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         Undset Sigrid:     more books (103)
  1. Kristin Labransdatter Vol. II the Mistress of Husaby by Undset Sigrid, 1946
  2. Fortællingen Om Kong Artur Og Ridderne Av Det Runde Bord (Norwegian Edition) by Thomas Malory, Sigrid Undset, 2010-05-12
  3. Kristin Labransdatter by Sigrid Undset, 1985
  4. Fru Marta Oulie (Norwegian Edition) by Sigrid Undset, 2010-02-23
  5. Four Stories. by Sigrid Undset, 1978-06
  6. Elleve aar. The Longest Years ... Translated by Arthur G. Chater by Sigrid Undset; Arthur Grosvenor Chater, 1935
  7. KRISTIN LAVRANSDATTER by Sigrid Undset, 1950-01-01
  8. Den trofaste hustru by Sigrid Undset, 1936-01-01
  9. Ida Elizabeth by Sigrid; Arthur G Chater, Trans Undset, 1933
  10. Kristin Lavranstochter 1: Der Kranz. by Sigrid Undset, 2004-01-01
  11. Kristin Labransdatter: The Bridal Wreath, The Mistress of Husaby, The Cross (Nobel Prize Edition) by Sigrid Undset, 1929
  12. The mistress of Husaby by Sigrid Undset, 1925
  13. Kristin Labransdatter III: The Cross by Sigrid Undset, 1987

61. Antikvaren AS - Undset, Sigrid
Liste 1 til 15 av 26 bøker av undset, sigrid. Artikler og essays om litteratur (nr. 18598) undset, sigrid. Oslo, 1986, 354 s. I utvalg ved Jan Fr.

62. Aschehoug & Co
Forfattere. undset, sigrid. 07.01.04. Bøker. Olav Audunssøn og hans barn, , 199.-, Ord av sigrid undset, -, 59.-, Selvbiografiske skrifter. Elleve år ;, -, 199.-,

63. Aschehoug & Co
Forfattere. undset, sigrid. 18.02.04. Bøker. Tittel Innbinding Pris Olav Audunssøn og hans barn, , 199.-, Tolv år, -, 266.-, Artikler. Utskriftsversjon.

64. UNDSET-SIGRID-(1882-1949)
Translate this page undset, sigrid (1882-1949). Enlace http// Fecha Alta 17/09/2003. Descripción El poder de la palabra.

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UNDSET, SIGRID (1882-1949)
Enlace: Fecha Alta: Descripción: El poder de la palabra.
«Undset es más conocida por su novela histórica del destino de una mujer, Kristin Lavransdatter (3 volúmenes, 1920-1922), por la que recibió el premio Nobel de Literatura en 1928. Ambientada en la Noruega del siglo XIV, la novela une magistralmente la erudición con un estilo erudito y solemne.» Portal Universia S.A. Contacte con nosotros

Translate this page undset, sigrid. Enlace http// Fecha Alta 29/05/2003. Descripción The Nobel Prize in Literature 1928.

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Enlace: Fecha Alta: Descripción: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1928. Nobel e-Museum.
«principially for her powerful descriptions of Northern life during the Middle Ages» Portal Universia S.A. Contacte con nosotros

66. Alibris: Sigrid Undset
Used, new outof-print books by author sigrid undset. 7. Master of Hestviken more books like this by undset, sigrid buy used from $3.85!, Sigrid
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Browse for author " Sigrid Undset " matched 38 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 2 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price Kristin Lavransdatter more books like this by Undset, Sigrid In the third volume of Sigrid Undset's monumental historical saga, Kristin and her family return to her childhood home, where she watches her sons growing up in a difficult time while her marriage slowly crumbles. buy used: from buy new: from The Bridal Wreath more books like this by Undset, Sigrid In the third volume of Sigrid Undset's monumental historical saga, Kristin and her family return to her childhood home, where she watches her sons growing up in a difficult time while her marriage slowly crumbles. buy used: from buy new: from The Cross more books like this by Undset, Sigrid

