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         Unamuno Miguel De:     more books (104)
  1. Mist: A TRAGICOMIC NOVEL by Miguel de Unamuno, Warner Fite, 2000-03-27
  2. Niebla(Spanish Edition) by Miguel de Unamuno, 2006-01-01
  3. Tragic Sense Of Life by Miguel de Unamuno, 2010-07-12
  4. Obras Selectas de Miguel de Unamuno (Spanish Edition) by Miguel de Unamuno, 1999-07
  5. Miguel De Unamuno's Political Writings 1918-1924: LA Anarquia Reinante (1918-1920) by Miguel De Unamuno, 1996-05
  6. Ideario etimologico de Miguel de Unamuno (Albatros Hispanofila) (Spanish Edition) by Miguel de Unamuno, 1982
  7. Teatro completo (Biblioteca de autores modernos) by Miguel de Unamuno, 1959
  8. Tres Novelas Ejemplares Y Un Prologo by Miguel De Unamuno, 1968
  9. Our Lord Don Quixote: The Life of Don Quixote and Sancho, With Related Essays (Bollingen series) by Miguel De Unamuno, 1976-07
  10. Short Stories by the Generation of 1898/Cuentos de la Generacion de 1898: A Dual-Language Book (Dual-Language Books) by Miguel de Unamuno, Ramon del Valle-Inclan, et all 2004-09-23
  11. Poems By Miguel De Unamuno by Miguel De Unamuno, 1952
  12. The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and Nations by Miguel de Unamuno, 1978-06-01
  13. En torno al casticismo (BIBLIOTECA UNAMUNO) (Biblioteca De Autor / Author Library) (Spanish Edition) by Unamuno, Miguel de, 2006-01-01
  14. DEL SENTIMIENTOTRÁGICO DE LA VIDA (Spanish Edition) by Miguel de Unamuno, 2010-03-06

1. Miguel De Unamuno
Biografia, poemas, ensayos e imagenes de Miguel de Unamuno.

2. Miguel De Unamuno
Miguel de Unamuno ( 18641936) Filósofo y escritor español, considerado por muchos como uno de los pensadores españoles más destacados de la época moderna. Nacido en Bilbao, Unamuno estudió en la
Miguel de Unamuno
F En torno al casticismo Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho (1905), donde hace del libro cervantino la expresión máxima de la escuela española y permanente modelo de idealismo, y Por tierras de Portugal y España (1911). También son frecuentes los poemas dedicados a exaltar las tierras de Castilla, considerada la médula de España. Más tarde, la influencia de filósofos como Arthur Schopenhaner, Adolf von Harnack o Sören Aabye Kierkegaard, entre otros, y una crisis personal (cuando contaba 33 años) contribuyeron a que rechazara el racionalismo, al que contrapuso la necesidad de una creencia voluntarista de Dios y la consideración del carácter existencial de los hechos. Sus meditaciones (desde una óptica vitalista que anticipa el existencialismo) sobre el sentido de la vida humana, en el que juegan un papel fundamental la idea de la inmortalidad (que daría sentido a la existencia humana) y de un dios (que debe ser el sostén del hombre) son un enfrentamiento entre su razón, que le lleva al escepticismo y su corazón, que necesita desesperadamente de Dios. Aunque sus dos grandes obras sobre estos temas son Del sentimiento trágico de la vida (1913) y La agonía del cristianismo (1925), toda su producción literaria está impregnada de esas preocupaciones. Cultivó todos los géneros literarios. Su narrativa comienza con

