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         Undset Sigrid:     more books (103)
  1. Kristin Lavransdatter II: The Wife (Penguin Classics) by Sigrid Undset, 1999-11-01
  2. Kristin Lavransdatter - The Cross by Sigrid Undset, 2009-04-14
  3. Kristin Lavransdatter: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) by Sigrid Undset, 2005-09-27
  4. Gunnar's Daughter (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) by Sigrid Undset, 1998-04-01
  5. Kristin Lavransdatter I: The Wreath (Penguin Classics) by Sigrid Undset, 1997-12-01
  6. Catherine of Siena by Sigrid Undset, 2009-10-01
  7. The Bridal Wreath: Kristin Lavransdatter, Vol.1 by Sigrid Undset, 1987-05-12
  8. The Axe by Sigrid Undset, 1930
  9. The Mistress of Husaby: Kristin Lavransdatter, Vol. 2 by Sigrid Undset, 1987-05-12
  10. The Unknown Sigrid Undset: Jenny and Other Works by Sigrid Undset, Tim Page, et all 2001-05-10
  11. The Master of Hestviken: The Axe, the Snake Pit, in the Wilderness, the Son Avenger by Sigrid Undset, 1962
  12. Jenny (Dodo Press) by Sigrid Undset, 2008-10-16
  13. Kristin Lavransdatter: A Trilogy: The Bridal Wreath; The Mistress of Husaby; The Cross by Sigrid Undset, 1940-01-01
  14. In the Wilderness: The Master of Hestviken, Vol. 3 by Sigrid Undset, 1995-06-24

1. Odin - Sigrid Undset
Sigrid Undset. To me it seems that this is why her books today appeal to a growing number of readers. *. Sigrid Undset in the 1990s. by Janneken Øverland.
Odin Government Ministries Archive ... Norway in facts and figures
Sigrid Undset
By GIDSKE ANDERSON Both these novels about the Middle Ages, in particular "Kristin Lavransdatter", became inter-national best-sellers at the time. According to Alfred Nobel's will, the Literature Prize is to be awarded to the author who has written "the most outstanding work of an idealistic tendency", and so Undset's books fell within this somewhat elastic category. But it was Sigrid Undset's talent as a great story-teller rather than the idealistic tendency which fascinated her readers all over the world. Her books had been translated into the most important foreign languages even before she received the Nobel Prize. After 1928, they were published in virtually every major language. Now, after a lapse of 70 years, her books are still being read worldwide, by new generations of readers. Undset's books are being read, and not only the novels about the Middle Ages. She wrote 36 books, the mediaeval novels being one part. Another part are her contemporary novels of Kristiania (now Oslo) and Oslo between the turn of the century and the 1930s, the third part being literary essays and historical articles. Her authorship is wide-ranging and of considerable substance. And, quite obviously, a new generation of readers in Norway has discovered this. Who was Sigrid Undset? It might be worth mentioning that Sigrid Undset was born the same year as Virginia Woolf and James Joyce, three years before D.H. Lawrence and Karen Blixen. From the literary point of view, none of these were of importance to her personally, except D.H. Lawrence, whose work greatly interested her in the 1930s. But they all belong to the same generation; they are contempo-raries, each one in his/her own corner of Europe. Their respective author-ships did indeed develop along very different lines, but they do have one thing in common: they are the children of a Europe in crisis, and they are very conscious of it.

2. Undset Sigrid
undset sigrid Sigrid Undset, 20. mai 188210. Sigrid Undset var i en årrekke medlem av Forfatterforeningens litterære råd, og foreningens formann 1935-40.
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Undset Sigrid
Sigrid Undset, 20. mai 1882-10. juni 1949. Debuterte i 1907. Forfatterskapet deles inn i nåtids- og middelalderromaner. Diktergasje fra 1922. I 1928 fikk hun Nobelprisen i litteratur "spesielt for sine mektige beskrivelser av livet i Norden i middelalderen". Sigrid Undset var i en årrekke medlem av Forfatterforeningens litterære råd, og foreningens formann 1935-40. Storkors av St. Olav, 1947.
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3. Sigrid Undset
Sigrid Undset This site is about the greatest norwegians. It present the famous persons and give you the ability to purchase their books. Undset, Sigrid. 1882 - 1949. A celebrated Norwegian novelist, Sigrid Undset, b. May 20, 1882, d

