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         Van Vogt A E:     more books (101)
  1. The Players of Null-A by A. E. Van Vogt, 1990-04
  2. The World of Null-A by A. E. van Vogt, 2002-10-25
  3. Transfinite: The Essential A. E. Van Vogt by A. E. Van Vogt, 2003-02
  4. The Voyage of the Space Beagle by A. E. van Vogt, 2008-07-08
  5. The War Against the Rull by A. E. Van Vogt, 1959
  6. The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume 3: Lester Del Rey, Frederik Pohl, Damon Knight, A. E. van Vogt, and Jack Vance
  7. The Empire of Isher: The Weapon Makers / The Weapon Shops of Isher by A. E. van Vogt, 2000-05
  8. Vault of the Beast by A. E. van Vogt, 2008-11-24
  9. Mission to the Stars (originally published as "The Mixed Men") by A E Van Vogt, 1955
  10. Transgalactic by A.E. Van Vogt, 2006-09-26
  11. Triad: Three Complete Science Fiction Novels by A. E. Van Vogt, 1951
  12. Null -A Three by A. E. Van Vogt, 1985-07-02
  13. Slan: A Novel by A. E. Van Vogt, 1998-02-15
  14. Destination Universe by A. E. Van Vogt, 1975-01-01

1. Van Vogt A E ; Beast, Van West Patricia E - El Hombre De Los
Home Contact Beast; van vogt a e van vogt a e Twisted Men One of Our Asteroids Is =

A general appraisal of this SF author's influence, and an introduction to his fictional works.
"I took the family alarm clock and went into the spare bedroom that night, and set it for an hour and a half. And thereafter when I was working on a story I would waken myself every hour and a half through the night - force myself to wake up, think of the story, try to solve it, and even as I was thinking about it I would fall back asleep. And in the morning there would be a solution for that particular story problem. Now, that's penetrating the sub-conscious in my opinion. It's penetrating it in a way that I don't think they'll be able to do any better, thirty centuries from now." - A. E. van Vogt, in DREAM MAKERS (May 1979)
He is one of the pioneers of science fiction despite the fact that his novels aren't exactly among the favorites of the sf literati. Action-packed and rich in lurid detail, his early works introduced wild ideas like implanted false memories to later writers, from Barrington Bayley to Philip K. Dick He is not by any means considered a great writer, but he is a memorable and influential one. He incorporates complex time paradoxes and messianic supermen into these tales about galactic empires; he soaks his vision in that primal essence of science fiction, sense of wonder. He is one of those authors who give science fiction its bad name, yet somehow his stories find their audience and hold their fascination.. he is: A. E. VAN VOGT : ONE AGAINST ETERNITY

3. The Weird Worlds Of A. E. Van Vogt
Information about AE van vogt science fiction author. Excerpts frombooks, lots of cover The Weird Worlds of AE van vogt. 1912 2000.
The Weird Worlds of A. E. van Vogt Gallery Bibliography 1st chapters Articles ... Links
A. E. van Vogt passed away
on January 26th, 2000. Read more about this at Locus Online , and at SFWA. I'm sure I speak for everyone who has lent a hand with this web site, and joined the mailing list, when I say that we mourn his passing, and all send our deepest sympathies to those who knew him, loved him and were loved by him. May he rest in peace and rest assured that his name will be kept alive.
NEW stuff! 16 May 2004: Have done some minor fixes, and added pictures and larger versions of cover scans here and there. Most recent changes made on:
The Weapon Shops of Isher

The Weapon Makers

House that stood still

The Worlds of A. E. van Vogt
The Changeling

As I progress in adding cover scans I plan to put the most recently updated page on top of this list. Take a look at this page for absolutely stunning french artwork for various sci-fi titles including quite a few by Van Vogt. 22 july 2003: Read a review of Transfinite: The Essential A. E. van Vogt at