3. Miguel De Unamuno
Amplio estudio de la obra y pensamiento de Miguel de Unamuno de especial interés para estudiantes, profesores y todo interesado en conocer mejor su obra. Miguel de Unamuno el hombre de carne y
Firme el
libro de visitas E STUDIOS ... José Antonio Serrano Segura eval(unescape('%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%22%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%27%6D%61%69%6C%74%6F%3A%6A%61%73%73%40%6A%61%73%65%72%72%61%6E%6F%2E%63%6F%6D%3F%73%75%62%6A%65%63%74%3D%4D%69%67%75%65%6C%20%64%65%20%55%6E%61%6D%75%6E%6F%27%3E")')) eval(unescape('%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%22%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%27%6D%61%69%6C%74%6F%3A%6A%61%73%65%72%72%61%6E%6F%40%6A%61%73%65%72%72%61%6E%6F%2E%63%6F%6D%3F%73%75%62%6A%65%63%74%3D%4D%69%67%75%65%6C%20%64%65%20%55%6E%61%6D%75%6E%6F%27%3E")')) José Antonio Serrano Segura
Nota para lectores navegantes Los títulos del índice remiten al apartado correspondiente del texto. El título de cada apartado en el texto es un hipervínculo al índice.
Miguel de Unamuno: el hombre de carne y hueso
La obra narrativa: novelas y nivolas
La obra filosófica ...
LA EXISTENCIA, REALIDAD RADICAL ... El Comentario de Textos Literarios

4. Unamuno Miguel De From FOLDOC
unamuno miguel de. biography, history of philosophy Spanish philosopher (1864 1936). Recommended Reading Miguel De Unamuno, Three Exemplary Novels, tr. Miguel de

5. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Unamuno Miguel De
unamuno miguel de . Page 1 sur 1. *, Réservé aux abonnés MSN Encarta Premium. 1. Unamuno, Miguel de*.
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Unamuno Miguel de" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Unamuno, Miguel de Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Unamuno, Miguel de (1864-1936), philosophe et ©crivain espagnol, auteur du Sentiment tragique de la vie (1912). Homme de passions et de... Miguel de Unamuno Encyclop©die EncartaImage Philosophe, po¨te, romancier, auteur dramatique et critique litt©raire, Miguel de Unamuno est l’une des figures intellectuelles les plus influentes... Bilbao Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Bilbao Belle ‰poque Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Belle ‰poque espagnole, litt©rature Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article espagnole, litt©rature R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
R©sultats provenant de MSN Search : Miguel De Unamuno
Miguel De Unamuno Par titre Par auteur Miguel De Unamuno Voir la fiche de "Miguel De Unamuno" sur Bibliopoche Afficher 10 20 30 50 100 r©sultats par page avec jaquettes texte seul Titre : Le sentiment tragique de la vie Collection : Id©es

6. Unamuno, Miguel De
Search. Agnosticism / Atheism Miguel de Unamuno. Back to Last Page Glossary Index . Name Miguel de unamuno miguel de Unamuno y Jugo.

7. Miguel De Unamuno
Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo Bilbao 1864 Salamanca 1936 Escriptor i professor universitari basc. Biografia, poemas, ensayos e imagenes de Miguel de Unamuno. de Unamuno.html
corpus literari Unamuno, Miguel de biografia obra links [index] ... [correu] Biografia Paz en la guerra (1897), record de la guerra carlina, (1902), els contes El espejo de la muerte Niebla Tres novelas ejemplares En torno al casticismo Vida de don Quijote y Sancho (1905), lectura colpidora de Cervantes, s (1910), Soliloquios y conversaciones Contra esto y aquello Ensayos (1916-18), en set volums, i (1908) i Romancero del desierto Cancionero Epistolario Obra completa en castellano Unamuno y sus amigos catalanes Miguel de Unamuno (Buenos Aires 1947), i Joan Fuster, Maragall i Unamuno cara a cara, dins Les originalitats Obra La catedral de Barcelona Links
Books and Writers

Biografia, poemas, ensayos e imagenes de Miguel de Unamuno.

