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         Vaughan Henry:     more books (100)
  1. The Poetical Works of Henry Vaughan: With a Memoir by Henry Francis Lyte, Henry Vaughan, 2010-02-22
  2. Henry Vaughan's Silex Scintillans: Scripture Uses by Philip West, 2001-09-06
  3. Henry Vaughan (Writers of Wales series) by Alan Rudrum, 1981-01
  4. Henry Vaughan: Selected Poems (Golden Age of Spiritual Writing) by Ann Cluysenaar, 2003-03-19
  5. Henry Vaughan, the Achievement of Silex Scintillans by Thomas O. Calhoun, 1980-12
  6. Henry Vaughan, a life and interpretation by F. E Hutchinson, 1947
  7. Memoir and remains of the Rev. Henry Vaughan, B.A., late of Worcester College, Oxford .. by Henry Vaughan, 2010-08-17
  8. The Poems Of Henry Vaughan V2: Silurist (1896) by Henry Vaughan, 2008-06-02
  9. Of Paradise and Light: Essays on Henry Vaughan and John Milton in Honor of Alan Rudrum
  10. University Reform in Nineteenth Century Oxford: Study of Henry Halford Vaughan, 1811-85 by E.G.W. Bill, 1973-03-29
  11. The Poems of Henry Vaughan by Henry Charles Beeching, Henry Vaughan, 2010-03-31
  12. Henry Vaughan: A Complete Bibliography of the "Hermetic Philosopher"
  13. The Sacred Poems of Henry Vaughan Silurist. by Henry and Charles Ricketts (Decorations). Vaughan, 1897
  14. The beauty of holiness: An introduction to six seventeenth-century Anglican writers ; Archbishop William Laud, Lancelot Andrewes, Jeremy Taylor, Mark Frank, ... Henry Vaughan (Fairacres publications)

41. Selected Works Of Henry Vaughan.
Retirement The Revival The Nativity The True Christmas Other henry vaughan sTranslation of On Contempt for the World by Eucherius of Lyons CCEL.

The Author's Preface to the Following Hymns

Texts [O Lord, the hope of Israel]

The Dedication

[Vain Wits and Eyes]
The True Christmas

Henry Vaughan's Translation of
On Contempt for the World by Eucherius of Lyons - CCEL
Life Timeline Works ... 17th C. Eng. Lit.
to Henry Vaughan
Site created by Anniina Jokinen on July 28, 1997. Last updated on January 31, 2003. Background by the kind permission of Gini Schmitz

42. Vaughan, Henry In UK Directory: Lifestyle & Auto: Authors S-Z
vaughan, henry Read numerous works by this metaphysical religious poet. Alsofind his biography and a discussion forum. Web Search vaughan, henry.,705575,671399,670347,1166398,9

43. Henry Vaughan @ Catharton Authors
henry vaughan. ? Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton henry vaughan’s secularpoetry. henry vaughan henry vaughan
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44. L'astronomie Et La Poesie : Henry Vaughan
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Henry Vaughan Silex Scintillans , 1650 et 1655). Cet ouvrage fut suivi d' Olor Iscanus Thalia rediviva The Star
    Whatever 'tis, whose beauty here below
    Attracts thee thus and makes thee stream and flow,
    And wind and curl, and wink and smile,
    Shifting thy gate and guile ;
    Though thy close commerce nought at all imbars
    My present search, for eagles eye not stars,
    And still the lesser by the best
    And highest good is blest ;
    Yet, seeing all things that subsist and be,
    Have their commissions from divinity,
    And teach us duty, I will see What man may learn from thee. First, I am sure, the subject so respected Is well dispos'd, for bodies once infected, Deprav'd, or dead, can have with thee No hold, nor sympathy. Next, there's in it a restless, pure desire And longing for thy bright and vital fire, Desire that never will be quench'd, Nor can be writh'd, nor wrench'd. These are the magnets which so strongly move And work all night upon thy light and love, As beauteous shapes, we know not why, Command and guide the eye.

