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         Womack Jack:     more books (44)
  1. Random Acts of Senseless Violence (Jack Womack) by Jack Womack, 1995-09-01
  2. Ambient (Jack Womack) by Jack Womack, 1997-01-07
  3. Elvissey: A Novel of Elvis Past & Elvis Future by Jack Womack, 1993-08-01
  4. Going, Going, Gone by Jack Womack, 2001-04-27
  5. Terraplane by Jack Womack, 1998-04-13
  6. Heathern (Jack Womack) by Jack Womack, 1998-04-01
  7. Jack Womack - Heathern by William Gibson, 1991
  8. Let's Put the Future Behind Us (Jack Womack) by Jack Womack, 1997-03-21
  9. Blind Uprovosert Vold by Jack Womack, 1993
  10. Novels by Jack Womack (Study Guide): Going, Going, Gone, Elvissey, Terraplane, Random Acts of Senseless Violence
  11. Biography - Womack, Jack (1956-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  12. Worcester City F.c. Managers: Roy Paul, Richard Dryden, Wilf Grant, Danny Mclennan, George Armstrong, Frank Womack, Jack Russell
  13. Totkv Mocvse/New Fire: Creek Folktales by Earnest Gouge, 2004-04
  14. F and SF 1998--June by Jack McDevitt, Stanley Schmidt, Jack Womack. Contributors include Barry N. Malzberg, 1998

Translate this page Accueil Liens Votre avis Le livre du mois Astronomie Quiz Labyrinthe Découvrez lascience-fiction Rechercher. womack jack. TITRES, Année, Collection Editeur, N°.
AUTEURS de SF A B C D ... W X Y Z Accueil Liens ... Rechercher WOMACK JACK TITRES Année Collection Editeur N° Terraplane Denoël L'elvissée Denoël Le journal de la nuit Denoël

2. Jack Womack
Translate this page Jack Womack. Info1 Info2 womack jack Zufällige Akte sinnloser Gewalt.
Jack Womack
Womack Jack
Zufällige Akte sinnloser Gewalt.

3. BiblioNETka - System Rekomenduj±cy Ksi±¿ki Na Podstawie Twoich Ocen
Autor womack jack. zglos blad. Pokaz ksiazki alfabetycznie ksiazkiwg sredniej ocen. Tytul. Chaotyczne akty bezsensownej przemocy,

4. Jack Womack Jack Womack Message Board
Return to Jack Womack main page. BooksMessage Board - Jack Womack. Jack Womack.Click here to post a message. Other Recent Jack Womack Discussions Jack Womack

5. Green Apple Books: Womack Jack
by author. Current Search womack jack in fields author. Results For +Womack +Jack , Heathern by Womack, Jack, Price $60.25

6. BRLOH - Knihy : Womack Jack - Ambient
Michal Blaster 6/10. womack jack Ambient. Verzia pre tlac Vydal LCA LeviceŽáner Science fiction. Dalšie knihy Jack Womack. Komentár. Meno El.

7. WOMACK Jack : Une Page Non Officielle
Accueil Biblios W Retour
    WOMACK Jack Jack Womack
    USA (Kentucky 1956 - )
    Ecrire a BDFI
  • Terraplane (1988, Terraplane)
  • (1993, Elvissey)
  • Journal de nuit (1993, Random acts of senseless violence)
  • (1994, The old school tie)
      in , Albin Michel, 1998

8. Jack Womack - Bibliography Summary
Jack Womack Bibliography Summary. Pub Biblio Summary Alpha ChronMain Menu Search Womack, Jack (USA, 1956-). Interviews

9. - Used Books, Rare Books, Out-of-Print Books, Hard-to-Find Books
1. Womack, Jack Elvissey A Novel of Elvis Past and Elvis Future New York, NewYork, USA Tor/Tom Doherty Associates, 1992. Womack, Jack Elvissey NY Tor.[author]=Womack Jack&vars[title]=Elvissey&s

10. Going Going Gone Jack Womack
Going Going Gone Jack Womack. Title Going Going Gone womack jack JackWomack Subject Fantasy Category Fiction General Format Paperback
Going Going Gone Jack Womack
Author or Artist : Jack Womack
Title: Going Going Gone
Womack Jack
Jack Womack
Subject: Fantasy
Category: Fiction General
Format: Paperback
Sara Douglass-Enchanter: Book Two of the Axis Trilogy (The Axis Trilogy)...