Miguel de Unamuno Alma vasca

Cronologia de Miguel de Unamuno

8. Editura Polirom | Autori
unamuno miguel de. Miguel de Unamuno (18641936), eseist, prozator, poet si dramaturg spaniol. Initiator al existentialismului spaniol

9. La Tía Tula. Unamuno Miguel De. LIBROS EN RED - LibrosEnRed - Libros Digitales
en los primeros años del siglo XX. La tía Tula,unamuno miguel de
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Más información sobre formatos Nuestras Colecciones: Elija una opción Biblioteca Clásica Biblioteca Latinoamerica Biografías Ciencia Ficción Ciencias de la Salud Ciencias Espirituales y Ciencias Políticas Cómics Computación Comunicación Comunidad Andina Correspondencia, biograf Cuentos Deportes Ecología y Medioambiente Educación El Arte de Doña Petrona Ensayo Epistemología y Metodolo Estudios de la Minoría S Estudios Interdisciplina Filosofía y Teoría Socia Formación y Grupos Liter Grandes Novelas Historia Hogar, Entretenimiento y

10. Unamuno Miguel De. LIBROS EN RED - LibrosEnRed - Libros Digitales Gratis - Edito
Translate this page Miguel de Unamuno. Se graduó en la Universidad de Madrid en Filosofía y Letras. Durante muchos Velázquez (1920). unamuno miguel de
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Más información sobre formatos Nuestras Colecciones: Elija una opción Biblioteca Clásica Biblioteca Latinoamerica Biografías Ciencia Ficción Ciencias de la Salud Ciencias Espirituales y Ciencias Políticas Cómics Computación Comunicación Comunidad Andina Correspondencia, biograf Cuentos Deportes Ecología y Medioambiente Educación El Arte de Doña Petrona Ensayo Epistemología y Metodolo Estudios de la Minoría S Estudios Interdisciplina Filosofía y Teoría Socia Formación y Grupos Liter Grandes Novelas Historia Hogar, Entretenimiento y

11. Chronlogy Of Miguel De Unamuno
Miguel de Unamuno A brief Chronology. 1864, Born on September 29, in Bilbao, of Basque parentage. 1874, Witnessed the Carlist siege of Bilbao.
Miguel de Unamuno: A brief Chronology
Born on September 29, in Bilbao, of Basque parentage Witnessed the Carlist siege of Bilbao Started secondary education in native city Attended University of Madrid Graduated and acquired his doctorate. Became private teacher for a number of years Married Conceptión Lizárraga who eventually bore him 9 children.
Became professor of Greek in the University of Salamanca where he will live for the rest of his life except for the years of exile. Became increasingly active as a novelist, poet and playwright Birth of son Raimundo who suffered from hydrocephalus plus meningitis. The poor child grew up retarded and died at the age of six. The tragedy of Raimundo has had a profound influence upon his father leading to his religious crisis. Elected rector of the University of Salamanca published his commentary on Cervantes Don Quixote Lavida de Don Quijote y Sancho Published Mi religión y otros ensayos breves My Religion and Other Short Essays Publication of his main philosophical work: Del sentimiento trágico de la vida en los hombres y en los pueblos On the Tragic Sense of Life in Men and in Nations Dismissed from rectorship because of his criticism of King Alfonso XIII
Remained furtheron active as a novelist and poet Because of his opposition to Premier Primo de Rivera, Unamuno was exiled to the Canary Islands (March). But in July he escaped to Paris where he stayeduntil 1930.

