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         Tolkien J R R:     more books (100)
  1. J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography by Humphrey Carpenter, 2000-06
  2. Farmer Giles of Ham : The Rise and Wonderful Adventures of Farmer Giles, Lord of Tame, Count of Worminghall, and King of the Little Kingdom by J. R. R. Tolkien, 1999-11-15
  3. The Children of Húrin by J. R. R. Tolkien, 2010-05-25
  4. The End of the Third Age (The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part 4) by J.R.R. Tolkien, 2000-09
  5. The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien by J. R. R. Tolkien, Humphrey Carpenter, 2000-06
  6. The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun by J.R.R. Tolkien, 2009-05-05
  7. Treason of Isengard: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part Two (The History of Middle-Earth, Vol. 7) by J.R.R. Tolkien, 2000-09
  8. The Return of the Shadow: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part One (The History of Middle-Earth, Vol. 6) by J.R.R. Tolkien, 2000-09
  9. J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator
  10. The War of the Jewels: The Later Silmarillion, Part Two (The History of Middle-Earth, Vol. 11) by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1994-12-06
  11. Poems by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1993-11-15
  12. The War of the Ring: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part Three (The History of Middle-Earth, Vol. 8) by J.R.R. Tolkien, 2000-09
  13. Morgoth's Ring: The Later Silmarillion, Part One (The History of Middle-Earth, Vol. 10) by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1993-12-14
  14. Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth by Christopher Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien, 2001-09-19

161. J.R.R. Tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien Message Board
Or enter a book or movie review and become a paid scholar! Return to JRR tolkien main page. (click here). BooksMessage Board - JRR tolkien. JRR tolkien.

162. Natse Tolkieno - Tolkiens Nett -
Informasjon om John Ronald Reuel tolkien og hans arbeider, b¸kene, filmene og Arda, samt ressurser og morosaker.

Tolkiens liv



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Nå er 6. februar over, forestillingen var magisk. MEN det er ikke slutt med det, det kommer mer, og det vil bli en begivenhetsrik vår!. Eller kan jeg ønske deg velkommen til denne siden om John Ronald Reuel Tolkien og hans arbeider. Dette er, eller vil forhåpentligvis bli den mest omfangsrike norske siden om Tolkiens litteratur. Dersom du har fonten Tolkien installert blir sidene best. Vil du til hovedsiden for Ardalambion, må du trykke på bildet "Språk". Dersom du skulle trenge å gå tilbake til hovedsiden når du er rundt på sidene, er det bare å tykke på banneret øverst på siden. Dersom du legger igjen en kommentar i gjesteboka hadde det vært hyggelig - eller stikk innom forumet Bildegalleriet begynner også å bli stort nå, over 6000 bilder fra filmene, bøkene og alt annet. Gå inn på bildegalleriet Vinnerne av kostymekonkurrransen
Filmnyheter 25 May 2004, 16:31 av

163. - Spisovatelé SF&F - Tolkien J.R.R.
Sekce tolkien JRR 14. Pán prstenu Lord Of The Rings@ 77, Placené Odkazy. tolkien JRR - List od Nimrala. tolkien jak jej dosud neznáte. tolkien JRR.

164. Imladris - Danmarks Tolkienforening
tolkieninformation, artikler og foreningssider.
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Forening Forum Chat Spørgsmål og svar Om Imladris ... Søg på siden
Danmarks Tolkienforening
Mae Govannen!
Du har fundet vej ind til det hyggelige hjemsted for Imladris - Danmarks Tolkienforening. Vi er i øjeblikket i gang med at opbygge en ny side, så alle funktioner er ikke klar endnu. Vi forventer at have den klar inden for ganske kort tid. Indtil da, tag et kig forbi vores forum og meld dig til! Imladris kan som forening føre sine aner tilbage til Bilbo og Frodos fødselsdag den 22. september 1992, 100-året for J.R.R. Tolkiens fødsel. I en årrække udgav vi tidsskriftet Athelas, men siden 1998 har vi i stedet koncentreret os om at skabe et forum for alle danske hobbitvenner på nettet. Derfor optager vi ikke længere nogen nye betalende medlemmer. I stedet er du velkommen til at bidrage med din viden inden for Tolkienologien ved at deltage aktivt her på vores hjemmeside med bidrag, debatindlæg, anmeldelser og nyheder. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) var professor i engelsk sprog og litteratur i Leeds og Oxford, da han skrev sine eventyrlige fortællinger om hobbitter, orker og elverfolk. Den pæne gentleman viste sig at være alt andet end kedelig, for bag det ydre glimt af en tør professor, gemte der sig en sprudlende fantasi og en stor glød for sprog og mytologi. Hans kendteste værker er Hobbitten (1937), Ringenes Herre (1954-55) og den posthumt udgivne Silmarillion (1977). Da Tolkien døde i 1973, 81 år gammel, var hans livsværk allerede blevet en levende del af den nutidige mytologi - og intet tyder på, at han nogen sinde vil blive glemt!

