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81. Blue Water Systems - Acronyms And Terms G GA general Availability; GAAP generally Accepted Accounting Principles;GAL Generic Array Logic; GAPI Gateway Application Programming http://www.bluewatersystems.com/indexg.php | |
82. Acronyms And Glossary acronyms and Glossary. List of acronyms. AA. Association Agreement (Ch. 2). ACB. 1,Ch. 3). GATT. general Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3). GCB. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/006/Y4890E/y4890e0x.htm | |
83. Acronyms In Turkish - Learn Turkish Home Table of Contents Comments. Turkish acronyms to live by. Gobbledygooka la Turque ! Big, new GD, Güneydogu, Southeast. Gen. general, general. geom. http://www2.egenet.com.tr/mastersj/turkish-acronyms.html | |
84. LIST OF ACRONYMS AND OFFICE SYMBOLS COMMONLY USED IN TAM LIST OF acronyms AND OFFICE SYMBOLS COMMONLY USED IN TAM. acronyms. AA. AssociateAdministrator. ACH. FY. Fiscal Year. GAO. general Accounting Office. G A. http://www.dot.gov/ost/m60/earl/acronym.htm | |
85. AIAA Store acronyms in Aerospace and Defense Online and Print Edition general PublicationSeries Published by AIAA, 3rd Edition, Mixed media SKU BOA.OP.C. http://www.aiaa.org/store/storeproductdetail.cfm?id=955 |
86. AIAA Store acronyms in Aerospace and Defense Print Edition Fernando B. Morinigo (Editor) PeterLandecker (Editor) general Publication Series © 2001, 3rd Edition, 303 http://www.aiaa.org/store/storeproductdetail.cfm?id=954 |
87. DICTIONARY OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION These abbreviations or acronyms, therefore, are not necessarily authoritativeor standardized in format or content. AG, Attorney general. AGC, Assn. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EART/abbrev.html | |
88. HyperWar: Glossary HyperWar World War II on the WorldWideWeb Abbreviations, acronyms, Codewords, Terms. FleetAFV Armored Fighting Vehicle(s) AGMC Adjutant general Message Center http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/Glossary.html | |
89. FDLI - Acronyms Medical Device acronyms. 483, Form 483/FD483 Inspectional Observances. DGI,Directorate general for Industry (EU). DHF, design history file. http://www.fdli.org/acronyms/ | |
90. ACRA Acronyms This list of acronyms is intended to help those new to CRM (Cultural Resource Ratherit is intended to provide those general terms used nationally by all sides http://www.acra-crm.org/acronym.html | |
91. Quick Reference - General Topics - Acronyms And Abbreviations Quick Reference general Topics - acronyms and Abbreviations. Abbreviationsand acronyms http://www.lib.unc.edu/reference/quick/index.php?display=print_items&item_id=1 |
92. Glossary Of NHS Acronyms Abbreviations Some Common NHS acronyms Abbreviations. Community Health Council. CHD. CoronaryHeart Disease. CHDGP. Collection of Health Data from general Practice Project. CHI. http://www.sw-devon-ha.swest.nhs.uk/jargon/acronyms.htm |
93. Acronym Server Simplified A list of acronyms hosted by University College Cork, gathered from many sources and submitted by users. http://www.ucc.ie/cgi-bin/acronym | |
94. VPFA (Financial Services) - University Of Alberta Abbrevations/acronyms (University Units) Print this page. Home Guide to FinancialManagement Glossary Abbrevations/acronyms (University Units), http://www.financial.ualberta.ca/nav03.cfm?nav03=16150&nav02=11819&nav01=11661 |
95. Acronym Server Simplified Allows a search for either expansions of an acronym or acronyms containing a particular word. http://www.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/acro.html | |
96. Acronym Finder: Find Out What Over 350,000 Acronyms & Abbreviations Stand For Find out what those acronyms and abbreviations stand for Acronym Finder logoclick here and find out what those acronyms and abbreviations stand for! http://www.acronymfinder.com/ | |
97. Buy Reverse Acronyms Initialisms Abbreviated Dictionary At Reverse acronyms Initialisms Abbreviated Dictionary in Hardcover. ISBN 0787641243. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
98. Human Genome Acronym List GLaRGG Great Lakes Regional Genetics Group; GMCRF general Motors CancerRes. Institute of general Medical Sciences; NIST Natl. Inst. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/acronym.shtml | |
99. FirstGov – Reference Shelf Government Manual Online  Commonly Used Federal acronyms. State and Local AttorneysGeneral, by State; Business Law  State; Judicial Departments, Divisions http://www.firstgov.gov/Topics/Reference_Shelf.shtml | |
100. Indonesia Resources - Links, Maps, Acronyms, Instant Facts, Books Counting since 15 April 1998 90762 Some statistics, http://home.swipnet.se/~w-15266/indons/ | |
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