4. Van Vogt, A. E.
En personlig betraktelse av n¥gra av f¶rfattarens romaner.övermänniskan.txt
Myten om övermänniskan En personlig betraktelse kring några av Alfred Elton Van Vogts romaner av Jukka Nylund "Gilbert Gosseyn visste inte vem - eller vad - han var. Han visste bara att han var skenbart odödlig. Men någon visste vem han var, och vad han innebar och utnyttjade honom i ett väldigt kosmiskt spel som omfattade hela galaxen" Detta citat kan sägas vara ett varumärke för AE Van Vogt. En skenbart vanlig människa, försedd med en övermännisklig egenskap, utnyttjad i ett stort kosmiskt spel som han själv inte känner till. AE debuterade -39 med novellen "Black Destroyer", en historia som senare vävdes in i hans roman THE VOYAGE OF THE SPACE BEAGLE (UPPDRAG I UNIVERSUM, Delta Förlag). Tidigt fascinerades AE av temat kring supervarelser. Hans tidigare verk behandlade supervarelserna från yttre rymden, medan hans första roman SLAN tar upp temat kring övermänniskan, med latenta krafter som tas upp i kampen mot ondska och förtryck. Hans senare verk kom att domineras av detta tema. Citatet tidigare är hämtat ur AEs kanske mest kända romansvit. Noll-A trilogin, THE WORLD OF NULL-A, THE PLAYERS OF NULL-A, och NULL-A THREE (VÄRLDEN OCH NOLL-A, SPELARNA OCH NOLL-A, SEGRAREN OCH NOLL-A, alla Deltas förlag). Sviten kan sammanfattas med att den handlar om Gilberts sökande efter sanningen om sig själv och varför han är skenbart odödlig. Varje gång hans kropp skadas dödligt, överförs hans minnen till en ny kropp på något annat ställe i universum identisk med den tidigare. Gilbert, en supermänniska upplärd enligt den "icke Aristoteleiska logiken", använder sig av sina krafter i kampen mot en militäristisk galaktisk kultur som vill underkuva resten av galaxen och förinta den "icke Aristoteleiska läran" som sammanbinder de andra galaktiska kulturerna. Idén till romansviten fick AE från greve Alfred Korzybski och hans verk SCIENCE AND SANITY där Korzybski definierar den allmänna semantiken, en pseudovetenskaplig livsfilsofi som fick stå som modell till AEs Noll-A lära. I sina två romaner EMPIRE OF THE ATOM och THE WIZARD OF LINN, berättar AE historien om Clane Linn. Fursteson i en tid då rymdskeppen flyger mellan planeterna i solsystemet, men det effektivaste vapnet är pil och båge, då Plutonium, Uran och Radium är gudarna man tillber. Clane är föraktad för den grava kroppsliga missbildning han har och hålls därför undangömd. Han anses galen vilket troligtvis räddat hans liv i en värld fylld av intriger, giftmord och hemliga pakter mellan maktlystna styvmödrar och kusiner. Men Clane är allt annat än galen. Han besitter en intelligens av stora mått och börjar söka upp guldålderns hemligheter ur de glödande kratrar som en gång varit städer fyllda av tekniska under. Men snart dras även Clane in i intrigerna kring tronen då hans efterforskningar och personliga charm gör honom till de unga aristokraternas favorit till tronen. Men intrigerna störs av dels en barbarinvasion och dels en invasion av de otrevliga rymdvarelserna som är anledningen till den tekniska anakronism som råder på jorden och i resten av solsystemet. En romansvit där övermänniskan ersatts med en övermännisklig organisation är Ishersviten: THE WEAPONSHOPS OF ISHER och THE WEAPON MAKERS (VAPENHANDLARNA FRÅN ISHER och VÄKTARNA FRÅN ISHER, båda Delta förlag). Vapenhandlarna är en organisation vars motto rätt och slätt är "Rätten att köpa vapen är rätten att vara fri". Vapnen man köper är sinnrika, de går endast att använda till självförsvar. Organisationens uppgift är att verka som motpol till Isherdynastin, enväldiga kejsare och kejsarinnor som behärskat solsystemet i två årtusenden. I den första romanen blir vapenhandlarna utsatta för ett försök att förinta organisationen från kejsarinnan Innelde, en hetlevrad 25-årig regent. En tidskanon ska försöka förinta vapenhandlarnas butiker som skyddas av ett kraftigt fält som står emot de kraftigaste energi och projektilvapnen. Som kuriosa ges även en annorlunda förklaring till universums uppkomst. I den andra romanen lär vi känna vapenhandlarskråets grundare Hedrock, en person som genom ett experiment blivit odödlig och påtagit sig uppgiften att övervaka relationen mellan Vapenhandlarna och Isherdynastin. Ett hot mot Inneldas maktställning i form av instellär drift dyker upp och hon gör sitt bästa för att förhindra att hemligheten med denna läcker ut. Dock har Hedrock, vars egentliga uppgift är okänd för båda sidor, fått reda på hemligheten bakom driften och försöker göra interstellär drift allmänt tillgänglig. Ska även nämnas att en utomjordisk superras blandar sig in i leken och rövar bort vår hjälte för en tid. Vad ska man säga om AEs författarskap? Hans verk är till ytan ganska vilda historier. Intrigerna är komplicerade, ibland så komplicerade att de nästan slår knut på sig själva. Persongalleriet är omfattande, personerna mångtydiga. Om man söker efter spänning och rafflande historier och läser hans romaner utan etiska eller moraliska baktankar kan de rekommenderas. Jag kan nog säga att AE enligt min personliga åsikt är den intressantaste rymdopera-författaren. Men moraliska frågor dyker upp ibland. I hans böcker är hjälten i början omedveten om sina krafter men växer snart till insikt om dessa och börjar forma människlighetens framtid. Det moraliska i att en människa ensamt ska bestämma hela människlighetens framtid är tveksamt. Men jag överlämnar de moraliska/etiska diskussionerna till andra skribenter. Mina åsikter, uttryckt i stjärnor, kring några av AE Van Vogts verk. Originaltitel och år inom parentes. Cargils Universum *** 1986, Sam J. Lundwall Fakta Fantasi (The Universe Makers -50 53) Den odödlige *** 1988, Sam J. Lundwall Fakta Fantasi (Quest for the Future -70) Världen och Noll-A **** 1979, Delta förlag (World of Null-A -45) Spelarna och Noll-A **** 1979, Delta förlag (The Players of Null-A -48) Segraren och Noll-A *** 1985, Delta förlag (Null-A Three -85) Makten och stjärnorna **** 1982, Delta förlag (Empire of the Atom -56) Makten och gudarna **** 1984, Delta förlag (The Wizard of Linn -50) Vapenhandlarna från Isher **** 1980, Delta förlag (The Weaponshops of Isher -51) Väktarna från Isher **** 1982, Delta förlag (The Weapon Makers -43) Odjuret ***(*) 1985, Delta förlag (The Beast -85) Jukka Nylund