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What s a course like? Keep Me Informed! Send me AllLearn s monthlynewsletter. DETAILS/DISCOUNTS. vaughan, henry,

46. Henry Vaughan
Cite this article APA vaughan, henry. Muze Media. Retrieved, from Muze Media Education. http// MLA vaughan, henry. Muze Media. 2003.
Henry Vaughan
Poems Man Peace The Night The Retreat The World They Are All Gone into the World of Light! Cite this article Email this article Printable article No Picture
Available for Henry Vaughan H
enry Vaughan was born in 1622 in Breconshire, Wales. He left Oxford before completing his degree and decided to study law. Later, Henry changed to medicine and was respected physician for the remainder of his life. Henry Vaughan was interested in mysticism, which was reflected in his poetry. Email To Your Friend Your Name: Your Email: Friend's Name: Friend's Email: Notes(optional):
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Vaughan , Henry. Muze Media. Retrieved, from Muze Media Education.
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47. Henry VAUGHAN | British History Online
To search all the resources available on this site, please use the advancedsearch function. vaughan, henry. Add this to your bookshelf.

48. Athenaeum Index: Author, Editor, Translator Record.
Author, Editor and/or Translator vaughan, henry. Authored The Worksin Verse and Prose, Complete, of henry vaughan, Silurist. Volumes,Henry.html
Author, Editor and/or Translator:
  • The Works in Verse and Prose, Complete, of Henry Vaughan, Silurist. Volumes I and II 2288 (September 2,1871)
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  • 49. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
    vaughan, henry (16221695). The Hutchinson The Hutchinson Dictionary of theArts 01-01-1998 vaughan, henry (1622-1695) Welsh poet. He published

    50. Halford - Vaughan, Henry
    Halford vaughan, henry. Date 02 Dec 2002 Time 013243 -0000 RemoteName Remote User Comments. Hello- It is possible
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    Halford - Vaughan, Henry
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    Hello- It is possible that I am descended from Henry Halford who was physician to King George III. Does anyone know the names of the children of Henry? Michael Sanders 51 Spring St. Chatham, New York 12037, USA Last changed: 05/11/04

    51. Re: Halford - Vaughan, Henry
    Re Halford vaughan, henry. Date 26 Apr 2004 Time 111026 +0100Remote Name Remote User Comments. From GO403 E
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    From GO403 E Graeme - did you ever discover if you were a descendant of Henry Halford. We have Halfords in our family but they originate from Blaby? Last changed: 05/11/04

    52. Poet: Henry Vaughan - All Poems Of Henry Vaughan
    henry vaughan (16211695), Free E-Book 25 henry vaughan was born intoa middle-class Welsh family in Breconshire. In 1638 he went
    Poem Hunter .com Home Poets Poems Search ... Contact Us Poets: A B C D ... All Henry Vaughan
    Free E-Book: 25 poems of Henry Vaughan
    File Size: 86k File Format: Acrobat Reader
    To download the eBook right-Click on the title and select "Save Target As". Biography Poems Quotations Comments ... Stats Henry Vaughan was born into a middle-class Welsh family in Breconshire. In 1638 he went to Jesus College, Oxford, with his brother Thomas, who later achieved fame as an alchemist. Henry left Oxford in 1640 without taking a degree, and spent two years in London studying law. He was recalled home when .. .. more >> Poems Click the title of the poem you'd like read.
    Page: Christ's Nativity Etesia Absent Friends Departed I Walk'd the Other Day ... The True Christians Page:
    Quotations "I saw Eternity the other night,
    Like a great ring of pure and endless light,"
    Henry Vaughan (1622-1695), Welsh poet. The World (l. 1-2). . . Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 1250-1918. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. (New ed., rev. and enl., 1939) Oxford University Press. "Yet some, who all this while did weep and sing

    53. Poet: Henry Vaughan - All Poems Of Henry Vaughan
    henry vaughan (16211695), .. http//• site info vaughan, henry Licensed from Columbia University Press.
    Poem Hunter .com Home Poets Poems Search ... Contact Us Poets: A B C D ... All Henry Vaughan
    Free E-Book: 25 poems of Henry Vaughan
    File Size: 86k File Format: Acrobat Reader
    To download the eBook right-Click on the title and select "Save Target As". Biography Poems Quotations Comments ... Stats Web resources about Henry Vaughan
    Henry Vaughan (1621-1695)
    • site info
    The Life of Henry Vaughan (1621-1695)

    Henry Vaughan was born in 1621 to Thomas Vaughan and Denise Morgan in Newton-upon-Usk in Breconshire, Wales. Lit. Back, to Henry Vaughan
    • site info
    Selected Works of Henry Vaughan.

