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         Voltaire:     more books (95)
  1. Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire, 2008-10-21
  2. Candide by Voltaire, 2009-12-31
  3. Candide by Voltaire, 2010-09-22
  4. The Portable Voltaire (Portable Library) by Voltaire, Francois Maria Arouet De Voltaire, 1977-07-28
  5. Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West by John Ralston Saul, 1993-11-30
  6. Candide (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) by Voltaire, 2003-06-01
  7. Candide and Other Stories by Voltaire, 2010-01-01
  8. God and Human Beings by Voltaire, 2010-05-04
  9. Voltaire's Calligrapher: A Novel by Pablo De Santis, 2010-10-01
  10. Voltaire: A Life by Ian Davidson, 2010-10-15
  11. Socrates: A Play in Three Acts by Voltaire, 2009-10-28
  12. Voltaire Almighty: A Life in Pursuit of Freedom by Roger Pearson, 2005-11-07
  13. A Philosophical Dictionary (Volume 1 (1824)) by Voltaire, 2010-10-14
  14. Memoirs of Casanova - Volume 15: with Voltaire by Giacomo Casanova, 2010-07-06

161. Busts Of Famous Freethinkers, Free Thought Sculpture, Icons And Quotations
Busts and famous quotations plaques series of Thomas Paine, Robert G. Ingersoll, and voltaire.
See Thomas Paine's letter to Thomas Jefferson which kicked off the whole idea of the Louisiana Purchase.
Are you a free thinker? In love with liberty?
Increasingly concerned about man's inhumanity to man? If you fit the description,
IT'S TIME TO . . . . . . . . . . . .
adorn your spaces
inspire your children impress your friends create opportunities for intelligent conversation
with these busts and quotation plaques of 3 of the world's greatest free thought heroes:
Thomas Paine
Col. Robert G. Ingersoll
Quotation Plaques With these on display, you'll be openly supporting the concept these GIANTS devoted their lives to: INDIVIDUAL HUMAN DIGNITY!
THE FREEDOM TO INQUIRE! THE RIGHT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN CONSCIENCE! Charles Bradlaugh is coming soon! DON'T LET FREEDOM DIE FOR LACK OF ADVERTISING! Whose job is this, anyway? If you don't promote freedom, who will? We make our sculpture busts affordable, and beautiful (far better than web photos can portray), and we give you plenty of ammunition in your own personal fight against tyranny.

162. Warm-up Activity - Is That A Fact? - Voltaire Wrote, ....
voltaire wrote, . In early 2002, a friend emailed me. ATTRIBUTION voltaire François Marie Arouet (1694–1778), French philosopher, author.
Italicized links open a new window to an external site Lesson Ideas
Warm-up Activities

Is That A Fact?
Voltaire wrote, .... In early 2002, a friend e-mailed me. He asked for help in tracking down a quotation. In part he wrote, I'm getting stumped and can't seem to find what I need on the internet. There is a famous quotation that I can only paraphrase: "I disagree with what you have to say but will fight to the death to protect your right to say it." Do you have the actual quotation and the author (and maybe the year)? It seemed like an easy task, just visit a quotations web site and "Voila!". It turned out to be a bit more interesting than that. Here is what my search revealed.
  • The Recording Industry Association ( ) attributes a quote to Voltaire, and states it as, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Another version (, attributed to "some Admiral" by a basic training drill sergeant, said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your RIGHT to say it." The person who put up this page (Larry Westin), writes a little further down, that he later came to know it was from Voltaire. Aphorisms Galore also attributes it to Voltaire (
  • 163. Biblioteca
    Raccolta di testi della letteratura internazionale da consultare online. Tra gli autori Manzoni, Freud, voltaire, Pascoli, Pirandello e Dickens.

    164. Diccionario Filosófico De Voltaire
    Translate this page Versión digital de articulos publicados en el Diccionario filosófico de voltaire de interés para el Proyecto Filosofía en español.
    El Dictionnaire philosophique portatif [Dionisio Hidalgo IV:500]. El Pueblo). Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century,

    165. Voltaire (1694-1778) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
    voltaire (16941778), After voltaire s death, it was no longer possible to study all disciplines of science as a part of a humanistic education.
    Branch of Science Philosophers Branch of Science Scholars ... French
    Voltaire (1694-1778)

