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41. Paediatric Physician Training: General Information: Acronyms blu, general Information. Please select an option -. http://www.racp.edu.au/paed/g_acron.htm | |
42. Adult Medicine Physician Training: Glossary Of Acronyms gin, general Information Glossary of acronyms, Please select an option-. http://www.racp.edu.au/amtrain/g_acron.htm | |
43. Research Acronyms And Abbreviations View Printer Friendly Version. Research acronyms and Abbreviations. EDA EconomicDevelopment Administration. EDGAR Education Department general Administration. http://www.research.umich.edu/aids/acronyms_glossary/nonUM_acronyms_glossary.htm | |
44. 40. Acronyms And Abbreviations MEDICINE is full of acronyms and abbreviations. These are some of thecommon ones used in this book and the world of general practice. http://www.nanp.org.uk/handbook/40.htm | |
45. Style Guide | University Of Colorado At Boulder and acronyms Use the appropriate article (a, an, or the) with abbreviations andacronyms when you would use that article in speech. In general, if an acronym http://www.colorado.edu/Publications/styleguide/abbrev.html | |
46. The General Dynamics Corporation/NASSCO: Contract Data Requirements List - ACRON AUXILIARY DRY CARGO AMMUNITION SHIP, TAKE acronyms Copyright and PrivacyNotice 2004 NASSCO/general Dynamics Corporation, All Rights Reserved. http://www.nassco.com/suppliers/tc_cdrl_acro.html | |
47. PETS: Abbreviations And Codes | General Conference 2000 - The United Methodist C FO, Faith and Order. GJ, general Administration/Judicial Administration. GM,Global Ministries. general Agencies. GBCS, general Board of Church and Society. http://www.gc2000.org/pets/acronyms.asp | |
48. Directory - Acronyms DIRECTORY acronyms. GAGAS, generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards.GAO, general Accounting Office. GAS, Governmental Accounting Standards. http://www.cpateam.com/cpasacronyms.htm | |
49. Programmers Heaven - General Programming Zone - Textfiles - ACRONYMS.ZIP Downloa Programmers Heaven general Programming Zone- Textfiles - acronyms.ZIP Download page. http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone22/cat172/13669.htm | |
50. UK Genealogy - Common Acronyms & Jargon GenDocs British Genealogy Abbreviations and acronyms - http//www.gendocs.demon Cyndi sList - Professional Researchers - general - http//www.cyndislist.com http://www.oz.net/~markhow/acronym-uk.htm | |
51. Health Care Compliance Association | HCCA Acronym List - A This list explains acronyms that are commonly used. This list is not a legal document. Acronym,Term, Audiences. A AS, Advisory Assistance Service, general. http://www.hcca-info.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Compliance_Resources/Acronyms/Ac | |
52. General References be the way to include G (Gravitation) currently described by GR (general Relativity)into now that you know almost all you need to know about acronyms in this http://webs.byu.edu/jvanhuele/751/Acronyms.htm | |
53. Abbreviations And Acronyms Of The U.S. Government more comprehensive coverage of militaryrelated acronyms, please check the sourceslisted on the Military acronyms and Glossaries GAO, general Accounting Office. http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/subjectareas/gov/docs_abbrev.html | |
54. SSL/TLS Terms And Acronyms (Including Some General Cryptography Definitions) SSL/TLS Terms and acronyms (Including Some GeneralCryptography Definitions), Modified 06 Aug 2003. http://www.technoids.org/tlsglossary.html | |
55. General Reference: Acronyms, Dictionaries, & Thesauri Ferris State University Library for Information, Technology and Education(FLITE). general Reference acronyms, Dictionaries, Thesauri acronyms http://www.ferris.edu/library/VirtualRefDesk/General/joedictionary.html | |
56. Acronyms: A General Writer's Resource aircraft defense gun) FORTRAN FORmula TRANslation FUBAR Fouled Up Beyond AllRecognition FYI For Your Information GAF general Aniline and Film GATT http://www.public.asu.edu/~aarios/resourcebank/acronyms/ | |
57. Standards Council Of Canada - Acronyms & Glossary - CGSB(Canadian General Standa Home » Help? » acronyms Glossary » CGSB (Canadian general StandardsBoard). acronyms Glossary, Print, CGSB Canadian general Standards Board. http://www.scc.ca/en/help/glossary/MSE1358_23.shtml | |
58. Acronyms Used At DOI And In The Federal Government acronyms commonly used in the Department of the Interior and the federal government GPS Global Positioning System. GS Â general Schedule Position. http://www.doiu.nbc.gov/orientation/acronyms.html | |
59. USNI Military Database - Military Abbreviations, Acronyms And Terms Military Abbreviations, acronyms and Terms. PROTECTION JAMMER ASPJ Airborne SelfProtectionJammer ASR Air-Sea-Rescue (SAR is now in general use) ASRAAM http://www.periscope.ucg.com/terms/ | |
60. Chemical Hazards Communication Society - Glossary Of Terms Other sources may show some acronyms differently. ACLG, Approved Classificationand Labelling Guide for CHIP (general reference). http://www.chemsoc.org/networks/chcs/chcs_glos.htm | |
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