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81. Koori in Arnhem Land, Anangu in central australia, and Yuin on the south coast of NewSouth Wales. For a while people of Tasmanian aborigines called themselves http://www.anu.edu.au/ANDC/Austwords/koori | |
82. Genocide In Australia: Report Details Crimes Against Aborigines (4) A prima facie case that australia s actions to protect Aboriginesin fact caused them severe bodily or mental harm. http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/sep1999/geno-s07.shtml | |
83. IOL : Australia & NZ aborigines launch their own political party 200405-10 075858 australia saborigines - angered by the government s decision to abolish the major body http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=2024 |
84. Australia S Treatment Of Aborigines Appalling 11/9/00 australia s treatment of aborigines appalling . UN issues unprecedentedcriticism; government s stance 30 years out of date . As http://www.survival-international.org/aborigine_000911.htm |
85. Sacred Texts - Australia australian Aboriginal Mythology and Legends at sacredtexts.com Ancient Near East. Asia. Atlantis. australia. Basque. Baha'i. Bible. Book of Shadows ethnography, which is mostly of historical http://www.sacred-texts.com/aus | |
86. Indigenous Peoples: Australia Links to resources on living conditions and ways of life of indigenous peoples in australia. from a German citizen living in australia? If I'd only got involved in Indigenous Peoples in australia and North America one on the Indigenous Peoples of australia. Others deal with http://www.ldb.org/oz-indi.htm | |
87. ThinkQuest : Library : A Taste Of History: Food Through The Ages The aborigines were the first human inhabitants of the continent ofAustralia. No one knows for sure how they arrived there, but http://library.thinkquest.org/C005446/Food/English/aborigine.html | |
88. ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIA My page will give people an insight into Indigenous australia and the issues and problems faced. Community discussion boards are available. Free email. Songs of Freedom from Indigenous australian http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/3675 | |
89. Some Myths And Legends Of The Australian Aborigines Index Some Myths and Legends of the Australian aborigines, by WE Thomas, at sacredtexts.com. SomeMyths and Legends of the Australian aborigines. by WJ Thomas. 1923. http://www.sacred-texts.com/aus/mla/ | |
90. Australian Aborigines Australian aborigines. Australian aborigines, native people of Australiawho probably came from somewhere in Asia more than 40,000 years ago. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0805377.html | |
91. Australian Aborigine Culture the European immigrants and the native inhabitants who have come to be known asAborigines. These original, indigenous inhabitants of australia have shunned http://www.allsands.com/History/People/australianabori_ssy_gn.htm | |
92. Dreaming Online: Introduction To Indigenous Australia Indigenous australia. Introduction. australia is a multicultural society,consisting of people from all around the world. australia http://www.dreamtime.net.au/indigenous/index.cfm | |
93. European Network For Indigenous Australian Rights Former Govenor We have reached a sort of blind alley; New York Times AboriginesSay australia Pushes Their Plight to Sideline; The end of selfdetermination? http://www.eniar.org/ | |
94. BBC News | Sci/Tech | 'First Americans Were Australian' The first Americans were descended from Australian aborigines,according to evidence in a new BBC documentary. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_430000/430944.stm | |
95. Australian Aboriginal History Bringing them Home Tracing the history, Australian Legal History IndigenousLaw, Genocide of Australian aborigines Officially Denied http://library.trinity.wa.edu.au/aborigines/history.htm | |
96. Australian Aboriginal People Corporation campaign to combat the misinformation contained in Marlo Morgan s MutantMessage Downunder, aborigines and the Australian Church Yuri Koszarycz. http://library.trinity.wa.edu.au/aborigines/default.htm | |
97. Traditional DietsÂAustralian Aborigines - Living Off The Fat Of The Land One of the most remarkable sources of food for the aborigines in easternAustralia were the mountain bunya pines. Once every three http://www.westonaprice.org/traditional_diets/australian_aborigines.html | |
98. Austral Ed Children's Books - A fascinating story describing the contact between the aborigines of northern Australiaand the seafaring Macassan people from Indonesia seen through the eyes http://www.australed.iinet.net.au/aust_aborigines.html | |
99. Australian Aboriginals it was first flown at Victoria Square, Adelaide, on National aborigines Day on addedhands each side of the sun, to create the Central Australian Land Council http://www.wilmap.com.au/aboriginals.html | |
100. Aborigine Of Australia Welcome to Aborigine of australia. Resources on the Web. Aboriginal ArtOnline This site offers information about the Aboriginal Culture. http://www.ankn.uaf.edu/aborigine.html | |
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