5. Icshi: The A.E. Van Vogt Information Site
Comprehensive bibliography, list of book editions, coverscans, illustrations, plot summaries, and photos.
A.E. van Vogt (1912-2000) Have no idea who van Vogt is?
I'd first recommend visiting Juha Lindroos'
One Against Eternity
page for an outstanding
introduction to the man and his work.
This site was last updated on February 2nd, 2004
Table of Contents
The Database
- a complete bibliography with notes on the stories' backgrounds
The Compendium
- a complete list of book editions and printings in the English language
- 176 coverscans from my collection, with commentary on my favorites
- artwork that accompanied stories in magazines and books
Plot Summaries
- detailed synopses of van Vogt's and E. Mayne Hull's novels and stories The Three Worlds of Null-A - a book-length comparative study of the three versions of The World of Null-A Photos - pictures of Van, Mayne, and Lydia with biographical material, and a diagram of his family tree Interview #1 - a rare 1979 interview conducted by Grant Thiessen Interview #2 - an unpublished 1980 interview conducted by Robert Weinberg, appearing here for the first time "To Be His Keeper"

6. Alfred Elton Van Vogt
Pr©sentation de ses romans, bibliographie et biographie.
Un petit tour du coté d'Alfred Elton Van Vogt, auteur de l'Age d'Or de la Science-Fiction Les fabricants d'armes
Le livre de Ptath

