previous go to surnames Widmer, Albert - male father: Widmer, George F. (1877 - ) mother: Widmer, Albert (private) - male father: Widmer, Russell (1909 - ) mother: Baker, Oma (*1916 - ) Widmer, Bessie - female father: Widmer, John Charles (1866 - 1918) mother: Dye, Julia Cynthia (1869 - 1933) spouse: Garrigues, George (*1897 - ) spouse: Meyers, Ernest (*1897 - ) child: Meyers, Gilbert (private) child: Meyers, Ernest Jr. (private) spouse: child: Taylor, Robert (private) Widmer, Catherine (private) - female father: Widmer, Russell (1909 - ) mother: Baker, Oma (*1916 - ) Widmer, Charles - male d. 1967 father: Widmer, John Charles (1866 - 1918) mother: Dye, Julia Cynthia (1869 - 1933) spouse: ?, Martha (*1905 - ) Widmer, Charles - male b. 15 APR 1919 father: Widmer, George F. (1877 - ) mother: Patton, Frances (*1883 - ) Widmer, Dorothy Evelyn - female father: Widmer, Peter Oliver (1871 - ) mother: Mitchell, Carrie (*1871 - ) !NOTES: SQ pg 2599: She married Harley Cox and they had seven children: Patricia, Lewis, Roland, Kieth, Margaret, Philip, and Robert. spouse: Cox, Harley (*1901 - ) | |