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1. DR. BELAIR'S Transports Acronyms Glossary DR BELAIR. TRANSPORTS acronyms general GLOSSARY. GLOSSAIRE GÃNÃRAL DES ACRONYMESDU TRANSPORT. A Z. AA Always Afloat. AAAA Always Afloat Always Accessible. http://www.dr-belair.com/dic/Transports/gl-trp.htm | |
2. General Acronyms General Acronyms. The following is a list of Acronyms you may comeacross in general Dayto-Day (Computer) use. Included in the http://www.bilmck.freeserve.co.uk/gacro.htm | |
3. Partner Point - General And Sida-related Acronyms General and Sidarelated acronyms general Acronyms CG meeting Consultative Groupmeeting DAC Development Assistance Committee EC law European Community Law EU http://www.sida.se/Sida/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=2920 |
4. Opaui Acronyms, Abbreviations, Initialisms The Opaui Guide to Lists of acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms on the World Wide Web. 22 700 terms and acronyms). Downloadable Windows help file understandable to the general reader, together with general spacerelated acronyms. Nepal National institutions http://www.opaui.com/acro.html | |
5. Glossaries Click to jump to topics acronyms Advertising and Marketing Electronics and Electrical Engineering- Environment- Film and Video- Genealogy- general Dictionaries and Encyclopedias http://www.jump.net/~fdietz/glossary.htm | |
6. The Great Abbreviations Hunt A general guide in one sense, but specialized to TLAs (three letter acronyms / three letter abbreviations). http://www.atomiser.demon.co.uk/abbrev/index.html | |
7. Some NMR Acronyms Pulse sequences acronyms as well as acronyms related to general NMR. http://cator.hsc.edu/~armata/AdvLab451/acronyms.html | |
8. Standards (and Cross References) acronyms Abbreviations List. ABCDEFGHIJ acceleration GaAs gallium arsenide GATS general Agreement on Trade in Services (international) GATT general Agreement on http://www.comtechelectronics.net/do docs/acronyms.htm |
9. VPFA (Financial Services) - University Of Alberta acronyms (general) Print this page. ABBA, Access Based Budget Administration.AP, Accounts Payable (PeopleSoft Finance Module). AR, Accounts http://www.financial.ualberta.ca/nav03.cfm?nav03=11824&nav02=11819&nav01=11661 |
10. Lexicon20 Guide to some of the terms, nicknames, and acronyms one might encounter on alt.support.childfree. Though some are in general use on Usenet, most are indigenous to ASC. http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Quarter/7404/ |
11. Environmental Glossary Glossary of environmental and general science terms and acronyms. http://soilslab.cfr.washington.edu/S-7/envglossary.html | |
12. Dog Acronyms - General Dog Info Animals Dog acronyms . If you are familiar with the world of dogs, these acronyms(a series of letters that stand for a series of words) will be familiar. http://www.funtrivia.com/quizdetails.cfm?id=1611&origin=5366 |
13. IDPH - Glossary Of Terms Alphabetical listing of terms used within the department including government pseudonyms, acronyms and general medical and healthrelated vocabulary. http://www.idph.state.ia.us/glossary.asp | |
14. Afternic Domain Names For Sale Category acronyms / general, No adult listings 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 1 50 of 285.Domain name, Min. offer, Asking, Offer Expires, rLabs.com, 17,000.00, 17,000.00,n/a, http://www.afternic.com/names.php?c=188 |
15. Military Definitions Dictionary of acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations and general military terminology. http://www.fas.org/news/reference/lexicon/mildef.htm | |
16. Princeton University Library | Electronic Reference Shelf Acronym Findersearchable database containing common acronyms, with a focus on computers, technology are annotated listings of the best general Internet sites in the field http://www.princeton.edu/~pressman/genref.htm | |
17. Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging Onze Luchtmacht Promotes and stimulates support among the general public for the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF). Features the contents of a magazine, photographs, a list of acronyms and ecards. http://www.onzeluchtmacht.nl/ | |
18. SabMag And General Internet Acronyms SabMag and general Internet acronyms. based on list started by Jim "Big Jimmy G" Garnett http://ourworld.cs.com/Babd546/cycle_stuff/abbreviations.htm | |
19. SPACE & ELECTRONIC WARFARE LEXICON acronyms and terms relating to space warfare, electronic warfare, general warfare, nonlethal warfare, computers, the internet, and related technologies. Most terms have source citations. Includes links to similar sites. http://www.sew-lexicon.com/ | |
20. USAID CP '98: Abbreviations & Acronyms ABBREVIATIONS AND acronyms. nations consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy,Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) GATT general Agreement on http://www.info.usaid.gov/pubs/cp98/abb.htm | |
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