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41. Www.catch22.com/~espana/SFAuthors/SFZ/Zelazny,Roger.html Google, Directory Help Search only in zelazny, roger Search the Web. zelazny, roger, http://www.catch22.com/~espana/SFAuthors/SFZ/Zelazny,Roger.html |
42. Amber, The Eternal City - Hosted By Arref Mak Amber, the Eternal City from the books by roger zelazny is celebrated and illustrated at this site. Includes links to the best of the Golden Circle. PBeM links, Trumps, new Powers for the Amber DRPG. http://home.comcast.net/~arrefmak/ | |
43. AmberMUSH WWW Page The original MUSH based on roger zelazny's Amber Chronicles. Formerly hosted at Godlike. http://www.ambermush.org | |
44. Roger Zelazny In Comic Books roger zelazny s Comic Book Adaptations. Comic Book Adaptations. Title, Date, Publisher. Last Defender of Camelot, 1995? James Zimmerman. http://www.ghg.net/it/scott/zelazny/zelazny_comics.shtml | |
45. Chronomaster Review - Page 1 Of 4 Rated 4/5. Chronomaster is one of the meatiest and wildest adventures I have played in recent years a space romp that no adventure gamer, scifi enthusiast or roger zelazny fan will want to miss. http://www.cdmag.com/adventure_vault/chronomaster/page1.html | |
46. Amber Timeline A detailed timeline of the first series followed by reviews of other titles by the author. http://sf.www.lysator.liu.se/sf_archive/sf-texts/books/Z/Zelazny,Roger.mbox |
47. Information On And Critiques Of Zelazny's Works Also included are "Works About roger zelazny", "Miscellaneous", "Connected Stories and Continuing Fiction Index", and "Chronological Order of Publication of roger zelazny's Works http://zelazny.corrupt.net/workspage.html | |
48. Allscifi.com Roger Zelazny Fan Club Analysis of the plot, setting, characters, theme, and structure of his novels. http://www.allscifi.com/Topic.asp?TopicID=53 |
49. :: S C I F I W O R L D :: Roger (Joseph Christopher) Zelazny roger (Joseph Christopher) zelazny. Narozen(a) 13.5.1937, Euclid Ohio (USA) Zemrel(a) 14.7.1995, Vek 58 let Pseudonymy zelazny, roger;. Cesky vylo. http://www.scifiworld.cz/author.php?AuthorID=24 |
50. Roger Zelazny Translate this page planète ! zelazny fait ses premiers pas dans Amazing Stories en 1962, et tout de suite il remporte prix et considération des critiques. http://www.cafardcosmique.com/auteur/zel.html | |
51. Blood Of Amber Based on roger zelazny's Amber novels, featuring an alternate Amber timeline and cosmology. http://www.blood.godlike.com/ | |
52. Okolice Filmu ... Ksi¹¿ka roger zelazny, KSIAZKA NA DZIS I JUTRO. frag. Kraina Przemian . roger zelazny. Urodzony 1937 roku, roger zelazny pozostawil duzy http://www.okolicefilmu.piwko.pl/ksi/025.html | |
53. Roger Zelazny Brief biography. http://imdb.com/M/person-biography?Zelazny, Roger |
54. Catahya / Litteratur / Författare / Roger Zelazny roger zelazny. Biografi. Under 1990talet drabbades han av cancer, och 1995 släckte den till slut hans innehållsrika liv. roger zelazny blev 58 år gammal. http://www.catahya.net/litteratur/zelazny.asp | |
55. Böcker Av: Zelazny, Roger Böcker av zelazny, roger. av zelazny, roger ibooks Paperback ISBN 074347922X Pris 99 Leveranstid 3-6 arbetsdagar, Lord of Light. http://www.bokhandel.nu/author/Zelazny, Roger_1.html | |
56. Alibris: Roger Zelazny Used, new outof-print books by author roger zelazny. 4. The Chronicles of Amber more books like this by zelazny, roger buy used from $2.95! http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Zelazny, Roger | |
57. Alibris: Roger Zelazny Used, new outof-print books by author roger zelazny. 5. The Chronicles of Amber more books like this by zelazny, roger buy used from $2.95! http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Roger Zelazny | |
58. Roger Zelazny Book Covers This gallery contains scans of the front covers of the author's works, often including more than one edition of each title. http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/tekken/100/ |
59. LookSmart - Directory - Roger Zelazny roger zelazny Gives profiles and bibliographies for author roger zelazny and his works. Directory Listings About. Allscifi.com http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317898/us166639/us10216767/u | |
60. Shadow Guard - Home Of The Roger Zelazny Memorial Library An unofficial fan site that lists collected works of the author and related items, with commentary. http://www.shadowguard.cc/ | |
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