165. Unquendor Tolkien Genootschap
De Nederlandse tolkien Vereniging, informatie over de doelstelling, activiteiten en bijeenkomsten.
Deze pagina gebruikt frames, maar je browser ondersteunt dit niet.

166. General Search Results For TOLKIEN, J.R.R.
Search Results For tolkien, JRR, Found 133 Total Search Results. Title, RRP, Our Price. HOBBIT Type hardback, £25.00, £20.00. LORD

167. Tolkien. Ardalambion
Helge Kare Fauskanger (O językach Ardy, wymyślonego świata J.R.R. Tolkiena)
Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. Lodz J.R.R. Tolkien - Pierwsza Polska Strona Domowa
O jezykach Ardy, wymyslonego swiata J.R.R. Tolkiena
Przeklad: Gwidon S. Naskrent
Uwaga: kiedy pisze , mam nadzieje ze widzisz na ekranie a e i o u z akcentem. Podobnie mam nadzieje, ze widzisz te same samogloski z circumfleksem gdy pisze . Jesli zamiast tego pokazuja sie krzaki, wiesz przynajmniej co maja one oznaczac! Ta strona WWW dedykowana jest Christopherowi Tolkienowi Od tlumacza: w zwiazku z charakterem pewnych ustepow nakierowanych na odbiorce anglojezycznego, pozwolilem sobie zmienic tresc niektorych zdan i/lub pominac niepotrzebne fragmenty. Czytelnikom ktorzy nie moga sobie przypomniec "gramatyki" ze szkoly, polecalbym przejrzenie malego slowniczka pojec [w przygotowaniu] Skroty:
adn. = adunaicki
khuzd. = khuzdulski
l.podw. = liczba podwojna = liczba mnoga
l.p. = liczba pojedyncza
q. = quenejski
sind. = sindarinski
Jezyki Ardy:
Stary Jezyk Sindarinski Szlachetny Jezyk Adunaicki potoczna mowa Numenoru Westron Wspolna Mowa Telerinski jezyk Morskich Elfow Doriathinski rodzony jezyk Luthien Rozne ludzkie jezyki smutek smiertelnikow?

168. "Der Herr Der Ringe": Coming Out Eines Zauberers - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Ian McKellen, Zauberer Gandalf in der Herr der Ringe Verfilmung, ist auf dem besten Wege, zum Kult-Darsteller zu werden. F¼r die tolkien-Fans ist er ein Star zum Anfassen und f¼r Englands schwule Gemeinde ein Hoffnungstr¤ger. Kostenpflichtiger Bericht auf Spiegel Online.,1518,104982,00.html

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27. November 2000

Interview mit Nadja Auermann:
Kanal voll, Kopf leer Auszeichnung: ... Hauptdarsteller gesucht: Exklusiv Hollywood: Blockbuster im Kinokrieg Rockband Amplifier: Nation in der Krise: ... Pixel statt Patronen Rezensionen Die wichtigsten CDs der Woche Neue DVDs: Pop, Jazz und Film, rezensiert vom KulturSPIEGEL Alle Rezensionen com!x Der neue Jamiri ist da: Bestellen Sie direkt hier - exklusiv bei SPIEGEL ONLINE com!x: Die Comic-Ecke bei SPIEGEL ONLINE ... Zwei Herzchen und drei Flaschen Kolumnen Heute in den Feuilletons: Zwiebelfisch: Die Sprachpfleger-Kolumne von Bastian Sick Televisionen: ... Mediadaten

