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121. Virgil's Photos - World War 1 The photos are from my grandfather, virgil Brooks, shown at left; a ship s baker 1st class on the USS Henry R. Mallory. Page 47, virgil. Up in the air. http://www.wonderland.com/~dracon/WW1/ | |
122. District 5 - Senate Senator virgil Moore (R). Senate District 5 Breckinridge Grayson Hancock Hart Larue Meade, Address. 241 virgil Moore Road Leitchfield, KY 42754. http://www.lrc.state.ky.us/sendistricts/S005/moore.htm | |
123. Viewtiful Joe - N-Insanity Preview, by virgil Viewtiful Joe looks to be something special for us gamecube owners. Capcom is truly taking a chance with this game and I am glad we get to have it. http://www.n-insanity.com/preview_106.php | |
124. Virgil D. Gligor virgil D. Gligor. Mailing Address virgil D. Gligor Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 http://www.ee.umd.edu/faculty/gligor.html | |
125. VIRTUAL EXNER MUSEUM Virgil EXNER Great American Designer Exhibits cars created by the great American designer virgil Exner. http://www.leadercompany.com/exner/home.htm | |
126. Walter P. Chrysler Museum History of DaimlerChrysler and its ancestor companies and brands. 75 vintage vehicles. History includes current brands, as well as DeSoto, Nash, and AMC. Covers people such as Walter P. Chrysler, John and Horace Dodge, virgil Exner, Elwood P. Engel, Fred Zeder, Owen Skelton, Carl Breer, K.T. Keller, and Lee Iacocca. http://www.chryslerheritage.com | |
127. Virgil S Aeneid TROY. virgil s Aeneid. From Troy to Rome. In the first century BCE, virgil wrote the Aeneid, his epic of the founding of Rome. virgil http://novaonline.nvcc.edu/eli/Troy/virgil.html | |
128. Rudolf Steiner Thoughts and links by an individual who sees Homer, Confucius, virgil, Averro«s, Dante, Machiavelli, Shakespeare, and de Goya as incarnations of the same soul. http://home.uwnet.nl/~vita/vitanova/steiner.html | |
129. POP! The First Human Male Pregnancy - Mr. Lee Mingwei Mr. Lee Mingwei will be the first human male to ever birth a baby from his own body. Art project by virgil Wong, thematizing gender roles, childbearing, and reproductive technology. http://www.malepregnancy.com/ | |