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61. Retina International's Scientific Newsletter - Colour Vision Defects Loci recessive achromatopsia. 1998; Am.J.Hum.Genet. 63 A301 Goto Top. 6. Nathans,J.,Piantanida,TP, Eddy,RL, Shows,TB, and Hogness,DS Molecular genetics of http://www.retina-international.org/sci-news/coldef.htm | |
62. COS Expertise Profile Canine CNGB3 mutations establish cone degeneration as orthologous tothe human achromatopsia locus ACHM3. Human Molecular genetics. http://myprofile.cos.com/ostrander1 | |
63. Retina International's Scientific Newsletter - Cone Cyclic Nucleotide-gated Cati achromatopsia, Gly 557 Arg, GA, 1709, 7, Heterozygous, (1). Molecular genetics LaboratoryDepartment of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismology and Ophthalmogenetics http://www.retina-international.com/sci-news/cnga3mut.htm | |
64. Bibliografi-artiklar W. Polland, «Different expressions of one gene for congenital achromatopsia withamblyopia a homozygous father with 11 children.» In Clinical genetics 18/1980 http://www.ddb.umu.se/forskning/bibliografi/artiklar.htm | |
65. Pina, Mol Vis 2004; 10:265-271. Montreal, Canada; 2 Department of Orthodontics, Craniofacial genetics, UniversityClinic Recently achromatopsia has been associated with mutations in this gene http://www.molvis.org/molvis/v10/a34/ | |
66. ICVS Daltoniana February 2001 MOLECULAR genetics. Complete achromatopsia is a rare, autosomal recessive disordercharacterized by photophobia, low visual acuity, nystagmus and a total http://orlab.optom.unsw.edu.au/ICVSFolder/Daltoniana.Feb01.html | |
67. Re: Experience With Bcm of blue cone monochromacy, I refer them to the section on genetics in the book thatI make available for members of the achromatopsia Network (Understanding http://www.yandle.com/bcm/_disc/00000028.htm | |
68. Science Abstracts Eudy Et Al. 280 (5370) 1753 NEW EMBO MEMBER S REVIEW On the genetics of retinitis pigmentosa and on cone photoreceptorcGMPgated channel are responsible for achromatopsia (ACHM3) linked http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/280/5370/1753?ck=nck |
69. J Med Genet -- Collected Resources : Genetics Online mutation reports achromatopsia caused by novel mutations in both CNGA3 ReviewsReferral for cancer genetics consultation a review and compilation of http://jmg.bmjjournals.com/cgi/collection/genetics?page=8 |
70. J Med Genet -- Sign In Page Eur J Hum Genet 2002;10638Â42.CrossRefMedline; Kohl S, Jägle H,Zrenner E, Sharpe LT, Wissinger B. The genetics of achromatopsia. http://www.jmedgenet.com/cgi/content/full/41/2/e20 | |
71. Bmj.com Collected Resources : Genetics Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, Journal of Medical genetics,Journal of Short reports Mapping of a novel locus for achromatopsia (ACHM4) to http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/collection/genetics?notjournal=bmj&page=91 |
72. Achromatopsia This is called Ârecessive inheritanceÂ. This is only a brief summary of thegenetics of achromatopsia. There are exceptions to these general rules. http://www.ssc.mhie.ac.uk/eyeconds/Achro.htm | |
73. Applied Biosystems - BioBeat - Suite Of Applied Biosystems Products of hereditary total color blindness (achromatopsia) that afflicts a significant portion identified the achromatopsia gene on chromosome 2 (CNGA3) in 1998 Nature Genetics19257259 http://www.appliedbiosystems.com/biobeat/colorblind |
74. Publication List For Suzanne M. Leal, Ph.D. BL, Salam AA, Leal SM, Karayiorgou M (1999) Homozygosity mapping of the achromatopsialocus in the Pingelapese. American Journal of Human genetics 6416791685 http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/suzanne/pub.html | |
75. Achromatopsia; Treatment, Prevention, Cure achromatopsia Search here for information which may include treatment, diagnosis,prevention, support groups, email lists, messageboards, personal stories http://www.healthlinkusa.com/content/2.html | |
76. Blindness Color Inheritance Redgreen color blindness. Red-green color http//www.chp.edu/greystone/genetics/xlink.phpAchromatopsia and Color Blindness http://101investor.com/z/retirement-planning/blindness-color-inheritance.html |
77. Genetic Disorders of Genetic Disorders Also consult your textbook, Applied genetics, Chapter 27 AchromatopsiaAchromatopsia Home Page one-stop shopping for information on this http://www.wtps.org/wths/imc/Teacher_Assignment/science/ferri genetic disorders. | |
78. Mendelian Genetics core/bio/genetics/achondroplasia.htm Achondroplasia II  Dwarfism http//www.marchofdimes.com/professionals/681_1204.aspAchromatopsia  Hereditary vision http://www.kensbiorefs.com/MendelGen.html | |
79. Cambridge Veterinary School: Research: Genetics CNGB3 mutations establish cone degeneration as orthologous to the human achromatopsialocus ACHM3. Animal genetics in Press; Borg I, Squire M, Menzel C, Stout K http://www.vet.cam.ac.uk/research/genetics.html | |
80. GENETICS 20133 Milano. Italy. labanof@tin.it. OC5 DAY FRIDAY 8 th TIME10.2510.35 CENTRALACHROMATOPSIA AFTER WHIPLASH INJURY. Grimaldi L. Instituto di Medicina Legale. http://www.usc.es/imlus/doc/oral.htm |
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