A l'assaut de l'invisible
A la poursuite des slans ...
La guerre contre le Rull

Une belle brute
La bête

Les monstres

Pour une autre terre

Après l'éternité
Les enfants de demain

Alfred Elton Van Vogt Ténèbres sur Diamondia Des lendemains qui scintillent L'homme multiplié Les galactiques secrets ... Couvertures Vous pouvez accéder aux pages des ouvrages avec la page " Bibliographie " Le menu " Couvertures " propose des premières de couverture d'éditions anciennes. Le menu " Publicités " propose...des pubs anciennes Les " Liens " envoient vers des sites relatifs a Alfred Elton Van Vogt dans le monde. La " biographie " est...une biographie succincte qui devrait s'enrichir par la suite. Alfred Elton Van Vogt, ce grand écrivain de l'age d'or de la Science fiction, aura jusqu'au bout été tourné vers le futur. Il aura attendu le 26 janvier 2000 pour nous quitter, voulant certainement jeter un oeil sur ce temps futur qui se nommait "l'an 2000" en 1940. C'est suite à la lecture de l'ouvrage de Joseph Altairac "

7. A.E. Van Vogt @ Catharton Authors
A.E. van vogt and resources concerning his works.
US sales in
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all of Catharton just Authors Catharton Authors V : Van Vogt, A.E. A.E. Van Vogt 26th April 1912 - 26th January 2000 Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites: The Weird Worlds of A.E. Van Vogt A.E. Van Vogt [] A.E. Van Vogt [] A.E. Van Vogt [] ... A. E. van Vogt: Science Fantasy's Icon Message Boards: Suggest or Request a board Mailing Lists: Suggest or Request a list Chat Rooms: Suggest or Request a room Can't find what you want here? Try searching Google for A.E. Van Vogt List of Works:

this list of works ... if you need help, peruse this site's Frequently Asked Questions

8. The Weird Worlds Of A. E. Van Vogt
Information about A. E. van vogt science fiction author. Excerpts from books, lots of cover scans, interviews and articles Interviews. Links. A. E. van vogt passed away on January 26th, 2000

9. Van Vogt Cover Art
The Weird Worlds of AE van vogt. The cover art.
The Weird Worlds of A. E. van Vogt The cover art Gallery Bibliography 1st chapters Articles Interviews ... Links
Great cover art
is an integral part of science fiction books. Here is a gallery of van Vogt books, featuring the wonderful artwork of artists such as Richard Powers, Jack Fargasso, John Schoenherr, Frank Kelly Freas and many others. In many cases you can click on the picture to view a larger one. Also, there is a synopsis of each book taken from the back covers of the books themselves, giving a glimpse of the insides, but not to be taken too seriously as these texts sometimes tend to exaggerate. Books are arranged in alphabetical order. Feel free to submit coverscans that you notice are missing to Another good gallery of cover art is on Isaac Wilcott's site, and Yutaka Morita has a lot of rarely seen editions in his gallery
Alpha et Omega

The Anarchistic Colossus

Away and Beyond
The Worlds of A. E. van Vogt

Maintained by Magnus Axelsson, email:

10. A. E. Van Vogt
Briefly discusses the various topics that influenced this author's fiction.
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
A. E. van Vogt
A. E. van Vogt, 1912-2000 A web page by Alan Nicoll. Links
Weird Worlds of A. E. Van Vogt
web site.
Yahoo Van Vogt Group

with van Vogt that was published in Science Fiction Review #23, in 1977.
A. E. van Vogt
Alfred Elton van Vogt was one of my favorite authors when I was a teenager, and has remained a favorite while most others (Edgar Rice Burroughs, H. Rider Haggard, Mickey Spillane, Ian Fleming) have been forgotten. This web page presents a meager selection of my reviews and thoughts about van Vogt. Van Vogt was born in Canada in 1912 and died 1/26/2000. The first science fiction novel I ever bought, and maybe ever read, was The Weapon Shops of Isher I've read all his novels and most of his short stories numerous times, though my reading of all fiction has dropped off dramatically in the last ten or fifteen years. I no longer look for his books at bookstores, but just last night (9/12/01) I started reading The World of Null-A to my son, who is six years old. It's my favorite of all of van Vogt's books.