67. UNDSET, SIGRID. - Bücher - Antiquarische, Gebrauchte Und Vergriffene.
Translate this page undset, sigrid. Hier klicken! 30.03.2004. undset, sigrid. Glückliche Zeiten. Eine Erzählung. undset, sigrid. Orig.Leinen. Orig.Umschlag. 219 Seiten.
Glückliche Zeiten. Eine Erzählung. : UNDSET, SIGRID.
Orig.Leinen. Orig.Umschlag. 219 Seiten. Umschlag bestoßen.
Publisher: Bonn. Bonner Buchgemeinde. 1957. EA.
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor UNDSET, SIGRID.
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Glückliche Zeiten. Eine Erzählung.
Images in a Mirror. : UNDSET, SIGRID.
Cloth. 230pp. Translated by Arthur G. Chater. 2nd edn. Very Good.
Publisher: London. Cassell. 1938.
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor UNDSET, SIGRID.
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Images in a Mirror.
Gymnadenia. : UNDSET, SIGRID.
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor UNDSET, SIGRID.
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Gymnadenia.
Frühling. : UNDSET, SIGRID. Orig.Leinen. 354 Seiten+Anz. Einband mit starken Gebrauchsspuren. Buchrücken verblichen. Vorsatz angeschmutzt. Papier leicht altersbraun. Übers./Norweg. Gut. Publisher: Berlin. Universitas Deutsche Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft. 1926. Hier geht es weiter zum Autor UNDSET, SIGRID. Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Frühling.

68. Biography Of Sigrid Undset
I noticed this in connection with my biography of sigrid undset, published in 1989. sigrid undset in the 1990s. By JANNEKEN ØVERLAND.
Sigrid Undset (1882-1949) is one of the three Norwegian authors (and so far the most recent one) to have received the Nobel Prize for Literature. The others are By GIDSKE ANDERSON
Both these novels about the Middle Ages, in particular "Kristin Lavransdatter", became international best-sellers at the time. According to Alfred Nobel's will, the Literature Prize is to be awarded to the author who has written "the most outstanding work of an idealistic tendency", and so Undset's books fell within this somewhat elastic category. But it was Sigrid Undset's talent as a great story-teller rather than the idealistic tendency which fascinated her readers all over the world. Her books had been translated into the most important foreign languages even before she received the Nobel Prize. After 1928, they were published in virtually every major language. Now, after a lapse of 70 years, her books are still being read worldwide, by new generations of readers. Outside Norway, her reputation has been mostly confined to "Kristin Lavransdatter." Not so in Norway. I noticed this in connection with my biography of Sigrid Undset, published in 1989. I have received letters from women and men, old and young, from every part of Norway, showing that she is being read, by an increasing number of people in this age of television. Undset's books are being read, and not only the novels about the Middle Ages. She wrote 36 books, the mediaeval novels being one part. Another part are her contemporary novels of Kristiania (now Oslo) and Oslo between the turn of the century and the 1930s, the third part being literary essays and historical articles. Her authorship is wide-ranging and of considerable substance. And, quite obviously, a new generation of readers in Norway has discovered this.

69. Stamp Of Sigrid Undset
Famous Norwegian Women on Stamps. sigrid undset (18821949) Portrait of the author sigrid undset painted in 1911 by her husband Anders Castus Svarstad.
Page Famous Norwegian Women on Stamps SIGRID UNDSET (1882-1949)
Portrait of the author Sigrid Undset painted in 1911 by her husband Anders Castus Svarstad. She is best known for her historical novel "Kristin Lavransdatter". For this Middle Age trilogy she received the 1928 Nobel Prize in literature. She gave the money from this prize to help families with disabled children. Among many other famous books are "Jenny", "The Master of Hestviken", "The Faithful Wife" and "Madame Dorthea". Many of her novels deal with problems about regret and guilt. She converted to Roman Catholicism although she was first generation of emancipated women. Undset early stood up against the Nazism because of its contempt for weakness and had to live in USA during the German occupation of Norway.

70. Valencia West LRC - Undset, Sigrid
undset, sigrid (18821949). Pathfinder. April 1997. The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors.
Undset, Sigrid (1882-1949)
April 1997
The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors. These sources should be used as a starting pointDO NOT base all of your research on material obtained from reference books. Use these sources to become better acquainted with your author; this will allow you to utilize more effectively the sources listed under COMPREHENSIVE LITERARY RESEARCH. These sources are located at the West Campus LRC; they may also be located at other local libraries.
Consult the following reference sources to get an overview of your author's life.
Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century
REF PN 771 .E5 1981
Consult the following reference sources to obtain critical analyses of your author and his/her work. The first sources listed will provide a more general critical analyses of your author, while the second set of sources will provide critical analyses of a more specific nature.
Critical Survey of Long FictionForeign Language Series
REF PN 3503 .C7 1984

