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61. CNN - Aborigines Fight For Australian Land They Say Is Theirs - May 16, 1997 australia s 300,000 aborigines are the most disadvantaged group in australia spopulation of 18 million. They have a life expectancy http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9705/16/australia/ | |
62. EXPLAINING AUSTRALIAN ATTITUDES TOWARDS ABORIGINES Jews and other American outgroups in the California of the late 1940s, it is onlya weak predictor of attitude towards aborigines in the australia of today. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~jonjayray/attabo.html | |
63. Quadrant : The Scots And The Aborigines. (Australia) @ HighBeam Research Read Quadrant The Scots and the aborigines. (australia) with your FREETRIAL @ HighBeam Research. The Scots and the aborigines. (australia). http://static.highbeam.com/q/quadrant/june011998/thescotsandtheaboriginesaustral | |
64. Australian Aborigine - Encyclopedia Article About Australian Aborigine. Free Acc australian aborigines are the indigenous peoples (Also see Aboriginal mythologyThe aborigines of australia have a polytheistic, animistic religion. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Australian Aborigine | |
65. Disinformation | Nightmare In Dreamtime: The Genocide Of Australian Aborigines byThe Age, one of australia s most respected daily newspapers From land rightsto mandatory sentencing, the issues that face both aborigines and white http://www.disinfo.com/archive/pages/dossier/id406/pg1/ | |
66. Aborigines Of Stone Age Australia Unambal Sections in Page1. Page 1 of 2. Introduction by John Robinson http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/unambal/ | |
67. The Cornstalk Bookshop: Antiquarian, Rare And Out-of-Print Australiana Books use by the National aborigines Day Observance Committee and its Associates in connexionwith the celebration National aborigines Day in australia, 11th July http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/esearch.php3?restrict2=20&type=SUB&search |
68. O.P. Books - Search Pages Cuttings from newspapers on australian aborigines pasted in. Original cloth, verygood.Includes references to australia, New Zealand, Pacific, and aborigines. http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/esearch.php3?restrict2=21&type=SUB&search |
69. Evolution And Racism: Bodysnatching Amalie Dietrich, a German evolutionist (nicknamed the Angel of Black Death ) cameto australia and asked that aborigines be shot for specimens, so their skin http://emporium.turnpike.net/C/cs/hsabor.htm | |
70. Aborigines of National Tourism, outlines the policies and issues relating to the tourism industryin australia, with a focus on the role of native aborigines and the http://altis.ac.uk/browse/cabi/653e0ed7cd3912fcda85a42a6a107243.html | |
71. AEC: When: Australian Electoral History Only Queensland and Western australia barred aborigines from voting. Hewas the first Aborigine to sit in any australian Parliament. http://www.aec.gov.au/_content/When/history/ab_vote.htm | |
72. Web-and-Flow WebQuest: What Does It Mean To Be Australian? aborigines Use the links below to learn more about aborigines in australia.Specifically, look for answers to the following questions http://www.beenleigss.qld.edu.au/webquest/actualquest/actualquest.htm | |
73. Untitled Document In australia we have had a meeting of great white minds in the form decided (after200 years of not noticing the inhuman sufferings of aborigines) that before http://www.insurgentdesire.org.uk/aboriginals.htm | |
74. The Age The quality of life of australia s aborigines is the second worst on the planet,according to a Canadian study of 100 countries. The Age Online. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/04/27/1082831568285.html | |
75. Aborigines on animal welfare in indigenous communities, specifically aborigines and Torres andPlant Health, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, australia. http://vetgate.ac.uk/browse/cabi/653e0ed7cd3912fcda85a42a6a107243.html | |
76. Cooking Practices And Health Of Hunter-Gatherers / Aborigines australian aborigines. The diet of australian studied by O Dea. The mostdetailed information exists for aborigines of Northwest australia. http://www.beyondveg.com/tu-j-l/raw-cooked/raw-cooked-3e.shtml | |
77. Australia: Land Beyond Time-Culture The kangaroo retained its name from the aborigines, australiaÂs nativeinhabitants. When European settlers first encountered the http://films.hmns.org/aussie/culture.htm | |
78. Harvard Gazette: The First Australians Timothy Rowse explores the relationship between colonizers and aborigines. By KenGewertz Harvard News Office. In many ways, australia and the United States seem http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2003/11.20/09-rowse.html | |
79. Australian Aboriginal Culture - Books On The Australian Aborigine Arguments About aborigines australia and the Evolution of Social Anthropologyby LR Hiatt Paperback 225 pages (August 1996) Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/history/aboriginal.htm | |
80. History Of The Indigenous Peoples Of Australia B REF 305.89915 T368b.2 Bibliographies on the Australian Aborigine. Until now, thesubject term for indigenous Australians has been aborigines, Australian. http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/hum/history/Abor_20th.html | |
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