Aktuelle Angebote zum Thema vogt. carpe librum AE van vogt Null-A. - Nachruf auf AE van vogt. vogt, AE van. GLEICHE KATEGORIE ÖSTERREICH INTERNATIONAL. - - , . .
  • Aktuelle Angebote zum Thema: Vogt
  • carpe librum - AE van Vogt: Null-A
  • - Nachruf auf AE van Vogt
  • 12. A. E. Van Vogt: The Weapon Shops Of Isher - Fantastic Reviews Book Review
    guns and politics. Information about author AE van vogt. FantasticReviews Neglected Masters Book Review, AE van vogt One can make
    Fantastic Reviews - Neglected Masters Book Review
    (cover shown second printing 1961
    35¢ cover price - 178 pages)
    Book read in June 2000
    Rating: 7/10
    Review by Aaron Hughes A. E. van Vogt: One can make a strong case that A. E. van Vogt, who passed away on January 26, 2000, was one of the three writers, along with Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein, who played the most important roles in ushering in the Golden Age of science fiction. Van Vogt's influence on the field was substantial. The stories collected in The Voyage of the Space Beagle were perhaps the first to chronicle the adventures of the crew of a large, military-style starship exploring the universe, and doubtless influenced Gene Roddenberry strongly when he created Star Trek. (The Space Beagle first appeared in Astounding magazine in July 1939, about two years before the first of Eric Frank Russell's tales of the crew of the Marathon, which bear an even stronger resemblance to Star Trek. Earlier recurring stories about spaceship crews I am aware of featured much smaller, less organized bands of adventurers, most notably the two-man team in John W. Campbell, Jr.'s Penton and Blake stories.) One of the Space Beagle stories purportedly inspired the movie Alien - the resemblance was great enough that van Vogt brought a lawsuit against the filmmakers, which reportedly settled for a $50,000 payment. Reading The Weapon Shops of Isher also made me wonder if Philip K. Dick was among the many significant SF writers van Vogt influenced. Weapon Shops has several moments when the nature of reality seems to suddenly shift, as so often occurs in Dick's work.

    13. Resolution
    Biographie, bibliographie, oeuvres comment©es, extraits d'interviews et ©tude du 'style van vogt'.
    et alors!!!!! 2618

    14. A E Van Vogt Bibliography
    A bibliography of AE van vogt s books and short stories, with book covers andlinks to related authors. Anthologies containing stories by AE van vogt, Top.
    Fantastic Fiction Authors V
    A E van Vogt
    (Alfred Elton van Vogt)
    Search Authors Search Books Series Top Null-A The World of A
    aka The World of Null-A The Pawns of Null-A Null-A 3
    Novels Top
    Black Destroyer Discord in Scarlet The Seesaw The Book of Ptath
    aka Two Hundred Million AD Slan The Weapon Makers
    aka One Against Eternity The House That Stood Still
    aka The Mating Cry Masters of Time The Voyage of the Space Beagle The Weapon Shops of Isher Mission to the Stars ... The Mind Cage Siege of the Unseen The War against the Rull Earth's Last Fortress The Violent Man The Wizard of Linn ... The Beast The Twisted Men Rogue Ship The Players of Null-A The Winged Man The Silkie ... Future Glitter
    aka Tyranopolis The Man with a Thousand Names The Secret Galactics
    aka Earth Factor X Supermind The money personality Undercover Aliens The Anarchistic Colossus ... The Gryb (with Ednay Mayne Hull Pendulum The Enchanted Village Renaissance Cosmic Encounter Computer Eye Computerworld ... The Empire of Isher Collections Top M33 in Andromeda Out of the Unknown Away and Beyond Destination: Universe!

    15. The Absolutely Weird Bookshelf, THE A.E. VAN VOGT BOOKS
    The Absolutely Weird Bookshelf offers a selection of science fiction and fantasy books by A.E. van vogt Tale in a future anarchic Earth.$ 7.00. van vogt, A.E. Away and Beyond Avon, 1952 (548

    16. - Author A. E. Van Vogt's Biography,Bibliography,Novels,Short Sto
    Author detail page, listing a brief biography about them, a list of their novels, and sites related to them. SFbookcase author profile. SFbookcase gives you all of the information about new Register A. E. van vogt. Tuesday April 27 2004 R.I.P. A. E. van vogt, 19122000