4. WIEM: Undset Sigrid
undset sigrid (18821949), powiesciopisarka norweska, laureatka Nagrody Nobla (1928). Literatura, Norwegia undset sigrid (1882-1949).
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Literatura, Norwegia
Undset Sigrid
Undset Sigrid (1882-1949), powie¶ciopisarka norweska, laureatka Nagrody Nobla (1928). Córka znanego norweskiego archeologa, jako dziewczynka bawi³a siê eksponatami muzealnymi i rozczytywa³a w starych sagach norweskich. W wieku 17 lat, zmuszona trudn± sytuacj± finansow± (zmar³ ojciec), rozpoczê³a pracê jako urzêdniczka. Zadebiutowa³a w 1907 powie¶ci± Pani Marta Oulie , opowiadaj±c± historiê kobiety uwik³anej w zdradê. Konflikt moralny jednostki staj±cej wobec wyboru miêdzy spo³ecznymi powinno¶ciami a swobodnym rozwojem w³asnej osobowo¶ci sta³ siê dominuj±cym motywem kolejnych utworów Undset: Przed ¶witem (1908) i  Szczê¶liwy wiek (1908). Z ciep³ym przyjêciem spotka³a siê wydana w 1911 powie¶æ

5. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Undset Sigrid
undset sigrid . Page 1 sur 1. *, Réservé html. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour undset sigrid .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Undset Sigrid" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Undset, Sigrid Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Undset, Sigrid (1882-1949), romanci¨re norv©gienne, laur©ate du prix Nobel et auteur, notamment, de romans ©piques et historiques mettant en sc¨ne... Sigrid Undset Encyclop©die EncartaImage norv©gienne, litt©rature Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article norv©gienne, litt©rature R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
R©sultats provenant de MSN Search Yahoo! Encyclop©die - Sigrid Undset
Encyclop©die Accueil Sigrid Undset Recherche de sites web Romanci¨re norv©gienne (Kalundborg, Danemark, 1882 — Lillehammer, 1949).
PriceMinister - Undset, Sigrid : Jenny (Livre) - Livres et BD d'occasion - Achat et vente

Achat et vente de livres, BD d'occasion

6. NORVEGE-FR.COM - Undset Sigrid (biographie)
Translate this page * Biographie de undset sigrid **. Tous les ouvrages de undset sigrid à la Fnac • Tous les ouvrages de undset sigrid chez Amazon. Sigrid

7. NORVEGE-FR.COM - Vigdis La Farouche Par Undset Sigrid (résumé D'ouvrage)
Translate this page Les critiques de livres par Sandy Selectionner un autre livre. Vigdis La Farouche par undset sigrid (titre en norvégien Fortellingen Om Viga-Ljot Og Vigdis).

8. UNDSET (Sigrid) - Printemps - Bienvenue Sur Le Plus Grand Marché
Translate this page undset sigrid. Printemps. Editions Stock. Sans date. Broché. 344 pages. Printemps. Printemps. undset sigrid. Printemps. Editions Rombaldi. Prix Nobel. 1968.
UNDSET (Sigrid)
UNDSET (Sigrid)
Paris, Le Club du Meilleur Livre, 1953,
Price: 9.00 EUR
Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET (Sigrid)
Weiter zum Titel: Printemps
UNDSET (Sigrid)
Club du livre du mois 1955
368 pages, in-8 (20x13 env.), relié, couverture illustrée, percaline jauneBon état,, exemplaire numéroté,
Price: 8.20 EUR
Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET (Sigrid)
Weiter zum Titel: Printemps
UNDSET (Sigrid)
Paris, Editions Rombaldi, 1962. Price: 15.00 EUR Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET (Sigrid) Weiter zum Titel: Printemps.
UNDSET (Sigrid)
Printemps Paris, Stock, 1942, Price: 15.00 EUR Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET (Sigrid) Weiter zum Titel: Printemps
Printemps. Editions Stock. Sans date. Broché. 344 pages. Price: 19.00 EUR Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET Sigrid Weiter zum Titel: Printemps.
Printemps. Editions Rombaldi. Prix Nobel. 1968. Reliure éditeur. 363 pages. Price: 19.00 EUR Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET Sigrid Weiter zum Titel: Printemps.
Printemps Rombaldi Paris 1969 Price: 12.00 EUR

