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         Waldman Anne:     more books (100)
  1. Talking Poetics from Naropa Institute: Annals of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics by Anne Waldman, 1978-12-12
  2. Apocalyptic Talkshow by Tom; Waldman, Anne Clark, 1987
  3. Polemics by Jack Collom, Anselm Hollow, et all 1998-12-15
  4. No Hassles: An Unhinged Book in Parts by Anne Waldman, 1971
  5. The Romance Thing: Travel Sketches. by Anne. WALDMAN, 1987
  6. Talking Poetics From Naropa Institute, 2 Vols by Anne & Marilyn Webb Waldman, 1978
  7. Another World: a Second Anthology of Works From the St. Mark's Poetry Project by anne waldman, 1971-01-01
  8. West Indies Poems by Anne Waldman, 1972-01-01
  9. Fast Speaking Woman by Anne Waldman, 1974
  10. Disembodied Poetics by Anne and Schelling, Andrew, editors Waldman, 1994-01-01
  11. Haibun & Animal Chill by Andrew & Anne Waldman Schelling, 1998
  12. Dark Arcana: Afterimage or Glow by Anne Waldman, 2003-05-15
  13. Journals and Dreams Poems by Anne Waldman, 1976-01-01
  14. By the Side of the Road by Anne Waldman, Ishtar Kramer, 2002

školy odtelesnené poetiky z Naropovy univerzity v Boulderu v Kolorádu, kterí se po vzoru svých ucitelu Allena Ginsberga, anne waldman a dalších
Pražskou školu poetiky založili absolventi Kerouacovy školy odtìlesnìné poetiky z Naropovy univerzity v Boulderu v Kolorádu, kteøí se po vzoru svých uèitelù Allena Ginsberga, Anne Waldman a dalších rozhodli zasvìtit život poezii. Pøed pùl rokem pozvali antropologa a básníka Jeremyho Rothenberga. Nyní pøichystali (nejvìtší práci zde odvedla hlavní organizátorka Jenne Magno, která je také dramaturgyní projektu) rozsáhlejší festival, na kterém kromì amerických hvìzd Anne Waldman a Lydie Lunch vystoupí také místní performerky Antonie Svobodová, Naninka Vaníèková, Iva Vodrážková, Kateøina Kotková a Pavla Jonssonová.
Anne Waldman Pøipomeòme, že Anne Waldman, autorka více než 40 knih poezie a editorka nìkolika antologií, pøijíždí do Prahy již po tøetí a nakladatelství One Woman Press chystá èeské vydání její sbírky Žena s bystrým jazykem. Dílna Anne Waldman má název Rizomická poetika: všech deset smìrù. Zájemci potøebují alespoò minimální znalost angliètiny. „Budeme experimentovat s pozorností, pracovat s nesprávným pøekladem, snem, možnostmi navodit spánek, pøerušovaným vyprávìním, dekonstrukcí ¢já¢, rituálními objekty, vzpomínkami, literární politikou ¢zmìny svìta¢, performancí a spoluprácí," slibuje slavná básníøka. „Budeme psát poezii na rùzných místech v Praze". Její vystoupení Žena s bystrým jazykem, inspirované mexickou šamankou Marií Sabinou, lze shlédnout 11. 11. v Univerzálním prostoru No D v Dlouhé ulici od 20h. Vystoupení úèastníkù dílen se uskuteèní tamtéž o den pozdìji.

82. The Jim Carroll Website: Features: Friends And Influences
Friends and Influences anne waldman. anne waldman is probably one of the most important figures in Carroll s literary career. A renowned

More info

Friends and Influences
Anne Waldman The World , the literary magazine in which Carroll first began publishing his poems and diaries in the late 1960s, and she included his work in her two World anthologies. As a result, Waldman sort of gave Carroll his start as a writer. He also worked as her assistant at St. Mark’s in the late sixties, early seventies (See "Tiny Tortures" in Forced Entries [pp. 58-59]). Waldman is now Distinguished Professor of Poetics at the Writing and Poetics Department (AKA the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics) of the Naropa Institute, and has vowed to carry on Allen Ginsberg's work there. (See Ginsberg entry .) She appears in Poetry in Motion and Gang of Souls , and on The Dial-a-Poem Poets Disconnected , and Better an Old Demon Than a New God , along with Carroll and others. Read more about Waldman at
About this site
Questions and Comments About the webmaster The Jim Carroll Website © 1996-2004 Cassie Carter.