    Retirement The Revival The Nativity The True Christmas Other Henry Translation of On Contempt for the World by Eucherius of Lyons - CCEL. • site info Vaughan, Henry Henry Vaughan . Glossary (The Complete Works of Shakespeare). • site info 362. Retreat. Henry Vaughan. The Oxford Book of English Verse Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. 1919. The Oxford Book of English Verse: 1250–1900. Henry Vaughan . 1621–1695. 362. The Retreat. HAPPY those early days, when I

    54. RPO -- Selected Poetry Of Henry Vaughan (1622?-1695)
    Selected Poetry of henry vaughan (1622?1695). from RepresentativePoetry On-line Prepared by members of the Department of English
    Poet Index Poem Index Random Search ... Concordance document.writeln(divStyle)
    Selected Poetry of Henry Vaughan (1622?-1695)
    from Representative Poetry On-line
    Prepared by members of the Department of English at the University of Toronto
    from 1912 to the present and published by the University of Toronto Press from 1912 to 1967.
    RPO Edited by Ian Lancashire
    A UTEL (University of Toronto English Library) Edition
    Published by the Web Development Group, Information Technology Services, University of Toronto Libraries
    Index to poems
    I saw Eternity the other night,
    Like a great ring of pure and endless light,
    All calm, as it was bright
    (The World, 1-3)
  • Christ's Nativity
  • The Evening-Watch: A Dialogue
  • I Walk'd the Other Day
  • The Morning-Watch ...
  • The World
    Notes on Life and Works
    The poems by Vaughan printed here are from Silex Scintillans ("Sparkling Flint") 1655, but all except "The Star," "They are all gone into the world of Light," and "The Water-Fall" were first published in a 1650 edition of Silex Scintillans to which a second part was added in 1655.
  • 55. TPCN - Great Quotations (Quotes) By Henry Vaughan To Inspire And Motivate You To
    henry vaughan. Q U O T E S T O I N S P I R E Y O U. Great quotes toinspire, empower and motivate you to live the life of your dreams
    Henry Vaughan Q
    S P I R E Y O U Great quotes to inspire, empower and motivate you to live the life of your dreams and become the person you've always wanted to be!
    Age and Aging
    T hey are all gone into the world of light, and I alone sit lingering here. List By Author : A B C D ... Z Display By Subject : A B C D ... Press here or the BACK BUTTON on your browser to return to the previous page... or choose from the following options: Are You Looking For More Great Quotes? Check Out The Ultimate Success Quotations Library Over 43,000 Quotes. Download Your FREE Evaluation Program... And Learn How You Can Make Your Writing And Speeches More Powerful! Go Here To Download Your FREE Ultimate Quotations Screen Saver! You Can Use Tony Robbins' Personal Power Program To Achieve Your Dreams! How To Double Your Internet Business Within The Next 97 Days... Guaranteed! ... Return To Victory City Directory And Check Out Other Fabulous Places! If you have any technical questions about this site, please send your email to

    56. Poems - The Waterfall By Henry Vaughan
    The Waterfall. By henry vaughan. With henry vaughan (16221695) was anAnglo-Welsh poet who is best known for his spiritual poetry. He
    Brain Strain
    Fun Stuff
    The Facts
    Site Map The Waterfall
    By Henry Vaughan
    With what deep murmurs through time's silent stealth
    Doth thy transparent, cool, and wat'ry wealth
    Here flowing fall,
    And chide, and call,
    As if his liquid, loose retinue stay'd Ling'ring, and were of this steep place afraid; The common pass Where, clear as glass, All must descend Not to an end, But quicken'd by this deep and rocky grave, Rise to a longer course more bright and brave. Dear stream! dear bank, where often I Have sate and pleas'd my pensive eye, Why, since each drop of thy quick store Runs thither whence it flow'd before

    57. The Star By Henry Vaughan
    The Star. By henry vaughan. Whatever henry vaughan (16221695) was anAnglo-Welsh poet who is best known for his spiritual poetry. He
    Brain Strain
    Fun Stuff
    The Facts
    Site Map The Star
    By Henry Vaughan

    Whatever 'tis, whose beauty here below
    Attracts thee thus and makes thee stream and flow,
    And wind and curl, and wink and smile,
    Shifting thy gate and guile; Though thy close commerce nought at all imbars
    My present search, for eagles eye not stars, And still the lesser by the best And highest good is blest; Yet, seeing all things that subsist and be, Have their commissions from divinity, And teach us duty, I will see What man may learn from thee. First, I am sure, the subject so respected Is well dispos'd, for bodies once infected, Deprav'd, or dead, can have with thee

