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1. Arguments About Aborigines: Australia And The Evolution Of Social Anthropology; Arguments About aborigines australia And The Evolution Of Social AnthropologyAuthor Hiatt, L. R. Arguments About aborigines australia http://www.opengroup.com/stbooks/052/0521460085.shtml | |
2. PPNF Articles: Australian Aborigines Australian aborigines One of the most remarkable sources of food for theAborigines in eastern Australia were the mountain bunya pines. http://www.price-pottenger.org/Articles/Aborigines.html | |
3. ThinkQuest : Library : Australia Downunder of the aborigines. The last great landmass to be discovered by the European explorers and traders was australia. Europeans dreamt of finding all the wonderful things australia had to offer. fruits, small animals, reptiles, fish, and shellfish. aborigines are natives to australia and Tasmania there were 300 000 aborigines in australia and about 250 different languages http://library.thinkquest.org/28994/abhistory.html | |
4. Aborigines, Seminomadic Hunter-gatherers From Australia, Aborigines, Seminomadic Information about the aborigines, seminomadic huntergatherers from australia australian Bush Medicine. australia's aborigines. National Geographic Series - australia's aborigines. Arguments http://www.occultopedia.com/a/aborigines.htm | |
5. CNN.com - Experts Look To Australia's Aborigines For Weather Help - Mar. 19, 200 When the bearded dragon lizard sits upright and points its head to the sky, it is going to rain the next day. If a flock of currawongs flies overhead you've only got four hours to get the washing http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/03/18/offbeat.weather.aborigines.reut | |
6. Aboriginies In Australia australian aborigines are still being subjected to genocide. In australia we have had a meeting of great white minds in the form of our Highest Court noticing the inhuman sufferings of aborigines) that before the British soldiers arrived http://www.eco-action.org/dt/abor.html | |
7. The Past As Future: aborigines, australia and the (dis)course of History. Bain Attwood. 6. aboriginesand Anthropologists , australian Aboriginal Studies, no.1, 1986, pp.211. http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/AHR/archive/Issue-April-1996/Attwood.html | |
8. Aborigines In South Australia Very brief information about aborigines in South australia. http://members.ozemail.com.au/~fliranre/aborigines.htm |
9. AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES SIGN LANGUAGE A Language Of Australia australiaN aborigines SIGN LANGUAGE a language of australia A page from the Web edition of Ethnologue Languages of the World (14th edition) giving basic facts about the language and where it is http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?cod |
10. Aboriginalism: White Aborigines And Australian Nationalism Rex Ingamells of the Jindyworobaks, whom Stephensen profoundly influenced, he didnot eulogise the aborigines as emblems of a timeless geographical australia. http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/AHR/archive/Issue-May-1998/mclean.html | |
11. AusAnthrop: Research And Resources On Aboriginal Australia Anthropological resources for research in Aboriginal australia, with special accent on the aborigines of the Western Desert. Access to databases, discussion forum and search engine, some needing registration. http://www.ausanthrop.net/ | |
12. Aborigines was first flown at Victoria Square, Adelaide, on National aborigines Day on and isflown or displayed permanently at Aboriginal centres throughout australia. http://users.orac.net.au/~mhumphry/aborigin.html | |
13. Files Project An examination of the administrative and personal files created by the aborigines Department of Western australia, 18971972. http://www.space.net.au/~filesproject | |
14. Mineral Resources > Minfacts > No.84 - Mining By Aborigines Minfact No 84 Mining by aborigines. Information on the history of mining byaborigines in australia. Mining by aborigines - australia s first miners. http://www.minerals.nsw.gov.au/minfacts/84.htm | |
15. Dr. Provost Specializes is psychological and medical anthropology. He has conducted fieldwork among Tibetan refugee populations India, the Shipibo Indians of the Peruvian Amazon and the australian aborigines of australia. IPFW. http://www.ipfw.edu/soca/Biojpp.htm | |
16. Nillumbik Reconciliation Group Volunteerbased, non-profit incorporated body committed to furthering the process of reconciliation with australia's aborigines. Includes News, Events and Links. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~nrgp/ | |
17. Australian Aborigine - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Many aborigines now live in towns and cities around australia, but a substantialnumber live in settlements (often located on the site of former church missions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Aborigine | |
18. MAIN W L Grayden relates a journey across Central australia and of interactions with aborigines before Western civilization. 188 pages, with photos. http://home.iprimus.com.au/jgrayden/nomad/main.html | |
19. The Aborigines Of Western Australia Index aborigines of Western australia, by Albert F. Calvert at sacredtexts.com Sacred Texts australia. The aborigines of Western australia. Albert F This short essay on the aborigines of Western http://www.sacred-texts.com/aus/awa/awa.htm | |
20. Aborigines In Australia aborigines in australia. Written by Josef Reidlinger, 7B. Today 200,000 aborigineslive in australia. They had begun to forget their traditions and culture. http://www.ebgymhollabrunn.ac.at/projekte/abori.htm | |
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