    French philosopher and writer who was the leading literary figure of the Enlightenment. He had one of the sharpest wits of modern times. His Lettres Philosophiques (Philosophical Letters), a product of his visit to England, were critical of French society and provided an introduction to Newton for many Frenchmen. He also had one of his mistresses, the , translate the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica into French. After Voltaire's death, it was no longer possible to study all disciplines of science as a part of a humanistic education. Thus, the Age of Reason died with Voltaire and the age of specialized science replaced it. Newton

    F²rum de debat i intercanvi d'idees sobre temes filos²fics. Admet col·laboracions en forma d'articles. Inclou una introducci³ a la il·lustraci³ i a voltaire.
    FILOSOFIA EN XARXA DE COMPLEXITAT CANVIANT Inici Consultes Links Pensamems ... Llibre de visites Al segle XVIII I.Kant va dir que no es pot aprendre filosofia sinó que només es pot aprendre a filosofar.
    Les següents pàgines haurien de servir per fer el que va dir el gran filòsof de la il·lustració, filosofar. Com? Participant en els fòrums, exposant dubtes, fent viatges en el temps..." Des de Girona
    Anna Sarsanedas Darnés
    professora de filosofia.
    // Suposem que la vostra adreça és: // Tallem l'adreça en dos bocins i la posem en dues variables // El nom (part esquerra) dins la variable nom, i el domini (part dreta) dins la variable domini var nom = "asarsane"; var domini = ""; document.write(''); document.write(nom + '@' + domini + ''); Comparteix i debat les teves idees en els diferents fòrums oberts.

    167. Jutta Seifert
    Weltliteratur als SoloTheaterst¼cke Grimmelshausen, Shakespeare, voltaire.Infos zu diesen und weiteren Produktionen, Lesungen, Termine
    Diese Seite verwendet Frames. Frames werden von Ihrem Browser aber nicht unterstützt.

    168. Political Theorists And Activists.
    (Click on letter to go to index.) V- voltaire (1694-1778) Born Francois-Marie Arouet in Paris, voltaire, a pen name he adopted early in his career, through
    Political Theorists and Activists: Click
    the letter and you will be brought to the beginning of the appropriate biography list. A B C D ... H I J K L M To Biographies
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    (Click on letter to go to index.)

    Acton, Lord
    Acton was against "programmes of reaction" and thought that there could be great reliance on those institutions that came about as the result of slow evolution. That, ultimately, what was to be trusted were those "changes arising from special historical situations rather than from the minds of presumptuous men."

    (Click on letter to go to index.)
    Bastiat, Frédéric
    Bastiat was of the view that those who subscribe to socialism subscribe to putting in place mechanisms, a philanthropic tyranny, which would but force the human race (a futile effort) to behave as the social engineers think the human race ought to behave as opposed to how it behaves by nature.
    Bentham, Jeremy
    In Bentham's writings, politicians, beginning with those of the early 19th century, found legitimization in their most favoured activity: the business of making laws; and, they have been doing it in great quantities ever since. Bentham the business Bentham figured that laws should be socially useful and not merely reflect the status quo; he thought it to be a "sacred truth" that "the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation."
    Bright, John

    169. Mital-U - The Indie Music Label Presents Dada - Punk - Wave
    Eine Seite von Cabaret voltaire und Dada zu den Situationisten und dann endlich Punk und Wave
    Dada - Situationist Punk - Wave Indie Music Label change to the english-language version Website mital-U mital-U

    170. Voltaire And The Quakers
    voltaire and the Quakers. The following statement about Friends attitude toward war is also from Andrew Pitt s conversation with voltaire We never go to war.
    Voltaire and the Quakers Voltaire's "Lettres Philosophiques," published in 1734, contains four letters about the Quakers. I have translated the extract below from the French. It gives a wonderful picture of the religion of the time. At the time the letters were written, Voltaire that already had two spells of imprisonment in the Bastille for his advocacy of toleration and enlightenment. The extract from the first letter (below) was published in Quaker Monthly in January 1988. It deals with the Quaker attitude to baptism.
    Joe Latham
    Glasgow Meeting, Scotland I believed that the doctrine and the history of such extra-ordinary people were worthy of curiosity. To find out about them, I visited one the most eminent Quakers in England (Andrew Pitt) who had been in commerce for thirty years, but had decided to limit his wealth and wants, and had retired to the countryside close to London. I went to seek him out in his retreat which was a small house, well-built and clean and without ornaments. The Quaker was a fresh-faced old man who had never been ill, because he had never known passions or intemperance. I have never seen in my life a nobler or more engaging countenance than his. He was dressed, like all those of his religion, in a plain coat without pleats in the sides or buttons on either the pockets or the sleeves. He was wearing a large hat, with turned down brim, like our clergy.