12. Miguel De Unamuno
Translate this page Just click here! miguel de unamuno. (1864-1936). AP-HORIS-MOS HORIZ-ON. Es aforismo de horizonte hermano y recorta en redondo el infinito.
Would you like to read a good English translation of Unamuno's poetry?
Just click here!
AP-HORIS-MOS HORIZ-ON Es aforismo de horizonte hermano
y recorta en redondo el infinito. El silencio del cielo soberano
y en tu nada recoge estas mis quejas,
a nuestro ruego y nuestro anhelo vistes.
que no eres sino Idea; es muy angosta
la realidad por mucho que se expande para abarcarte. Sufro yo a tu costa,
se sienta al pie de sierras que corona
triste pinar. Apoya en las rodillas los codos y en las manos las mejillas
y clava ansiosos ojos de leona
en la puesta del sol; el mar entona
Dice de luengas tierras y de azares
mientras ella, sus pies en las espumas Horas serenas del ocaso breve, cuando la mar se abraza con el cielo y se despiertas el inmortal anhelo que al fundirse la lumbre, la lumbre bebe. Copos perdidos de encendida nieve, las estrellas se posan en el suelo de la noche celeste, y su consuelo nos dan piadosas con su brillo leve. Como en concha sutil perla perdida, entre el cielo y la mar sobrecogida el alma cuaja luces moribundas y recoge en el lecho de su vida y es el viento sollozo sin partida

13. Discovering Miguel De Unamuno
Discovering miguel de unamuno. by María L. TrigosGilbert. October 27, 1998. miguel de unamuno is the writer of the masterpiece called
Discovering Miguel de Unamuno
by María L. Trigos-Gilbert October 27, 1998 Miguel de Unamuno is the writer of the masterpiece called San Manuel Bueno, mártir, Saint Manuel Good Martyr His work speaks for himself, and it speaks a language of excellence. The passion, that we see in his works, is tremendous. Mr. Unamuno is well known around the world, and in case you say, "How come I haven’t heard about him?" I would just say that it may has been a lack of choices at those times that you have had the possibilities of reading different authors from different countries. It is never too late when there is still time! Lack of Faith; Good or Bad?
Unamuno is one of those writers who makes ourselves ask where does his fiction start, and where does his fiction end since there are moments that his work has been related to his own life, the life of Saint Manuel Good Martyr Saint Manuel Good Martyr touches all those aspects, except the military system. Yet Unamuno emphasizes the religious life that the Spaniards have been having for a long time in the Catholic religion. Life After Death?

14. Miguel De Unamuno
miguel de unamuno y Jugo was born in Bilbao as the third of six children of Félix unamuno, a proprietor of a bakery shop, and Salomé de Jugo, who was also
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B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (1864-1936) Spanish author and philosopher, predecessor of Existentialist philosophy with , educator, whose essays had great influence in early 20th-century Spain. Unamuno was one of the foremost representatives of the movement Generation '98 (see also: ). Main themes in his works are contrasts between reason and Christian faith, religion and freedom of thinking, and the tragedy of death in man's life, in which reason offers no consolation. As a philosopher Unamuno did not create a systematic presentation of his thought. He objected strongly to academic philosophers and stressed that the deepest of all human desires is the hunger for personal immortality against all our rational knowledge of life. Unamuno wrote his works in Spanish, although his mother tongue was Basque. "The man of flesh and blood; the one who is born, suffers and dies - above all, who dies; the man who eats and drinks and plays and sleeps and thinks and wills; the man who is seen and is heard; the brother, the real brother." (from The Tragic Sense of Life Unamuno's early years were deeply religious but in Madrid he started to visit the Ateneo, sometimes called the blasphemy center of the city. In its library he read works of liberal writers. After completing his doctorate Unamuno worked as a private tutor in Bilbao, where he also founded with his friends the socialist journal

15. Miguel De Unamuno
Estudio de la obra literaria y del pensamiento filos³fico del autor espa±ol.
Firme el
libro de visitas E STUDIOS ... José Antonio Serrano Segura eval(unescape('%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%22%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%27%6D%61%69%6C%74%6F%3A%6A%61%73%73%40%6A%61%73%65%72%72%61%6E%6F%2E%63%6F%6D%3F%73%75%62%6A%65%63%74%3D%4D%69%67%75%65%6C%20%64%65%20%55%6E%61%6D%75%6E%6F%27%3E")')) eval(unescape('%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%22%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%27%6D%61%69%6C%74%6F%3A%6A%61%73%65%72%72%61%6E%6F%40%6A%61%73%65%72%72%61%6E%6F%2E%63%6F%6D%3F%73%75%62%6A%65%63%74%3D%4D%69%67%75%65%6C%20%64%65%20%55%6E%61%6D%75%6E%6F%27%3E")')) José Antonio Serrano Segura
Nota para lectores navegantes Los títulos del índice remiten al apartado correspondiente del texto. El título de cada apartado en el texto es un hipervínculo al índice.
Miguel de Unamuno: el hombre de carne y hueso
La obra narrativa: novelas y nivolas
La obra filosófica ...
LA EXISTENCIA, REALIDAD RADICAL ... El Comentario de Textos Literarios