83. Wessel And Lieberman Booksellers: Polar Ode. By Waldman, Anne And Eileen Myles.
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Description: New York: Dead Duke Books, (1979). Limited Edition. Quarto. Unpaginated. Mimeographed typescript. Stapled illustrated stiff wraps. Near Fine. One of 350 copies. Joint work completed for a reading at Zu in NYC in December 1978. Uncommon. Item # Add to your cart Material offered subject to prior sale. Washington residents please add 8.8% sales tax. Items may be returned for any reason within reason. Libraries and Institutions may receive special terms to meet billing requirements. We Accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal or checks in US$.

84. Anne Waldman, Fast Speaking Woman
anne waldman, Fast Speaking Woman (Pocket Poets Series No. 33, City Lights, 1996). As director and cofounder of the Jack Kerouac
Anne Waldman,
Fast Speaking Woman
(Pocket Poets Series No. 33,
City Lights, 1996)
As director and co-founder of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at the Naropa Institute, Anne Waldman continues to make herself known as one of the leading figured in the poetics and performance poetry field. Fast Speaking Woman is a 20th-anniversary expanded edition of the original text and includes several essays culled from her teaching materials on chant and performance poetry. The title poem is a thirty-page "list chant" indebted to Maria Sabina, the Mazatec Indian shamaness in Mexico. Making use of free association and internal rhymes, the list is a representation of both the individual artist herself and "everywoman" "I'm an abalone Laced with Tibetan buddhism and archaic beliefs in magic, the poems in this collection continue to push the envelope in contemporary performance poetry. Like the title poem, many of these poems are list chants, best spoken aloud. The repetition of the first words of each line in "Notorious" "known for" create a rhythm and mindset that allows for a further glimpse into the energy of the poem. According to Waldman, the poem itself speaks through the performer as an energy source, becoming a full experience in itself. Waldman continues playing with free association in "Lady Tactics," a poem best read with that idea in mind. At first some of the word choices seem absurd; read the poem aloud, however, and the assonance and dissonance created will open up a new layer in the poetry. Waldman functions on the principle that poetry is meant to be heard, not read. "Lullaby" is a short, eight-line chant; reading it over and over suggests different ways to emphasize and inflect lines with subtle nuances.

85. Anne Waldmann, Shamane
Translate this page anne waldman Wintersonnenwende 1989 The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics Boulder. Mail an apartment edition. Aus d. Amerik.
The Beat goes on
Verlage bei Edition Michael Kellner Apartment Edition ... Stadtlichter Presse
Anne Waldmann
Shaman / Schamane
Ein Gedicht Anne Waldman
Wintersonnenwende 1989
The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics
Boulder Mail an apartment edition
Aus d. Amerik. v.
Jürgen Schmidt
20 S., 21 × 27 cm, geheftet
ISBN 3-927379-04-2
Apartment Edition 6 Schicken Sie eine Email an

86. Literature And Psychology : Semiotics And Creation: Anne Waldman's Iovis And "bo
Read literature and psychology Semiotics and creation anne waldman s Iovis and. Semiotics and creation anne waldman s Iovis and body poetics .(Book Review).
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  • Current Article: Semiotics and creation: Anne Waldman's Iovis and "body poetics".(Book Review)
Start L literature and psychology March 22, 2003 ... Semiotics and creation: Anne Waldman's Iovis and "body poetics".(Book Review)
Semiotics and creation: Anne Waldman's Iovis and "body poetics".(Book Review)
literature and psychology; March 22, 2003; Puchek, Peter
Puchek, Peter
literature and psychology
March 22, 2003
waldman, iovis, new york, world, body poetics, poem, myth, full, men, rocky flats, poetry, desire, poet, poetic language, creation myths
years ago, what would be discovered? An infant dancing, Anne
metaphorically. This image-offbeat or strange to some readers, perhaps
charming to others, and familiar to computer users or "Ally
McBeal" viewers-embodies the qualities a woman writing today uses
to reappropriate the largely male lineage of twentieth-century American
long poems of myth and history. Waldman relates that "she dances

87. Allen Ginsberg L Autre Amerique Preface De Anne Waldman De Portante Jean Propos
Translate this page Allen Ginsberg L Autre Amerique Preface De anne waldman proposé par Pour trouver tous les livres même les introuvables.

