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41. La Science-fiction - Vinge, Joan D., 1948- Michel Deutsch. Paris J ai lu, 1991. Finismonde / joan D. vinge ; trad. http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/sf/adu/VINGEJOAND.html | |
42. Kliatt: Vinge, Joan D. Tangled Up In Blue - Book Review Print friendly Tell a friend Find subscription deals vinge, joan D. Tangled up inblue Book Review Kliatt, March, 2002 by Lesley SJ Farmer. Tor. 294p. c2000. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0PBX/is_2_36/ai_107124210 | |
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46. Editrice Nord - Elenco Libri http://www.nord.fantascienza.it/catalog/list.msql?key=autore&what=Vinge, Joan D. |
47. Reading Group Guide: The Snow Queen By Joan D. Vinge View Other Reading Group Guides Reading Group Guide. The Snow Queenby joan D. vinge. Reading Group Questions and Topics for Discussion http://www.twbookmark.com/books/31/0445205296/reading_guide11114.html | |
48. Snow Queen By Joan D Vinge, Hugo Award Winning Book Denver Science Fiction Fantasy Book Club. SCIENCE FICTION BOOK SELECTION THE SNOWQUEEN by joan D. vinge. Amy s short summary joan D. vinge The Snow Queen http://members.aol.com/misuly/jvinge.htm | |
49. Joan D. Vinge Fireship joan D vinge / Published 1978. The Outcasts of Heaven Belt joan D.vinge / Published 1982. Phoenix in the Ashes joan D. vinge / Published 1985. http://www.sfcrowsnest.com/shopbooks/jdvinge.htm | |
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51. Y Fo Lire ! Liste Des Livres De Joan D. VINGE joan D. vinge, 1985, Charles VASSALLO, JLu SF,SF, http://www.yfolire.net/sf/liste.php?rech4=463&zone4=aut |
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53. Lost In Space - Vinge, Joan D. Lost in Space vinge, joan D. Morrow/Avon FICTION MOVIE TELEVISION TIE SCIENCE GENERAL.Kayleighbug Books Home. Author Name vinge, joan D. Title Lost in Space. http://www.kayleighbug.com/si/001102.html | |
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55. Les Yeux D'ambre - Joan D. Vinge joan D. vinge. joan D. vinge est un auteur, épousede Vernor vinge ( lui-même auteur de SF ), licenciée de http://www.acdev.com/~fabrice/crit/yeux.htm | |
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58. Joan D. Vinge - Encyclopedia Article About Joan D. Vinge. Free Access, No Regist Literature Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Other Science Fiction Categories Bookswith Online Content Reading Group Guides vinge, joan D. Change Selection. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Joan D. Vinge | |
59. Vinge, Joan D. Santa Claus: The Movie Storybook Author vinge, joan D. Title Santa Claus The Movie Storybook Gosset Dunlap c.1985 First Edition Unpagenated Colorful pictorial board with elfmade stamp http://www.archbooks.com/catalogdetaildisplay.asp?BookID2=50 |
60. Vinge, Joan D. Santa Claus The Movie Author vinge, joan D. Title Santa Claus The Movie Weekly ReaderBooks c. 1985 79 pp. Green boards with two charming Christmas http://www.archbooks.com/catalogdetaildisplay.asp?BookID2=1607 |
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