16. Miguel De Unamuno
The following is a description of the death of the Spanish philosopher miguel de unamuno and the circumstances surrounding it during the Spanish Civil War. miguel de unamuno. " At times to be silent is to lie Through his example and words, miguel de unamuno demonstrates that, yes, thoughts and thinking really do matter in
Miguel de Unamuno
"At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you have enough brute force. But you will not convince. For to convince you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack: Reason and Right."
Unamuno in a confrontation with fascist General Milan-Astray
at the University of Salamanca on October 12, 1936.
Milan-Astray shouted in reply, "Death to intelligence! And long live Death!" whereupon he drove the elderly Unamuno out of the university at gunpoint. Writer and independent thinker, original mind and rector of the University of Salamanca, Unamuno consequently suffered a heart attack and was dead within a week. He was not the only intellectual to fall victim in that bitter Spanish Civil War better known for its massacres than for its epic battles or heroism. The conflict was more a fratricide than a war, with both the Fascist and Loyalist sides steeped in murder - rifle shots ringing out over the city from dawn to dusk as "enemies" are lined up against the wall and summarily shot. The Spanish Civil War was the tragic coming of age for many idealistic young Western intellectuals like George Orwell, Ernest Hemingway, etc. In retrospect, look at the following quote from the famous Spanish poet and playwright Frederico Garcia Lorca, himself murdered by Franco's Fascists in 1936:
"And yet, hope pursues me, encircles me, bites me;

17. Biblioteca Virtual - Unamuno, Miguel De (1864-1936)
La Biblioteca Virtual miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, es un fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc., de libre acceso. Incluye trabajos de Carta

18. Famous Hispanics: MIguel De Unamuno
Copyright © 19942000 by miguel de unamuno. ( 1864-1936), Spain. Spain at the turn of the century, unamuno is an extraordinary intellectual of European and international
Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), Spain. The leader of the Generation of '98, a group of the most distinguished literary figures of Spain at the turn of the century, Unamuno is an extraordinary intellectual of European and international projection, sharing with José Ortega y Gasset the position of chief Spanish philosopher of his time.
He was president of the University of Salamanca and professor of Greek. An erudite person familiar with the most important cultural and philosophical figures, past and present (he learned Danish in order to read Kierkegaard), Unamuno was himself an insightful thinker. His anguish at having lost his faith in immortality produced two of his best works, The Tragic Sense of Life and Saint Manuel the Good, Martyr . Another of his novels

19. Miguel De Unamuno
Biograf­a y selecci³n de poemas.
web hosting domain names email addresses MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO
Mira que es hoy en flor la rosa llena;
En el silencio estrellado
la Luna daba a la rosa
y el aroma de la noche
que adurmiendo su congoja
de Dios y su Madre toda...
Toda cabellos tranquilos,
la Luna, tranquila y sola,
acariciaba a la Tierra
con sus cabellos de rosa silvestre, blanca, escondida... La Tierra, desde sus rocas, fundidas de amor, su aroma ... Entre las zarzas, su nido, era otra luna la rosa, toda cabellos cuajados en la cuna, su corola; las cabelleras mejidas de la Luna y de la rosa y en el crisol de la noche fundidas en una sola...

20. Miguel De Unamuno Y Yugo
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