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1. The CABLE CONNECTION you to acronym dictionaries! HAVE A LINK THAT SHOULD BE HERE Acronym List for Ichthyological and Herpetological Collections Cornell's Biodiversity and Biological Collections http://www.angelfire.com/bc/sixties/AcronymPage.html | |
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3. The Opaui Pages Acronyms, Abbreviations, Initialisms Directory of acronym dictionaries. http://www.opaui.com/acro.html | |
4. Refdesk.com - Dictionary/Encyclopedia Search Engines LIBRARY'S REFERENCE ROOM. acronym dictionaries. all_acronym All acronym dictionaries. acronym Acronym And Abbreviation List http://www.refdesk.com/dictsrch.html | |
5. Acronyms Dictionary, Glossary And Terms Directory. acronym glossaries and. acronym dictionaries. 7. Canonical Abbreviation/Acronym List OK Saturday, June 29, 2002 http://www.glossarist.com/glossaries/reference/acronyms.asp | |
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7. Acronym Dictionaries Acronym Finder. The Acronym Finder web site is a database of more than 47 000 acronyms and their meanings. WorldWideWeb Acronym and Abbreviation Server. A constantly updated acronym dictionary. Users http://www.horry.lib.sc.us/acronym.htm | |
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14. UWP Karrmann Library - Acronym Dictionaries Reference Resources Acronym Finder Database of 278,000+ acronyms and their meanings. The indexcontains acronyms concerning general topics, computers, technology, etc. http://www.uwplatt.edu/~library/reference/acronym.htmlx | |
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20. ELA Acronym, Dictionary & Glossary Directory domain, based on 1913 US Webster s Unabridged from Project Gutenburg OneLook dictionariesSearch compendium of dictionaries for acronyms, names, terms http://home.att.net/~gallgosp/diction.htm | |
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