Allen Ginsberg L Autre Amerique Preface De Anne Waldman Auteur: Portante Jean
Vous pouvez acheter ou offrir Allen Ginsberg L Autre Amerique Preface De Anne Waldman en livre neuf ou d'occasion (si disponible) Détail du livre: Allen Ginsberg L Autre Amerique Preface De Anne Waldman:
In 8 broché, 251 pages
Editions disponibles: LE CASTOR ASTRAL 1999 TOMBEAU. Date d'édition: Accueil livres neufs, livres rares, livres anciens, livres d'occasion Le thème principal associé à "Allen Ginsberg L Autre Amerique Preface De Anne Waldman" est: Ouvrages de Portante Jean autres que Allen Ginsberg L Autre Amerique Preface De Anne Waldman

88. The Forum - Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Weeks Poetry Series Brings anne waldman to Westminster. Tracy Newby Staff Writer. anne waldman delivered an emotional and enthusiastic

89. Piece For Anne Waldman
Piece for anne waldman Triolet w/ line from Jim Morrison Look where we worship Not at the sea like ancient Giant present on the
    Piece for Anne Waldman Triolet w/ line from Jim Morrison Look where we worship Not at the sea like ancient Giant present on the street, starting to Look, where we worship is starting to repeat, fierce, present At the city begining to Look where we worship Not at the sea-like ancient -Feb 1975 Bloomington
    Return to NLCWords:Poetry Index

90. CSIndy: Warp Speed (November 22 - November 28, 2001)
NOVEMBER 22, 2001 Poet anne waldman, author of the famous Fast Speaking Woman in the mid1970s, has reached light speed. capsule. anne waldman.
Fine Print
Warp Speed
Beat Generation heiress folds space with her tongue
by Noel Black Comment on this Story
NOVEMBER 22, 2001: Poet Anne Waldman, author of the famous Fast Speaking Woman in the mid-1970s, has reached light speed. The author of over 30 volumes of poetry, editor of many magazines and several anthologies, and professor/director at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder, Waldman is at the apex of her career, and the legitimate heir to Allen Ginsberg's crown as America's underground "poet-ambassador" laureate. Born in New Jersey at the end of World War II, Waldman grew up in New York's Greenwich Village amidst the rich intellectual and bohemian life of the 1950s and '60s. She was only 16 years old when she began to make friends with older poets more central to the "Beat Movement" like Diane di Prima, Phillip Whalen, Gregory Corso and Allen Ginsberg.
Beat legend Anne Waldman’s at the top of her game. Though she'd grown up on jazz and was infused with the new spirit of liberation and burgeoning feminism ushered in by the Beats and the cultural tectonic shifts of the times, Waldman was also drawn to a circle of New Yorkbased poets more concerned with aesthetics than politics. Jokingly referred to as "The New York School," these poets were more a circle of friends than a "school." Their interests in art, French poetry (the surrealists in particular), and the life of the city that fueled their writing brought them together. Originally consisting of Frank O'Hara, James Schuyler, Barbara Guest, John Ashbery and Kenneth Koch, there was also a "second generation" that included Ted Berrigan, Ron Padgett, Dick Gallup, Eileen Myles, Lewis Warsh, and the artist and writer Joe Brainard (among others).

91. - /Arts/Literature/Authors/W/Waldman,_Anne,_Anne

92. Anne Waldmann Helping The Dreamer
Translate this page anne Waldmann Helping the Dreamer. Gedichte Dieser Gedichtband erschien 1991 anlässlich einer Lesetournee anne Waldmans durch Deutschland
The Beat goes on
Verlage bei Edition Michael Kellner Apartment Edition ... Stadtlichter Presse
Anne Waldmann
Helping the Dreamer
Dieser Gedichtband erschien 1991 anlässlich einer Lesetournee Anne Waldmans durch Deutschland, die Schweiz, Österreich und die Niederlande. Aus d. Amerik. v. Jürgen Schmidt
20 S., 21 × 27 cm, geheftet
ISBN 3-927379-05-0
Apartment Edition 7 Zur Zeit vergriffen, Neuauflage geplant. Mail an Apartment Edition Schicken Sie eine Email an

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