9. UNDSET Sigrid - Les Orchidées Blanches. - Bienvenue Sur Le Plus
Translate this page undset sigrid. undset sigrid. Les orchidées blanches. Editions de la Paix. (1947). Broché. 446 pages. undset sigrid. Les orchidées blanches Bruxelles-Ed.
Les orchidées blanches.
Editions de la Paix. (1947).
Broché. 446 pages.
Price: 19.00 EUR
Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET Sigrid
Weiter zum Titel: Les orchidées blanches.
UNDSET, Sigrid
Les orchidées blanches
Bruxelles, éd. De la Paix, 1947, cart. Dos + bords simili cuir, 446 pg, in-12
Price: 3.72 EUR
Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET, Sigrid
Weiter zum Titel: Les orchidées blanches
Les orchidées blanches Ed. de la Paix 1952 Paris - Bruxelles (Belgique) Price: 9.00 EUR Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET, SIGRID Weiter zum Titel: Les orchidées blanches
Les orchidées blanches Ed. de la Paix 1947 Bruxelles (Belgique) Price: 7.00 EUR Weiter zum Autor: UNDSET, SIGRID Weiter zum Titel: Les orchidées blanches
Les orchidées blanches Bruxelles-Ed. de la paix-1947 In-8-446pp-Broché Traduit du norvégien par Marie et Raymond Blanpain. Bon état.

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Autor undset sigrid. zglos blad. bez tytulu, napisana przez Mona Recenzja/opis do ksiazki Krystyna córka Lawransa (undset sigrid).

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Translate this page Nie war Shopping so günstig, einfach und billig undset sigrid. undset sigrid, undset sigrid. Hosted by the undset sigrid



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WISO Scheidungsbera
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Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: WISO Scheidungsbera ter von Nicole Würth, Sigrid Born... Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 3,00 Verbleibende Zeit: Excite Deutschland - Web-katalog - Undse ... ... KATALOG Directory > Arts > Literature > World_Literature > Norwegian > Undset, Sigrid Flirt Auto Horoskop Grußkarten Spiele Reise Wetter Girls 7 Web-Sites in der Kategorie Undset, Sigrid 1. Christmas and Epiphany Article written by Sigrid Undset. Hosted by the ... Undset Sigrid ... Presse ] Links : Literatur : Autoren und Autorinnen : U : Undset, Sigrid Büchersuche: Undset Sigrid Internetsuche: Undset Sigrid Kristin Lavransdatter - Kurzinformation ... Undset Sigrid Undset Sigrid (U) Arts: Literature: World Literature: Norwegian: Undset, Sigrid (7) Kristin Lavransdatter - Kurzinformation über den Film "Kristin ... Tops Alfa romeo spider 1993 Fiat 127 Urfaust Stephen king menschenj ...

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Translate this page Verlgeichen Sie unsere Preise mit allen Angeboten im Internet. Nie war Shopping so günstig, einfach und billig Sigrid Undset Kristin. undset sigrid



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Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: Kristin Kreuk SMALLVILLE Lana sexy Autogramm (COA) Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 9,00 Verbleibende Zeit: Excite Deutschland - Web-katalog - Undse ... ... Arts > Literature > World_Literature > Norwegian > Undset, Sigrid Flirt Auto Horoskop Grußkarten Spiele Reise Wetter Girls 7 Web-Sites in der Kategorie Undset, Sigrid 1. Christmas and Epiphany Article written by Sigrid Undset. Hosted by the Catholic Information Network. http ... Undset Sigrid Undset Sigrid (U) Arts: Literature: World Literature: Norwegian: Undset, Sigrid (7) Kristin Lavransdatter - Kurzinformation über den Film "Kristin ... Undset Sigrid ... Links : Literatur : Autoren und Autorinnen : U : Undset, Sigrid Büchersuche: Undset Sigrid Internetsuche: Undset Sigrid Kristin Lavransdatter - Kurzinformation über den ... Tops Aram Das schweigen des glüc ...

14. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Sigrid Undset. Sigrid Undset (May 20, 1882 June 10, 1949) was a Norwegian novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature for 1928.
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Sigrid Undset
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sigrid Undset May 20 June 10 ) was a Norwegian novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature for Undset was born in Kalundborg Denmark , but her family moved to Norway when she was 2 years old. In , she converted to Catholicism . She fled Norway for the United States in because of her opposition to Nazism , but returned after the war in Her best-known work in English is Kristin Lavransdatter, a monumental trilogy about life in Scandinavia in the middle ages, published She died in Lillehammer Norway
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This page was last modified 13:14, 23 May 2004. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see for details).

15. Undset Sigrid : Christine Lavransdatter Tome 1 : La Couronne Economisez 50% Livr
Translate this page Auteur undset sigrid. Editeur STOCK. undset sigrid Christine lavransdatter tome 1 la couronne Economisez 50%. Vous voulez vendre le vôtre ? Vendez-le !

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SØGERESULTAT, Du har søgt på undset sigrid, Fik du for mange eller for få resultater? BOG. Læg i kurv. Undset, Sigrid Kristin Lavransdatter. 1975. bd. Sigrid

17. Undset Sigrid
undset sigrid; Kristin Lavransdatter - Kurzinformation über den Film Kristin Lavransdatter von Liv Ullmann.,_Sigrid/
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18. IPac2.0
You re searching Vancouver Public Library. Search Results. Browsing results matching undset sigrid. Undset, Sigrid, 18821949, 19. Undset, Sigrid, 1882-1949. sigrid

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Sigrid - Bücher bei eBay

Sie suchen Nachschlagewerke, Literatur oder Zeitschriften? Nutzen Sie eBay, den weltweiten Online-Marktplatz. Einfach clever einkaufen und sparen!.
WISO Scheidungsbera
ter von Nicole ...
Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: WISO Scheidungsbera ter von Nicole Würth, Sigrid Born... Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 3,00 Verbleibende Zeit: Excite Deutschland - Web-katalog - Undse ... ... KATALOG Directory > Arts > Literature > World_Literature > Norwegian > Undset, Sigrid Flirt Auto Horoskop Grußkarten Spiele Reise Wetter Girls 7 Web-Sites in der Kategorie Undset, Sigrid 1. Christmas and Epiphany Article written by Sigrid Undset. Hosted by the ... Undset Sigrid ... Presse ] Links : Literatur : Autoren und Autorinnen : U : Undset, Sigrid Büchersuche: Undset Sigrid Internetsuche: Undset Sigrid Kristin Lavransdatter - Kurzinformation ... Undset Sigrid Undset Sigrid (U) Arts: Literature: World Literature: Norwegian: Undset, Sigrid (7) Kristin Lavransdatter - Kurzinformation über den Film "Kristin ... Tops Engl bulldog Eierbecher hahn und henn ...

20. Sigrid Undset
sigrid undset was born in Kallundborg, Denmark, as the daughter an archeologist. Through his father s influence undset developed
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Sigrid Undset (1882-1949) Norwegian writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. Undset is best-known for her novels about life in the Scandinavian countries during the Middle Ages. Her early novels dealt with contemporary subjects, problems of city women, as her later works, in which she returned to the modern world. Often her heroines face tragic consequences when they are unfaithful for their true inner self or idealistically break traditional sex roles. In his presentation speech, Per Hallström, Chairman of the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy, stated that " the erotic life, the problem common to the two sexes, which constitutes the centre of Sigrid Undset's psychological interest, is found again, almost without modifications, in her historical novels. In this respect, objections naturally come to mind. In medieval documents, the feminist question is not known; one never finds hints of the inner personal life which later was to raise this question. The historian, demanding proofs, has the right to note this discrepancy. But the historian's claim is not absolute; the poet has at least an equal right to express himself when he relies on a solid and intuitive knowledge of the human soul. " Undset did not deliver a Nobel lecture, but said in her brief acceptance speech that "

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