forums, Star Wars miscellaneous, Make your own acronyms. http://forums.starwars.com/thread.jsp?forum=3&thread=171788 |
60. Star Wars Community Message Boards New And Improved SW starwars.com, Community, Forums, Star Wars miscellaneous, New and ImprovedSW acronyms TDE. New and Improved SW acronyms TDE 7 replies on 1 page. http://forums.starwars.com/thread.jsp?forum=3&thread=154888 |
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