    58. Henry Vaughan
    vaughan, henry. Letters of henry Cardinal vaughan to Lady Herbert of Lea. Ed.Shane Leslie. vaughan, henry. The Works of henry vaughan. LC Martin.
    Henry Vaughan This bibliography was compiled by William S. Peterson for his Web site English Literature and Religion and was uploaded 20 February 2003. Allison, Antony F. Four Metaphysical Poets: George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell. A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Early Editions of Their Poetry and Prose (to the End of the 17th Century) The Library 5th ser., 30 (1975): 63. Bethell, S. L. The Cultural Revolution of the Seventeenth Century . London: Dennis Dobson, Ltd; New York: Roy, 1951. ¶ CONTENTS: "The Doctrinal Treatment of Faith and Reason in Seventeenth-Century Anglican Theology" (Chap. 2). Bird, Michael. "Nowhere but in the Dark: On the Poetry of Henry Vaughan." English: The Journal of the English Association 33, no. 145 (Spring, 1984): 1-20. Blunden, Edmund. On the Poems of Henry Vaughan . London: Richard Cobden-Sanderson, 1927. Blunden, Edmund Charles. Nature in English Literature . London: Hogarth Press, 1929. Bourdette, Robert E., Jr. "Recent Studies in Henry Vaughan." English Literary Renaissance 4, no. 2 (1974): 299-310.

    59. Vaughan
    Welcome to Poets Graves. Next. henry vaughan. 16211695. henry vaughan is buriedin the churchyard of St Bridget s Church, Llansantffraed, Powys, Wales.
    Check out our new FORUM.... POETS' CORNER your views or post your poem! Welcome
    Henry Vaughan
    Henry Vaughan is buried in the churchyard of St Bridget's Church, Llansantffraed, Powys, Wales. His tombstone is located outside the east wall of the church and bears a Latin inscription which he composed. The church, located on the banks of the River Usk, was rebuilt in the 19th century. Vaughan began writing secular poems but following a religious conversion turned his attention to devotional verse. He attributed his conversion largely to reading the work of George Herbert . In 1650 Vaughan published his best known collection Silex Scintillans. This featured a mystical philosophy influenced by the hermeticism of his twin brother Thomas who was a philospher and a practicising alchemist. On the title page of the collection Vaughan refers to himself as a 'Silurist' - a name taken from the Silures tribe who inhabited the Brecon Beacons at the time of the Roman invasion. Vaughan married Catherine Wise with whom he had one son and three daughters. After his wife's death he married her sister Elizabeth who also bore him a son and three daughters.

    60. Henry Vaughan
    English 233 Survey of British Literature 1/Fall 1999 Dr. Janet Wright StarnerHenry vaughan Page authors Jen Fela Jerry Palmaioli Lisa Shafer Edward
    English 233 - Survey of British Literature 1/Fall 1999
    Dr. Janet Wright Starner

    Henry Vaughan
    Emblems, Style, and Metaphor
    On this page, you will be exploring and reading about the liminal aspects of early modern culture and the transitional representations that help explain the movement from medieval to modern culture. Writers of this time used many emblems, metaphors, and symbols to explain their inner thoughts within their work. Emblems were a good example of the medieval times. Emblems were viewable symbols that appeared on medieval shields and armor, on the Bible, and used for church decorations. The emblems were mostly referenced to the Bible. Style and Metaphor came into play as soon as writers started to right poems using their inner thoughts indirectly. Henry Vaughan, as well as, other great writers of this time used metaphors in their style of writing. We are going to look at the way in which Henry Vaughan used metaphors in his style of writing and how he applied it to his poem"The Retreat". Henry Vaughan was born in 1622 in Breconshire, Wales to Thomas Vaughan and Denise Morgan. Entering Oxford University in 1638 where he studied with his twin brother Thomas followed his Welsh childhood. In 1640 he left Oxford to study law in London for two years. It was also in London that he started his poetic apprenticeship at the Inns of Court. In 1642 he returned back to Breconshire at the onset of a Civil War. It is here that he served as secretary to the Circuit Chief Justice of the Great Sessions until 1645. At that time he joined the company of soldiers who fought for King Charles's cause with Sir Herbert Price at Chester. By 1646 it is assumed he married Catherine Wise with whom he was to have a son and three daughters. In this same year Poems with the Tenth Satire of Juvenal Englished, a slender volume of secular verse was published. In this book he imitated the style of Ben Jonson of whom he was a fervent admirer.

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