    171. Internationale Der Öffentlichen Dienste [IÖD] / Public Services Internatio
    Weltweiter Gewerkschaftsdachverband f¼r die Besch¤ftigten des ¶ffentlichen Sektors aus mehr als 600 Gewerkschaften und ¼ber 140 L¤ndern. Vertreten werden mehr als 20 Millionen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer, die in Krankenh¤usern, in der Brandbek¤mpfung, den ¶ffentlichen Versorgungsunternehmen und sonstigen Dienststellen t¤tig sind. Die Seiten informieren u.a. ¼ber Vorstand, Gewerkschaftsrechte und Arbeitsbedingungen F01211 Ferney-voltaire Cedex.

    172. ESPECIAL - História Por Voltaire Schilling
    Especial do site de voltaire no portal Terra, traz v¡rios textos sobre a vida, filosofia e influªncias de Nietzsche.
    BUSCA + enter
    - Acompanhe algumas importantes passagens da vida do filósofo: seu nascimento, em Röken; sua única paixão, Lou Salomé; a relação com Wagner e a esposa, Cosima; a profetizção do Übermensh (super-homem); a loucura em Turim; e a morte, assistido pela irmã mais nova, Elisabeth, em Weimar.
    - Os episódios da Comuna de Paris foram fundamentais para o acirramento das posições políticas de Nietzsche, que o colocaram ao lado dos antidemocratas, dos anti-socialistas, e contra todo e qualquer tipo de pregação que visasse a igualdade, tornando-o um apologista da distinção. AS INFLUÊNCIAS DE NIETZSCHE - Conheça as personalidades que influenciaram o pensamento de Nietzsche e saiba o que cada um deles contribuiu na vida do filósofo. DOSTOIEVSKI E NIETZSCHE - Nietzsche foi grande admirador de Dostoievski, autor que inspirou-o com seu homem-idéia, que vive de acordo com as próprias regras, indiferente ao sofrimento que suas ações possam provocar. EM BUSCA DO SUPER-HOMEM - Nietzsche profetizou para um futuro adiante à sua vida a chegada de um super-homem, um messias que colocasse a plebe em seu devido lugar e restabelecesse a associação de "bom" e "justo" com "nobre" e "digno", substituindo assim os tortos valores do cristianismo.

    173. Ressources Et Liens De Philosophie : Le Site De Christophe Paillard
    Site personnel de Christophe Paillard, professeur au lyc©e de Ferneyvoltaire liens, manuel de philosophie, humour.
    Guide de la philosophie sur la Toile


    Manuel de textes philosophiques en ligne

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    Visitez le Cerphi (ENS de Lyon)

    Recherche philosophique sur Google

    Nous vous souhaitons une bonne et heureuse navigation !

    174. Encuentro De Dos Mundos
    Asociaci³n sin ¡nimo de lucro creada en enero de 1996 en Ferneyvoltaire (Francia) junto a la frontera con Ginebra (Suiza) con el fin promover en esta regi³n el idioma y la cultura de los pa­ses de habla hispana.
    Bienvenido a Encuentro de Dos Mundos Bienvenue à Rencontre de deux mondes
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    Scrabble ¿Cómo participar? Concurso Cuento Concurso 2004 Iniciativas miembros Iniciativas Foro de discusión Participar Biblioteca Es por acá! Actividades del mes de Mayo/ Activités du mois de mai Martes 18 de mayo: Martes 25 de mayo : a las 20h00 en el local de E2M: proyección de la película "La Patagonia Rebelde", seguida de un debate en torno a los acontecimientos sociales tratados por la película y la Patagonía de hoy, animado por M.C. Barthalay y O. do Porto. Evento organizado por E2M. Entrada libre, incluyendo empanadas y vino. Samedi 15 mai : Mardi 18 mai : Mardi 25 mai : à 20h00 au local de E2M: Projection du film "La Patagonia Rebelde", suivie par un débat autour des événements sociaux traités par le film et la Patagonie d'aujourd'hui, animé par M.C. Barthalay et O. do Porto. Soirée organisée par E2M. Entrée libre. Empanadas et vin offerts.

    175. RI-é / E-ID
    Liste maintenue par la Fondation voltaire d'Oxford. Pr©sentation des sp©cialit©s de chaque chercheur.

    en ligne!

    Pour tous renseignements concernant la SIEDS, merci de contacter Janet Godden:

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