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81. "The Poetry Of Barbarism" By George Santayana An essay which includes criticism of walt whitman. http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/whitman-per-santayana.html | |
82. LookSmart - Directory - Walt Whitman YOU ARE HERE Home Lifestyle Books Authors Gay Lesbian whitman, walt. Join the Zeal community and help build the walt whitman Directory Category. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317898/us166639/us10217232/u | |
83. Online Course Companion: Literature Online Introduces the man and his writings. Provides an overview of his early years, his literary career, and his legacy. http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/kennedycompact_awl/chapter40 |
84. Walt Whitman: Selected Bibliography On Leaves Of Grass walt whitman s Leaves of Grass Selected Bibliography Adolph, Robert. Clarke, Graham, ed. walt whitman Critical Assessments. Four volumes. http://www.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl311/whitbib.html | |
85. MSN Encarta : Online Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, And Homework Encyclopedia article provides an overview of whitman's life and work. http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?ti=04BF4000 |
86. Whitman, Walt(er) whitman, walt(er). A photograph of the influential 19thcentury US poet, walt whitman. whitmans Leaves of Grass (1855) is an expansive http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0009142.html | |
87. Mark Twain Walt Whitman A Talk Delivered April 4, 1992 to the Mark Twain Association of New York. P. Salwen article. http://salwen.com/mtwhtman.html | |
88. Alibris: Walt Whitman Used, new outof-print books by author walt whitman. 22. Daybooks and notebooks more books like this by whitman, walt buy used from $12.45! 23. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Whitman, Walt | |
89. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Analysis of several of whitman's works,by Betsy Eikkila, part of an online syllabus. http://www.hmco.com/college/english/heath/syllabuild/iguide/whitman.html | |
90. Alibris: Walt Whitman Used, new outof-print books by author walt whitman. 22. Daybooks and notebooks more books like this by whitman, walt buy used from $12.45! 23. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/walt whitman | |
91. Contemporary Reviews Reviews and criticism at the walt whitman Hypertext Archive. http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/whitman/reviews/index.html |
92. Whitman, Walt (Ftrain.com) Up Human Beings, Related «^». whitman, walt. (Monday, May 31, 1819 1892). Events Related To whitman, walt. 1819, May 31, walt whitman born. http://www.ftrain.com/WaltWhitman.html | |
93. HS Contacts whitman, walt HS (Cluster whitman) 7100 Whittier Boulevard Bethesda, MD20817 301320-6600. Fields, whitman, walt HS, 301-320-6580, http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/content/cupf/html/info-school/staff_info_hs.as |
94. Whitman, Walt (Harpers.org) Harper s Magazine. whitman, walt. The final edition was issued in 1892, at which time he had become a legend. This is whitman, walt, a human being and an author. http://www.harpers.org/WaltWhitman.html | |
95. Whitman Per Mother Bloor From the autobiography entitled We Are Many, by Ella Reeve Bloor. http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/whitman-per-bloor.html | |
96. Walt Whitman Message board for people interested in discussing whitman and his work. http://killdevilhill.com/whitmanchat/wwwboard.html | |
97. Arts: Literature: Authors: W: Whitman,_Walt - Open Site Top Arts Literature Authors W whitman, walt (2) Chronological Publication Listing (as at April 28, 2004). walt whitman in the Open Directory. http://open-site.org/Arts/Literature/Authors/W/Whitman,_Walt/ | |
98. About Walt Whitman Etext of Leaves of Grass; other poems. http://underthesun.cc/Classics/Whitman/whitman.htm | |
99. Books By Walt Whitman Books by walt whitman. American Bard by walt whitman Hardcover October 1983 List price $12.95 Click here to compare prices at dozens of online stores! http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/Author/Whitman, Walt | |
100. Walt Whitman's Body Electronic Portrayals of walt whitman from a Long Island perspective. Long Island, NY area. http://members.aol.com/waltwhitmanofli/ | |
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