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21. Wilde Oscar wilde oscar Filmography, Awards, Biography, Agent, Discussions, Photos, News Articles, Fan Sites. video clip(s). wilde oscar. IMDb home, Main Details Next, Help. http://www.imdb.com/Name?Oscar, Wilde |
22. Oscar Wilde: The Picture Of Dorian Gray Serial HTML etext; De Profundis and Oscar Wilde links. http://www.upword.com/wilde | |
23. Oscar Wilde - Ode An Ein Genie Claudia Letat pr¤sentiert ¤uerst umfangreich und detailliert Leben und Werk von oscar wilde. Bio und Bibliografie, Werk¼bersicht teils mit Erl¤uterungen, Ausz¼gen und kompletten Texten, Bilder und Gem¤lde, Einbeziehung von Filmen und Theaterst¼cken. http://www.besuche-oscar-wilde.de/ | |
24. Ritratto Di Oscar Wilde Propone sezioni riguardanti biografia, contesto culturale, decadentismo ed estetismo, opere e critica. http://members.tripod.com/~darkindia/ | |
25. Oscar Wilde Collection At Bartleby.com oscar wilde. oscar wilde. 18541900, Irish author and wit, b. Dublin. wilde, oscar, 64283 to 64673 Entries from the Columbia World of Quotations. http://www.bartleby.com/people/Wilde-Os.html | |
26. Oscar Wilde Homepage http://www.cmgww.com/historic/wilde/ |
27. Eccentricity At Its Best: Oscar Wilde Includes a biography, works, and a quiz. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/6952/ | |
28. Oscar Wilde: An Overview Biography. Works Gender. History Politics Religion Science Technology. Genre Literature Visual Arts Themes. Characterization Imagery http://www.victorianweb.org/decadence/wilde/wildeov.html |
29. Cuentos Infantiles De Oscar Wilde Contiene El Ruise±or y la Rosa , El Prncipe Feliz y otros cuentos. http://www.sapiens.ya.com/consagrados/oscarwilde.html | |
30. Wilde, Oscar. 1881. Poems oscar wilde. Poems. oscar wilde. He is most famous for his sophisticated, brilliantly witty plays and also for his eccentricity in dress, tastes and manners. http://www.bartleby.com/143/ | |
31. CedarNet: The Oscar Wilde Project Oneman show about wilde promotional, reviews, and contact information. http://www.cedarnet.org/owp/ | |
32. Oscar Wilde At LiteratureClassics.com -- Essays, Resources oscar wilde free essays, eTexts, resources and links from LiteratureClassics.com. Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. oscar wilde. 1854 - 1900 *. http://www.literatureclassics.com/authors/Wilde/ | |
33. Citas Y Frases Célebres De Oscar Wilde Aforismos, citas y frases c©lebres del autor. http://www.proverbia.net/citas_autor.asp?autor=WILDEOSCAR |
34. Oscariana oscariana the life and times of oscar wilde ~ begin ~ Visit the oscariana Bookstore. Help Save This Site! If you enjoy your visit http://www.oscariana.net/ | |
35. Oscar Wilde For further reading oscar wilde Art and Morality by Stuart Mason (1907); The Life and Confessions of oscar wilde by Frank Harris (1914); My Friendship with http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/owilde.htm | |
36. Bogrummet.dk Bibliografi og anmeldelse af forfatterens b¸ger. http://www.bogrummet.dk/forfatter.asp?forid=111 |
37. Wanadoo Etude biographique. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/cl/wilde.htm | |
38. Oscar Wilde - Free Online Library oscar wilde online books, wilde, oscar Free Online Library - oscar wilde The Ballad of Reading Gaol, oscar wilde A Florentine Tragedy, oscar wilde The Happy http://wilde.thefreelibrary.com/ | |
39. Ew O.Wilde - Eixample Web «The Nightingale and the Rose», narraci³ d'oscar wilde. Text original angl©s i versi³ catalana. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/4045/owilde1.html | |
40. ClassicNotes: Oscar Wilde oscar wilde (1854 1900). oscar wilde was born in 1854 to William wilde and Lady Jane Francesca wilde, prominent intellectuals in Dublin, Ireland. http://www.gradesaver.com/ClassicNotes/Authors/about_oscar_wilde.html | |
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