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41. Manuscripts, Archives, And Special Collections Collections consist of Washington Territorial imprints, early Washington State maps, rare titles concerning Pacific Northwest History, and the major part of the working library of Leonard and virginia woolf. http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/holland/masc/masc.htm | |
42. Vita Sackville-West Brief biography of British writer and poet, lesbian lover of virginia woolf. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/sackvill.htm | |
43. Virginia Woolf - Free Study Resources A guide to her fiction recommended reading virginia woolf s nonfiction recommended reading woolf s life and works biographical notes Selected criticism essays http://www.mantex.co.uk/ou/a319/woolf-00.htm | |
44. Guardian Unlimited | Archive Search Article from the online Guardian newspaper by Fiona MacCarthy. Discusses the work of Bloomsbury group member Vanessa Bell and argues that her painting was as radical in it day as the writing of her sister virginia woolf. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,3917137,00.html | |
45. Lotta's Virginia Woolf Page virginia woolf. I prefer this page in Swedish . One of my favourite authors is virginia woolf. She lived an interesting life and wrote fascinating books. http://www.jmk.su.se/jmk/stud/magen/l-hollot/woolf.html | |
46. Similarities Between Virginia Woolf And Doris Lessing. By Lynda Scott. Essay by Lynda Scott in Deep South. http://www.otago.ac.nz/DeepSouth/vol3no2/scott.html | |
47. Lottas Virginia Woolf-sida virginia woolf. This page in English . En av mina favoritförfattare är virginia woolf. Ett fascinerande författaröde. Jag http://www.jmk.su.se/jmk/stud/magen/l-hollot/woolfsv.html | |
48. Irene Sharaff Filmography offered of the designer whose work spans five decades and includes Academy Award wins for An American in Paris , Cleopatra , Who's Afraid of virginia woolf? , The King and I , and West Side Story . http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0788695/ | |
49. Virginia Woolf - A Summary virginia woolf s Psychiatric History. Personality.Biography. Manicdepressive psychosis. Summary. virginia woolf S PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY. SUMMARY AND SITE GUIDE. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/malcolmi/SUMMARY.HTM | |
50. BBC - Films - Interview - Stephen Daldry interview, in which the director of Billy Elliot takes on the sisterhood of virginia woolf in The Hours , and reveals how Nicole Kidman won that Golden Globe. http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/2003/02/03/stephen_daldry_the_hours_interview.shtml | |
51. Virginia Woolf. Biografía Y Libros En Español Translate this page Vida y obras completas de virginia woolf. Textos electrónicos, libros, enlaces y todo tipo de recursos. Autor woolf, virginia, English version English version. http://www.booksfactory.com/writers/woolf_es.htm | |
52. VWW In JAPANESE ãã¥ã¼ã¹ãã¡ã¼ãªã³ã°ãªã¹ããã¨ãã»ã¤ãé¢é£ãªã³ã¯éã http://orlando.jp.org/VWW/japan.html | |
53. Virginia Woolf. Biography And Complete Works Life and complete works of virginia woolf, electronic texts, books, links and much more. Author woolf, virginia, virginia woolf The Novels; Lee, H. (1999). http://www.booksfactory.com/writers/woolf.htm | |
54. Knitting Circle Virginia Woolf List of published works and bibliography for further reading. From the Knitting Circle at South Bank http://www.sbu.ac.uk/~stafflag/virginiawoolf.html | |
55. Gale - Free Resources - Women's History Month - Biographies - Virginia Woolf virginia woolf. 18821941 Essayist, novelist, critic, short story writer, diarist, and biographer. One of the most prominent literary http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/whm/bio/woolf_v.htm | |
56. Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? - Blockbuster.com Synopsis, and cast and crew. http://www.blockbuster.com/bb/movie/details/0,7286,VID-V 54412,00.html | |
57. World Wide Woolf, Brenda Silver Article by Brenda Silver, author of the book virginia woolf Icon. Discusses the construction of virginia woolf as a modern cultural icon and argues that, as an icon, she is everywhere. http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/757463.html | |
58. Virginia Woolf Biografie Kurze biographische Notiz und Entstehungsjahre von Woolfs bekanntesten Werken. http://www.weltchronik.de/bio/cethegus/w/woolf.html | |
59. Register At NYTimes.com More results from www.nytimes.com virginia woolfvirginia woolf (18821941). woolf a major British novelist, essayist, and critic was one of the leaders in the literary movement of modernism. http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/06/08/reviews/970608.08merkint.html | |
60. Guardian Unlimited | Archive Search Nicholas Wroe interviews Michael Cunningham, the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Hours which was inspired by virginia woolf's Mrs Dalloway. From the online edition of the Guardian newspaper. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,3929771,00.html | |
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