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101. Find Quick Facts / Reference Resources On The Web acronyms Almanacs Archives Associations Astronomy Awards Calculator CalendarsCareers Jobs Citation Guides Colleges Concordances Consumer Information http://library.queensu.ca/reference/ | |
102. The Read-Out Instrumentation Signpost: Acronyms And Initials the Photonics Dictionary may also help you with terms and acronyms in this CGPM GeneralConference on Weights and Measures; CHEMPID ISA s Chemical Petroleum http://read-out.net/signpost/cl.html | |
103. Glossary Of Satellite Acronyms Glossary of Satellite acronyms. National Weather Association (NWA) RemoteSensing Committee. The following terms are used in descriptions http://orbit-net.nesdis.noaa.gov/arad/fpdt/glossary.html | |
104. NIH Acronym List FY Fiscal Year. GAO - general Accounting Office. NIGMS - National Instituteof general Medical Sciences. NIH - National Institutes of Health. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/acronym_list.htm | |
105. EPA Terms Of Environment EPA Terms of Environment Terms Of Environment defines in nontechnical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications, news releases, and other Agency documents http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.epa.gov/OCEPAterms/&y=02844F6FC6 |
106. Whatis?com whatis?com This very comprehensive and excellent information technology encyclopedia explains every computer and Internet term imaginable thoroughly in layman apos;s language. TechTarget.com Inc http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://whatis.techtarget.com/&y=02A58AE93A3 |
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