Sara Douglass-Starman: Book Three of the Axis Trilogy (The Axis Trilogy)...

Iain Pears-The Immaculate Deception...

Iain Pears-The Raphael Affair...
John Shepheard-English Grammar (Teach Yourself)...

11. Jack Womack
Jack Womack Let s Put the Future Behind Us (Atlantic Grove Monthly).Our hero is Maxim Alexeich Borodin, an entrepreneur in Russia s
Jack Womack
Let's Put the Future Behind Us
(Atlantic Grove Monthly)
Our hero is Maxim Alexeich Borodin, an entrepreneur in Russia's fledgling capitalist economy, where anything is permissble for a price. Borodin's booming business is the Universal Manufacturing Company, which specializes in the production of forged documents. Business is good but Borodin must contend with rival mafias, government corruption, and the general greed of Russia's new capitalist class. While Womack made his name in science fiction with Elvissy, there's little speculation in Let's Put the Future Behind Us, excepting a few brief musings on the flexible nature of reality at the Universal Manufacturing Company ("We can prove that John Kennedy shot himself," Borodin proclaims, "providing we're paid in advance.") Womack chooses, instead, to expend his efforts on observing the human machine Womack shows the new Russia as a hardscrabble immitator of early American capitalism. In this comparison,Let's Put the Future Behind Us serves as a sly slap to not only the modern Russian experience, but also to western idealogues who see the future of capitalism in a return to the cut throat ehtics of yore. A quick moving plot, and a central character Max Borodin, who is any corrupt, bribing businessman of early American capitalism, but built for lovin', makes Let's Put the Future Behind Us a fun romp, in places, evoking the same pleasure as Stranger in a Strange Land did the first time round.

12. Womack, Jack - Bücher - Antiquarische, Gebrauchte Und Vergriffene.
Translate this page Womack, Jack. online-shopping 17.05.2004. Womack, Jack. womack jack.Heidern womack jack Befriedigender Zust./Ohne Angabe. ISBN3453062175.
Womack, Jack
Womack, Jack
Elvissey.( Sci- Fi). : Womack, Jack
Broschur, 319 S., Erschienen als Bastei-Lübbe Taschenbuchr Bd:24181. Frisches, ungelesenes Exemplar.
Publisher: Bastei-Lübbe, 1994
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Womack, Jack
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Elvissey.( Sci- Fi).
Womack, Jack
Going, going, gone. : Womack, Jack
Broschur, 217 S., In englischer Sprache, verlagsfrisches Exemplar. In english, new.
Publisher: Voyager, 2000
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Womack, Jack
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Going, going, gone.
Womack, Jack
Zufällige Akte sinnloser Gewalt SF UND FANTASY : Womack, Jack
Buchnr. 5969 3-4 R 1. Tb
Publisher: 1998 HEYNE, WILHELM Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Womack, Jack Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Zufällige Akte sinnloser Gewalt SF UND FANTASY
Womack, Jack
Terraplane SF UND FANTASY : Womack, Jack Buchnr. 4790 2-3 Dryco 1. Tb Publisher: 1991 HEYNE, WILHELM Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Womack, Jack Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Terraplane SF UND FANTASY
Womack, Jack
Heidern SF UND FANTASY : Womack, Jack

13. Jack Womack
Jack Womack. Interviewed Tomorrow Had Already Happened Vector, May1997 by Andrew M. Butler Books Reviewed Ambient Vector, Aug 1988,Jack

14. MEviews - Jack Womack
Jack Womack. Book Reviews Going, Going, Gone.Send Your Comments Get Cold As Hades.

15. "Random Acts Of Senseless Violence" By Jack Womack
Jack Womack, Random Acts of Senseless Violence. Author Jack WomackTitle Random Acts of Senseless Violence Place London Publisher
Jack Womack, Random Acts of Senseless Violence
Author: Jack Womack
Title: Random Acts of Senseless Violence
Place: London
Publisher: HarperCollins Science Fiction and Fantasy
Date: 1994
Description: 255p, 18cm, paperback
ISBN: 0586213201
Why did I read this book?
Because of 11/09/01. Back to list Back home