71. Undset, Sigrid - Vita
Translate this page sigrid undset. *1882 in Kalundborg/Dänemark, +1949. Stationen ua -. Arbeitsgebiete Gedicht, Erzählung, Roman. Auszeichnungen/Ehrungen
Sigrid Undset *1882 in Kalundborg/Dänemark, +1949 Stationen u.a. Arbeitsgebiete: Gedicht, Erzählung, Roman Auszeichnungen/Ehrungen/Preise (Auswahl) Nobelpreis für Literatur, Schweden (1928). Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl) Autorenhomepage I Buchbestellung I home I e-mail 0104 © LYRIKwelt

72. Sigrid Undset @ Catharton Authors
sigrid undset. ? Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites The Nobel Prize in Literature 1928. sigrid undset sigrid undset
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73. B Arts Literature World Literature Norwegian Undset, Sigrid
undset, sigrid /b i (7) /i Titel Arts Literature World Literature Norwegian undset, sigrid. ARTS: LITERATURE: WORLD LITERATURE: NORWEGIAN: UNDSET, SIGRID
arts: literature: world literature: norwegian: undset, sigrid
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Titel: Arts: Literature: World Literature: Norwegian: Undset, Sigrid Beschreibung: Arts: Literature: World Literature: Norwegian: Undset, Sigrid Link-URL:

74. NFI: Filmbutikken: Søkeresultat
Ditt søk Emneord undset, sigrid Fant 4 titler. sigrid undset et kvinneliv Regi Maria Fuglevaag Warsinski Om sigrid undsets liv og forfatterskap., Sigrid

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Translate this page Biografia, cronologia y principales obras de este arquitecto, SIGRID

76. Fejlsituation
Oversigt fundne poster. Posterne 1 til 20 ud af 24 (lfo=undset, sigrid). Udvælg Forfatter Titel Medie Opstilling undset, sigrid Kristin Lavransdatter., Sigrid

77. Lydbøker Fra Lydlitteratur På Norsk Sortert På Forfatterens Etternavn -U-
undset, sigrid Fattige skjebner Kr. 298 Bestill via epost MålgruppeVoksne Lydbok MC 4 kassetter. undset, sigrid Fortellingen om VigaLjot og Vigdis Kr.
Lydbøker fra Lydlitteratur på norsk
Sortert på etternavn
Uebe, Ingrid: Dinosaurfortellinger* - 120 ord/min. Kr. 149 Bestill via epost
Målgruppe:Barn Lydbok MC 1 kassett.
Lest av: Arne O.Reitan Skjønnlitteratur
Uhlen, Odd: Rørleggerboka Kr. 595 Bestill via epost
Målgruppe:Videregående I Lydbok MC 7 kassetter.
Ullmann, Linn: Før du sovner - CD Kr. 449 Bestill via epost
Målgruppe:Voksne Lydbok CD 7 CD. Lest av: Mari Maurstad Slekts Sjanger: Slekts Ullmann, Linn: Når jeg er hos deg - CD Kr. 398 Bestill via epost Målgruppe:Voksne Lydbok CD Lest av: Ine Jansen Skjønnlitteratur Ullmann, Liv: Nåde - CD Kr. 298 Bestill via epost Målgruppe:Voksne Lydbok CD 3 CD. Lest av: Alf van der Hagen Skjønnlitteratur Undset, Sigrid: Fattige skjebner Kr. 298 Bestill via epost Målgruppe:Voksne Lydbok MC 4 kassetter. Lest av: Trine Lossius Borg Skjønnlitteratur Undset, Sigrid:

78. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
Translate this page Nominalkatalog der UB Innsbruck (1500-1988). U. ULRICH, Karl. undset, sigrid. Treffer pro Seite. UB Innsbruck. undset, sigrid. UNFAELLE. UNDERRICHTUNG.

79. Undset, Sigrid -Kristin Lavransdatter
undset, sigrid Kristin Lavransdatter. Kransen skildrer Kristins oppvekst. Hun ble som barn trolovet med sønnen på nabogården, men
Undset, Sigrid -Kristin Lavransdatter
Kransen skildrer Kristins oppvekst. Hun ble som barn trolovet med sønnen på nabogården, men trasser seg til ekteskap med Erlend som hun venter barn med. Dette fører til konflikt med både familie, slekt og kirke. I Husfrue er Kristin blitt mor og husfrue, men livet med Erlend blir ikke slik hun hadde ventet. Vi følger henne gjennom det vanskelige samlivet og på den tunge botsgangen til Nidaros. Korset handler om Kristin som gammel og sliten blir tatt opp som leksøster i et kloster. Endelig får hun fred med seg selv og med Gud.
Price: 198.- Listing # 8203185789
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