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1. Aritha Van Herk Aritha van Herk. Biography; Texts by Aritha van Herk; Writing about Arithavan Herk; Excerpts from Karin Beeler s article on Places Far From Ellesmere http://quarles.unbc.ca/kbeeler_html/research/herk1.html | |
2. Aritha Van Herk Aritha van Herk Born and grew up in central Alberta, studied at theUniversity of Alberta in Edmonton, graduating in 1978 with an MA. http://www.writersunion.ca/v/vanherk.htm | |
3. Søgeresultat - Bibliotek.dk SØGERESULTAT, Du har søgt på van herk aritha, BOG. Læg i kurv. Van Herk , ArithaPlaces far from Ellesmere a geografictione explorations on site. 1995. http://bibliotek.dk/vis.php?base=dfa&term1=Van Herk Aritha |
4. Aritha Van Herk: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price The Tent Peg Compare Prices, The Tent Peg By van herk aritha, Van Aritha UnknownBinding / McClelland Stewart / February 1981 / 0771087020 Books Similar to http://www.fetchbook.co.uk/search_Aritha_Van_Herk/searchBy_Author.html | |
5. Van Herk Aritha: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price van herk aritha Compare new and used books prices among 98 book stores ina click. Find the lowest price. Searched in books for van herk aritha. http://www.fetchbook.co.uk/search_Van_Herk_Aritha/searchBy_Author.html | |
6. Herk Translate this page Aritha van herk aritha van Herk est une romancière, écrivain des histoires courtes,compilateur, critique de litérature et une feministe. Aritha van Herk. http://www.ei.educ.ab.ca/sch/ajs/gallery_cdn_art/tara/pages/herk.html | |
7. Canadian Literary And Art Archives - Aritha Van Herk Special Collections. van herk, aritha, 1954. aritha van herk fonds. 1970 - 1992. Previouslyknown as aritha van herk papers. Acquired in 1985, 1988 and 1999. http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/vanherk.htm | |
8. Aritha Van Herk Page - Home News, pictures, and an interview. http://www.arithavanherk.de/Arithome.htm | |
9. Aritha Van Herk @ Catharton Authors aritha van herk and resources concerning her works. http://www.catharton.com/authors/3958.htm | |
10. Aritha Van Herk - Department Of English New Course Offerings. aritha van herk. email vanherk@ucalgary.ca http://www.english.ucalgary.ca/faculty/a_vanherk.htm | |
11. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:VAN HERK, ARITHA DISCUSSION. SEARCH. INDEX. HELP. van herk, aritha. Margaret Atwood und aritha van herk. GLEICHE KATEGORIE ÖSTERREICH INTERNATIONAL. - http://www.phs2.net/cwde/L3/oc376d.htm | |
12. Canadian Literary Archives - Robert Kroetsch - Biocritical Essay Biocritical essay by aritha van herk. http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/kroetschbioc.htm | |
13. Extracts From Karin Beeler S Article Re-creating Cassandra And van herk, aritha. Places Far From Ellesmere . Red Deer College Press, 1990.Resource created and maintained by Karin Beeler kbeeler@quarles.unbc.edu. http://quarles.unbc.ca/kbeeler_html/research/herk5.html | |
14. Literary Encyclopedia: Van Herk, Aritha van herk, aritha. (1954 ). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature. Novelist,Story Writer, Critic. Active 1974 - in Canada, North America. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=4521 |
15. Books By Aritha Van Herk At Walmart.com - Every Day Low Prices Find books written by aritha van herk. Select from 1000's of books at Walmart.com, we have a great selection of highquality merchandise, friendly service and, of course, Every Day Low Prices. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
16. Results van herk, aritha. Born Canada. 1954 . Active 1974 -. Female. Country of ActivityCanada. Group Major. Domain Literature Activity Novelist, Story Writer, Critic. http://www.litencyc.com/cgi-bin/eautname.pl?author1=van HerkXXAritha |
17. Aritha Van Herk (b.1954, D.----) - Curriculum Vitae (CV) An academic directory and search engine http://www.getcited.org/mbrz/10044484 | |
18. Northwest Passage Canadian Literature On-Line van herk, aritha. In Visible Ink cryptofrictions - The Writer as Critic Series III van herk, aritha. No Fixed Address An Amorous Journey http://www.nwpassages.com/inventory_list.asp?Action=Author&keyword=V |
19. Aritha Van Herk Page - Texts TEXTS. Essays and secondary literature on aritha van herk. Excerpts from and downloadof an interview with aritha van herk. A review of her novel Restlessness. http://www.arithavanherk.de/Texts.htm | |
20. No Fixed Address By Aritha Van Herk And Aritha Herk : Booksamillion.com (0889951 BooksA-Million.com offers No Fixed Address by aritha van herk and aritha herk at a deep discount (0889951837, Paperback). Find everyday discounts of 10% to 46% off and save even more on bargain http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?pid=0889951837&ad=YHSBKS |
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