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61. Acid Deposition And Precipitation A general overview of acid rain and deposition, its causes and effects. The consequences of acid rain in Canada and British Columbia are outlined. http://royal.okanagan.bc.ca/mpidwirn/atmosphereandclimate/acidprecip.html | |
62. D's Domain Site devoted to the education of environmental issues including global warming, acid rain, and overpopulation. http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Watershed/4345 |
63. Water Pollution acid rain. acid rain. The biggest source of the acid rain chemicals that pollute the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels. http://www.zephryus.demon.co.uk/geography/resources/environ/acid.html | |
64. EPA - Teachers - Water Curriculum Resources Materials for teachers from the EPA. Covers acid rain, hazardous waste, pollution, ground water, drinking water, and wetlands. Includes links to various activities for children from other EPA sites. http://www.epa.gov/teachers/curriculumwater.htm | |
65. Lesson Plan - Acid Rain: An Air Pollutant acid rain An Air Pollutant. Purpose Objective Students will learn how acid rain is an air pollution problem. Focus Show a picture of a defaced statue. http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/air/monops/lessons/acidrainlesson.html | |
66. MSI - WATER CYCLE STUDENT ACTIVITY Shows how to create a biosphere in a bottle to discover how precipitation occurs and what acid rain does to the environment. http://www.msichicago.org/ed/env/envsample.html | |
67. Lesson Plan - Acid Rain Information And Activities acid rain Information, Activities and Data. acid rain can harm forests and crops, damage bodies of water, and contribute to the damage of statues and buildings. http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/air/monops/lessons/acidraininfo.html | |
68. Acid-Rain.net acid rain Threatens Forests In More Ways Than Previously Thought Ruling deals a blow to state s efforts to reduce acid rain in Adirondacks. http://www.acid-rain.net/ | |
70. Environmental Issues Site - Information About Environmental Issues EFFECTS OF acid rain ON AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMSEFFECTS OF acid rain ON AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS. The acid rain not only kills off species, but also alters and decreases the food supply for higher fauna. http://environment.about.com/cs/acidrain3/ | |
71. EPA Closes Acid Rain Cloud Monitoring Sites CNN http://cnn.com/2000/NATURE/05/29/acidrain.ap/index.html |
72. EFFECTS OF ACID RAIN ON TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS EFFECTS OF acid rain ON TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS. The effects of acid rain on soil is dependent on the behaviour of ions in the soil. http://www.scar.utoronto.ca/~weather/maryp/Effects/terrest.html | |
73. Acid Rain The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Bookend-Hemingway/7902/ | |
74. State Of The Environment Norway - Acid Rain GRIDArendal State of the Environment Norway - acid rain. acid rain What is acid rain? Photo Mark Harris, USA. Consequences of acid rain. http://www.grida.no/soeno95/acidrain/acidrain.htm | |
75. GRID-Arendal Maps & Graphics Database: Title acid rain in Europe. Source(s) Ed. Hatier, Paris, 1993,, Cartography Philippe Rekacewicz. Project European Atlas of Environment and Health, http://www.grida.no/db/maps/prod/level3/id_1177.htm | |
76. EFFECTS OF ACID RAIN ON AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS Short primer, from University of Toronto. http://www.scar.utoronto.ca/~weather/maryp/Effects/fish.html | |
77. Spring Acid Rain Watch Home The culprit? acid rain. Where does it come from? Spring acid rain Watch a model of scientific inquiry . This 2 page article encapsulates the project. http://www.qesn.meq.gouv.qc.ca/cc/acidrain/ | |
78. EMAN / RESE Covering everything from turtles to acid rain. Dated summer 1995. http://www.cciw.ca/eman-temp/reports/newsletters/kejimkujik/news_intro.html | |
79. Acid Rain pollution. HOW acid rain IS FORMED. acid rain is caused by the release of the gases SO2 (sulphur dioxide) and NOX (nitrous oxides). The http://www.botany.uwc.ac.za/Envfacts/facts/acidrain.htm | |
80. Newton's Apple: Teacher's Guides Peggy travels to the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center to learn about acid rain. Teacher s Guides Index acid rain. What causes acid rain? http://www.ktca.org/newtons/9/acdrain.html | |
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