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Volkman Karen: more books (15) |
21. Catharton: Authors: V: Rendell, Ruth Vinge, Joan D. Vinge, Vernor Vinicoff, Eric Vitola, Denise Vizenor,Gerald Voermans, Paul Voinovich, Vladimir volkman, karen Vollmann, William T http://www.catharton.com/authors/v.htm | |
22. Wuup.de - /Arts/Literature/Authors/V/Volkman,_Karen volkman, karen. Siehe auch Links. » karen volkman Biography- Short biography of poet karen volkman. » Poem - Text of the work. http://wuup.de/index.php/Arts/Literature/Authors/V/Volkman,_Karen |
23. Volkman, K. Crash's Law volkman, K. Crash's Law Database of Twentieth Century American Poetry; Crash's Law; karen volkman; 80 p.; Norton; New York; London; 0393039560; 1996; volkman, karen karen volkman http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ampo20-AM23109&y |
24. Volkman Bei Www.1-einkaufen.de || Günstig Online Einkaufen. Schnäppchen, Beste Translate this page a http//www.volkman-music.de/. 2. Excite Deutschland - Web-katalog - volkman, karen . 3. Iplexx Directory Arts Literature Authors V volkman, karen. http://www.1-einkaufen.de/index.php?keyword=volkman&kat=99 |
25. Spar; Author: Volkman, Karen; Paperback Spar. Author volkman, karen Iowa Poetry Prize; Paperback 72 pages Published April2002 University of Iowa Press ISBN 0877458073 A collection of poems by http://www.opengroup.com/pxbooks/087/0877458073.shtml | |
26. Karen Volkman Readings in Contemporary Poetry. POEM. My hayseed harlequin whatsa bloomer toyou and a bobbin to him? Two grams of Melatonin wont put the bitch to bed. http://www.diacenter.org/prg/poetry/97_98/volkman.html | |
27. Karen Volkman - The Academy Of American Poets karen volkman The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs, selectedpoems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits. karen volkman. http://www.poets.org/exh/ap/kvolk | |
28. Press Release 08/20/02 - The Academy Of American Poets cflowers@poets.org (212) 2740343, Ext. 15. karen volkman Receives2002 James Laughlin Award. $5,000 for a Second Book of Poems. http://www.poets.org/academy/news/pr020820.cfm | |
29. Faculty/Staff Phonebook Record volkman, karen E VOLKMAKE@PLATTSBURGH.EDU Associate Librarian LIBRARY(FEINBERG) FEINBERG 0331 (518) 5645305. This is an Official http://www.plattsburgh.edu/about/detail.cfm?id=92042519 |
30. ( V ) > Volkman, Karen Huge Database of Informations About volkman, karen products. ( V ) volkman,karen, volkman, karen and all informations about it! ( V ) volkman, karen, http://books-shop.yellowpages.pl/1176R1101C18_Literature-and-Fiction-Authors-A-Z | |
31. ( V ) > Volkman, Karen More results from booksshop.yellowpages.pl karen volkman, Literaturekaren volkman, Literature. Poem Text of the work. karen volkman BiographyShort biography of poet karen volkman. Copyright © 2003 Art-5.com. http://books-shop.yellowpages.pl/169R150C18_Literature-and-Fiction-Poetry-Poets- | |
32. Poets&Writers, Inc. online only, DIRECT QUOTE. karen volkman ON SPAR, SLEEPING DOGS, ANDTHE HIGH COST OF EMOTIONAL CLARITY. The appearance of karen volkman s http://www.pw.org/mag/dq_volkman.htm | |
33. Powell's Books - Spar (Iowa Poetry Prize) By Karen Volkman ISBN 0877458073 Author volkman, karen Publisher University of Iowa Press SubjectAmerican Subject American General Series Iowa Poetry Prize Series http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=63-0877458073-1 |
34. Volkman, Karen volkman, karen. Selected titles in volkman, karen. About Bookchecker.com Help- Advertise - Report Error - Link to us - Terms of use - Forgot password? http://www.bookchecker.com/cat/70678 | |
35. Akademie Schloss Solitude | Karen Volkman Translate this page karen volkman Land Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika / Vereinigte Staatenvon Amerika Stadt Brooklyn / Pittsburgh Sparte Literatur http://www.akademie-solitude.de/stipendiaten/?l=d&id=44 |
36. Arts Literature Authors V Volkman, Karen Arts Literature Authors V volkman, karen Directory results Some web resultsfor V volkman, karen United States House of Representatives, 108th http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Arts/Literature/Authors/V/Volkman,_Karen/ | |
37. Indiana University Writers' Conference karen volkman. karen volkman, winner of karen volkman is a young poetwho presents her reader new knowledge. She convinces me, saying http://www.indiana.edu/~writecon/volkman.html | |
38. Stacy Doris, Vijay Seshadri And Karen Volkman Readings in Contemporary Poetry Friday, May 1, 1998 548 West 22nd Street, NYC,700pm Biography. poem SPIRITUALS. Biography. poem THE SCHOLAR. Biography. http://www.diaart.org/prg/poetry/97_98/dorsesvol.html | |
39. Teachers & Writers OnLine - Profiles Of Writers Toro; karen Ulrich; Janine Pommy Vega; karen volkman; Fai WalkerDavis;Mercer Warriner; Estha Weiner; J. Kathleen White; Zoe Ryder White; http://www.twc.org/writers/ | |
40. Ploughshares, The Literary Journal Boston, MA 02116 Donate to Ploughshares. Authors Articles karenvolkman This bio was last updated on 04/12/2004. karen volkman. http://www.pshares.org/Authors/authordetails.cfm?prmauthoriD=6543 |
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