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         Undset Sigrid:     more books (103)
  1. Kransen (Norwegian Edition) by Sigrid Undset, 1978
  2. Kristin Labransdatter by Sigrid Undset, 1929
  3. Christine Lavransdatter. La Croix. (Tome 3 French translation). by Sigrid Undset, 1938
  4. Essays (Norske essayister) (Norwegian Edition) by Sigrid Undset, 1996
  5. THE CROSS (KRISTIN LAVRANSDATTTER) by Sigrid Undset, 1930-01-01
  6. La Zarza Ardiente by Sigrid Undset, 1947
  7. True and Untrue & Other Norse Tales by Sigrid (editor) Undset, 1962
  8. La Femme fidèle by Sigrid Undset, T. Hammar, 1982-04-30
  9. True and untrue, and other Norse tales by Sigrid Undset, 1958
  10. Frühling. Roman. by Sigrid Undset, 1984-01-01
  11. Happy Times in Norway. by Sigrid Undset, 1979-06
  12. Et Kvinde-Synspunkt (Norwegian Edition) by Sigrid Undset, 2010-01-10
  13. Christmas and Twelfth night by Sigrid Undset, 1932
  14. Sigurd and His Brave Companions: A Tale of Medieval Norway by Sigrid Undset, 1964

81. WebGuest Directory - Literature : World Literature : Norwegian : Undset, Sigrid
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82. In The Wilderness - By Undset, Sigrid
Norway History Book Review. AUTHOR undset, sigrid ISBN 0679755535 Compare price for this book. In the Wilderness Book Review, by undset, sigrid.
In the Wilderness
Norway History Book Review
AUTHOR: Undset, Sigrid
ISBN: 0679755535
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Europe History Norway History Editorial Review from Amazon
In the Wilderness
- Book Review, by Undset, Sigrid
Language Notes

Text: English (translation)
Original Language: Norwegian
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In the Wilderness - Book Review, by Undset, Sigrid From the Publisher
It is Norway in the thirteenth century, a land rent by unremitting warfare and feebly lit by Christianity. Olav Audunsson was once an outlaw; now he is a man of wealth and stature. But he is haunted by the memory of crimes for which there is no easy atonement and by losses that may never be redeemed. From The Critics Library Journal These are volumes 1 (1928) and 2 (1929) of the Nobel prize-winning Undset's "The Master of Hestviken" series. Set in medieval Norway, the books follow Olav and Ingunn, who, though raised as brother and sister, have become lovers in a world caught between the fading sphere of pagan worship and vendettas and the expansion of Christianity. Volumes 3 and 4 will be released in July. Compare prices for this book History Europe History Norway History

83. The Snake Pit - By Undset, Sigrid
The Snake Pit. Norway History Book Review. AUTHOR undset, sigrid ISBN 0679755543 Compare price for this book. The Snake Pit Book Review, by undset, sigrid.
The Snake Pit
Norway History Book Review
AUTHOR: Undset, Sigrid
ISBN: 0679755543
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Europe History Norway History Editorial Review from Amazon
The Snake Pit
- Book Review, by Undset, Sigrid
From Library Journal
Language Notes

Text: English (translation)
Original Language: Norwegian
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Compare prices for this book The Snake Pit - Book Review, by Undset, Sigrid From The Critics Library Journal These are volumes 1 (1928) and 2 (1929) of the Nobel prize-winning Undset's "The Master of Hestviken" series. Set in medieval Norway, the books follow Olav and Ingunn, who, though raised as brother and sister, have become lovers in a world caught between the fading sphere of pagan worship and vendettas and the expansion of Christianity. Volumes 3 and 4 will be released in July. Compare prices for this book History Europe History Norway History

84. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Undset, Sigrid 1882 - 1949
undset, sigrid 1882 1949 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. PALLAS, Gustav, Doslov, PALLAS, Gustav, Hvezdy severu, X 5438. © Mestská knihovna
Undset, Sigrid 1882 - 1949
Záhlaví Název Signatura PALLAS, Gustav Doslov PALLAS, Gustav Hvìzdy severu X 5438 Offline poslední zmìny: 15.09.2003 kont@kt

85. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Norsk film A/S, 1994. undset, sigrid. Kristin Lavransdatter 14. 20. undset, sigrid The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004

86. Klassikere: Lydbøker - Lydbokforlaget
Erich Maria Tre kamerater Sivle, Per FanteNils/Vossa-stubba Steinbeck, John Om mus og menn Sturluson, Snorre Snorres kongesoger undset, sigrid Fortellingen om
Klassikere fra Lydbokforlaget. Austen, Jane Overtalelse
Bibelen Jobs Bok (NRK)