16. Mark/Space: Anachron City: Library: Biographs: Jack Womack
Fanmaintained website.
Jack Womack
author, science fiction cyberpunk slipstream
Born 1956 in Lexington, Kentucky, United States.
Parents: Ann Truitt Karrenbrock and Jack Womack, Sr. "Jack Womack was born in Lexington, Kentucky in 1956, of poor, because honest, forebears. His childhood, best left to an imagination other than his own, could be called Kafkaesque would it not be a disservice to Kafka. Emerging unscathed from the effects of a haphazard education he moved to New York, which city he finds less inhospitable than the rest of the United States. In Womack's novels, New York is strange and unsettling, a city of joy and pain, horror and transcendence. "Having worked in bookshops for twelve years, Mr Womack harbours no illusions as to the more practical concerns of his art. The only influences upon his writing to whom he will admit are Shirley Jackson and Charles Fort. "'Weird compared to what?' is the precept by which Mr Womack has always found himself living. When not writing he occupies himself smoking, shopping, hanging around with women, smoking, reading, drinking and smoking. One day he intends to quit smoking. He feels a sinner in the paws of an unstable God". [publisher's bumpf] Winner of the 1994 Philip K.Dick Memorial Award for his novel

17. JACK WOMACK_____SFì‰ÆƒWƒƒƒbƒNEƒEƒHƒ}ƒbƒN‚Ì“ú–{Œêƒtƒ@ƒ
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updated: 2004_05_23


18. Jack Womack's Strange Book Of The Month 1.2
Review and synopsis of R. Ren's book, Nasa Mooned America.
Jack Womack's
Strange Book of the Month Club
NASA Mooned America!
  • by R. Ren, ( self-published, 1995, $25
  • (send check to: R.Ren, 31 Burgess Place, Passaic, NJ 07055) A book in the grand tradition of William Kaysing's We Never Went to the Moon . Expelled Mensa member Ren pulls no punches, spills all beans, and proves that the Apollo flights were hoaxes perpetrated solely to increase government funding for NASA. (We shall hereafter use the derisive term astro-nots when speaking of the NASA actors who lied about going to the moon.) Ren (call him, affectionately, Astro-Nut ) makes a point of citing only secondary sources (books written by astronots, newspaper articles, backs of cereal boxes) for information - "not having a suicidal urge, I refrained from blandly traipsing in the government archives." As well he should: Ren puts the likes of less inventive conspiratologists to shame when he uncovers that NASA, as an agency, exists solely to rub out its own employees - astronots and secretaries alike - if they threaten to reveal too much of the real story.
  • 19. Jack Womack Book Reviews
    jack womack Book Reviews. by Mac Tonnies. jack womack's cautionary nearfuture novels are hip, strange and moving.
    Jack Womack Book Reviews
    by Mac Tonnies Jack Womack's cautionary near-future novels are hip, strange and moving. A master of first-person narratation, Womack gets inside the heads of an unlikely cast of characters for whom our worst apocalyptic fears are everyday reality. Womack's books are characterized by visceral shocks and a deeply penetrating concern with the role of human beings when faced with the unbearable. Wildly emotional and colored by an expert grasp of language, Womack's canon is a must for anyone who thinks William Gibson's "Neuromancer" is the final word on cyberpunk. GOING, GOING, GONE "Going, Going, Gone," Jack Womack's last "Ambient" novel, is dark, hilarious and touched by the dementia that made "Elvissey" and "Terraplane" (Womack's other time travel novels) so much fun. While "Terraplane" and "Elvissey" show us an alernate world in the 1930s and 1950s, respectively, "Going, Going, Gone" opens in the 1960s, experienced by swinger/government agent Walter Bullitt. Plans to assasinate presidential hopeful Bobby Kennedy (in Bullitt's universe, JFK is am embittered record salesman) come to a jarring end when Bullitt escapes to the future, only to find out that the world he knows is on a transdimensional crash-course with another timeline. Psychedelic and menacing, "Going, Going, Gone" closes on a note of transcendence and dry optimism; Womack knows the obscure workings of history, and his ability to subvert the American Dream is uniquely arresting. ELVISSEY

    20. Night Shade Books Discussion Area: Womack, Jack
    womack, jack. Catalogue, Ordering, Company, Contact Us, Links, Editorials, DiscussionBoard. Night Shade Books Discussion Area womack, jack, Subtopic, Posts, Updated.

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