    17. Notes On The Writings Of A. E. Van Vogt
    AE van vogt s Monsters (1965) A good choice of van vogt s stories by his agent andfriend, the irrepressible Forrest J. Ackerman; however there is much overlap
    The Novels of A. E. van Vogt Van Vogt writes his stories in 800 word scenes, each one adding a new plot twist, each one posing an additional puzzle to his readers. This is what Blish has termed "the extensively recomplicated SF story". Moreover van Vogt would willingly interrupt his sleep to dream his way through a story. Hence the frenzied, automatic character of his most powerful fiction and perhaps also, the well-nigh incomprehensible psychology of his characters, who behave in mechanical, often unbelievable ways, impervious to either sense or reason. His amnesiac heroes, who don't know who they are, whose minds are "blank" (a typical van vogtian expression), hardly lend themselves to character analysis. First period (1940-1950) All of the core material of the following was originally published in the forties; the dates, some quite late, only indicate that of the first publication as a fix-up novel. (the dates given are of those first publication-in some cases these were originally published as magazine serials.) "...his first fine careless rapture...that mixture of kookie science...with lyric excitement."

    18. A. E. Van Vogt: The Weapon Shops Of Isher - Fantastic Reviews Book Review
    A detailed and analytical review of the book The Weapon Shops of Isher.
    Fantastic Reviews - Neglected Masters Book Review
    (cover shown second printing 1961
    35¢ cover price - 178 pages)
    Book read in June 2000
    Rating: 7/10
    Review by Aaron Hughes A. E. van Vogt: One can make a strong case that A. E. van Vogt, who passed away on January 26, 2000, was one of the three writers, along with Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein, who played the most important roles in ushering in the Golden Age of science fiction. Van Vogt's influence on the field was substantial. The stories collected in The Voyage of the Space Beagle were perhaps the first to chronicle the adventures of the crew of a large, military-style starship exploring the universe, and doubtless influenced Gene Roddenberry strongly when he created Star Trek. (The Space Beagle first appeared in Astounding magazine in July 1939, about two years before the first of Eric Frank Russell's tales of the crew of the Marathon, which bear an even stronger resemblance to Star Trek. Earlier recurring stories about spaceship crews I am aware of featured much smaller, less organized bands of adventurers, most notably the two-man team in John W. Campbell, Jr.'s Penton and Blake stories.) One of the Space Beagle stories purportedly inspired the movie Alien - the resemblance was great enough that van Vogt brought a lawsuit against the filmmakers, which reportedly settled for a $50,000 payment. Reading The Weapon Shops of Isher also made me wonder if Philip K. Dick was among the many significant SF writers van Vogt influenced. Weapon Shops has several moments when the nature of reality seems to suddenly shift, as so often occurs in Dick's work.

    19. Science Fiction Writer Robert J. Sawyer: Remembering A. E. Van Vogt
    That night, AE van vogt received the really big prize, the Science Fiction andFantasy Writers of America s Grand Master Award, honoring a lifetime of
    You Are Here: SFWRITER.COM Canadian SF HOME
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    Other Novels: Flashforward
    Golden Fleece

    Factoring Humanity
    Illegal Alien ... Terminal Experiment Quintaglio Trilogy: Far-Seer Fossil Hunter Foreigner I Support:
    Remembering A. E. van Vogt
    by Robert J. Sawyer
    The Terminal Experiment won the Nebula Award. But it also, in a way, was one of the saddest. That night, A. E. van Vogt received the really big prize, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America's Grand Master Award, honoring a lifetime of achievement. It should have been a joyous occasion, but it was actually quite tragic to see. Harlan, I'm sure, simply wanted van Vogt, born in 1912, to be honored during his lifetime, and he knew time was running short, but I don't think any of us, prognosticators all, predicted the sad way the future was really going to unfold: that, by the time SFWA got around to bestowing its Lucite obelisk, van Vogt would indeed still be alive but that much of the greatness that had been within him would be gone, stolen by the cruel thief of Alzheimer's. After the awards ceremony, I was surrounded by well-wishers, for which I was very grateful, but it meant I had a hard time making it across the ballroom of the

    20. Untitled Document
    Japanese, American, and British book and magazine covers.
    A. E. van Vogt Cover Art Gallery Created July 20, 2003 by Yutaka Morita Updated May 22, 2004 - click HERE for history Book Covers U.S. and U.K. editions Japanese editions Magazine Covers U.S. magazine covers that feature van Vogt stories

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