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Blixen, Karen Babettes gjestebud
Bull, Jacob Breda Vesleblakken og andre fortellinger
Dickens, Charles David Copperfield - Barndom (NRK)
Duun, Olav Juvikfolket - I blinda
Duun, Olav Juvikfolket - I eventyret
Duun, Olav Juvikfolket - I stormen Duun, Olav Juvikfolket - I ungdommen Duun, Olav Juvikfolket - Juvikingar Duun, Olav Juvikfolket - Storbrylloppet Duun, Olav Ragnhild Duun, Olav Falkberget, Johan Den fjerde nattevakt Falkberget, Johan Hamsun, Knut Benoni Hamsun, Knut Hamsun, Knut En vandrer spiller med sordin Hamsun, Knut Rosa Hamsun, Knut Hamsun, Knut Landstrykere Hamsun, Knut Men livet lever Hamsun, Knut Hamsun, Knut

87. Romaner Og Noveller: Lydbøker - Lydbokforlaget
Tikkanen, Märta Personlige anliggender Ullmann, Linn Før du sovner Ullmann, Linn Nåde Ullmann, Linn Når jeg er hos deg undset, sigrid Fortellingen om Viga
Romaner og noveller fra Lydbokforlaget. Sabina
Andersen, Merete Morken Hav av tid (NRK)
Erotiske folkeeventyr

Askildsen, Kjell
Askildsen, Kjell Hundene i Tessaloniki
Austen, Jane Overtalelse
Baricco, Alessandro Silke
Behn, Ari
Behn, Ari Trist som faen

En glad gutt ... Barnevakt Blixen, Karen Babettes gjestebud Boge, Anne-Lise Boge, Anne-Lise Arvesynd 2: Hemmeligheten Boge, Anne-Lise Arvesynd 3: Betroelsen Borgen, Johan Kaprifolium og andre noveller Brantenberg, Gerd Bull, Jacob Breda Vesleblakken og andre fortellinger Carter, Forrest Lille Tre Chevalier, Tracy Christensen, Lars Saabye Jokeren (NRK) Christensen, Lars Saabye Coelho, Paulo Alkymisten Coelho, Paulo Dahl, Niels Fredrik I fjor sommer Duun, Olav Juvikfolket - I blinda Duun, Olav Juvikfolket - I eventyret Duun, Olav

88. Fejlsituation
Oversigt fundne poster. Posterne 1 til 20 ud af 82 (lfo=undset, sigrid). Udvælg, Forfatter, Titel, Medie, Opstilling. undset, sigrid, Kristin Lavransdatter,Ã¥kb&ccl=lfo=Undset, Sigrid

89. Ämnesordsökning
Placering, Gz undset, sigrid. Författare, Örjasaeter, Tordis. Titel, sigrid undset ett liv., Sigrid&Ho

90. Bokportalen - Norges Største Oversikt Over Litteratur Og Forfattere
Kristin Lavransdatter Forfatter undset, sigrid (for) Utgitt 1995 Kat./Innb Romaner, utenlandske; Middelalder romaner 46 Forfatter undset, sigrid (for), Sigrid

91. Search Results
Translate this page ROMAN - undset, sigrid suche Kristin Lavranstochter Bertelsmann Lesering, Gütersloh ohne Jahr (um. undset, sigrid suche Kristin Lavranstochter, Bd. lav

92. Books By Sigrid Undset
sigrid undset quotes and quotations BrainyQuote A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Add the Quote of the Day to Your Site - it s Easy! sigrid undset Quotes, No doing without some ruing.
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93. Pagina Nueva 1
Biografies Dones Premi Nobel. undset, sigrid. Escriptora noruega d orígen danès (Kallundorg,1882Lillehamer,1949). Les seves primeres
Dones Premi Nobel
UNDSET, Sigrid Escriptora noruega d'orígen danès (Kallundorg,1882-Lillehamer,1949). Les seves primeres novel.les se centren en els problemes de la dona treballadora ( La senyora Marta Ulia Jenny Les dones sàvies ,1914), però la seva gran popularitat és deguda sobretot a les novel.les històriques, ambientades moltes d'elles en la Noruega medieval, on homes i dones es debaten entre l'amor carnal i l'amor diví: Kristin Lavransdatter (1920-1922) i Olaf Audunssön (1925-1927). L'any 1928 li fou concedit el Premi Nobel de Literatura. El 1940 s'exilià als Estats Units, on col.laborà activament amb el moviment antinazi. De retorn al seu país (1945), redactà la biografia de Caterina de Siena, publicada pòstumament el 1951. Tornar a biografies

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95. Norsk Litteraturfestival

96. Norsk Litteraturfestival
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