169. - The Secret Of Tolkien's 'Rings' - December 18, 2001



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The secret of Tolkien's 'Rings'
Much loved series for a half-century
J.R.R. Tolkien. His "Lord of the Rings" trilogy continues to be a phenomenon, 50 years after it was published. By Jamie Allen CNN (CNN) Tom Shippey once knew and taught with J.R.R. Tolkien at Oxford. And Shippey, the Walter J. Ong Chair of Humanities at St. Louis University in Missouri, said he knows why Tolkien's work particularly "The Hobbit" (originally published in 1937) and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy (published in the mid-1950s) still has an audience today. More than the adventures of hobbits and elves and wizards and other creatures who delve into a war over ultimate power in Middle-earth, Shippey said Tolkien's imaginings are a reflection of the 20th century's turbulent history. "My colleagues in the literary department say it's all very escapist stuff. I think, 'No, no, no.' It's actually all about what happened in the 20th century. The 20th century has basically been industrialized warfare," Shippey said in a phone interview from St. Louis.

170. La Valle Delle Ombre - Il Gioco Di Ruolo Del Signore Degli Anelli
Recensione, differenza con AD D e creazione dei personaggi. Biografia di tolkien.

Il Signore degli Anelli
La creazione dei personaggi
Tre Anelli ai re degli Elfi sotto il cielo che risplende,
Sette ai Principi dei Nani nelle lor rocche di pietra,
Nove agli Uomini Mortali che la triste morte attende,
Uno per l'Oscuro Sire chiuso nella reggia tetra
Nella Terra di Mordor, dove l'Ombra nera scende.
Un Anello per domarli, Un Anello per trovarli,
Un anello per ghermirli e nel buio incatenarli,
Nella Terra di Mordor, dove l'Ombra cupa scende.
Il Signore degli Anelli Tolkien è stato il punto di partenza di tutti i giochi di ruolo, incluso D&D. Tutti i giocatori chi più chi meno, ne hanno sentito parlare e hanno cercato di ricostruire i personaggi e le ambientazioni descritte nelle pagine de "Lo Hobbit" e della "Trilogia dell'anello". Ma, fino al 1984 mancava un gioco specifico sull'argomento.
Tratto dal numero di aprile-maggio 1992 della rivista "Kaos” Torna su Girsa è un metodo di gioco misto, cioé usa sia il sistema a livelli di esperienza come AD&D, che quello ad abilità. Queste in totale sono 34 suddivise in categorie generali: Manovre in Movimento, Abilità con Armi, Abilità generiche (es. Cavalcare), Abilità di Sotterfuggio (es. Nascondersi), Abilità Magiche, Resistenza fisica e Lingue. Tutto è basato su un sistema di percentuali, invece di valori da 1 a 18 come in AD&D. La quasi totalità dei tiri sono "aperti", cioé è possibile ottenere risultati superiori a 100 o inferiori a 1. Funziona così: se si ottiene con un tiro percentuale 96 o più, si tira ancora e si somma il risultato al precedente. Stesso discorso per valori minori di 5, si tira ancora, ma il risultato si sottrae.

171. Fangorn... From The Lord Of The Rings
Informations sur les films The lord of the rings de Peter Jackson. Galerie photo, r´les, lexique, vid©os, carte, biographie de J.R.R. tolkien et illustrations.
...One Ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them,
in the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
Carte navigable
en couleur (900Ko) Carte interactive
Carte navigable
Qui est Fangorn Lexique des Personnages Questions de taille Affiche Posters Premiers mots Biographie de J.R.R. Tolkien Illustrations
Bibliographie de
J.R.R. Tolkien Notes de Production
(Site Officiel)
BANDE ANNONCE du L e 29 juillet 1954, J.R.R. TOLKIEN publie "The Fellowship Of The Ring" "The Lord Of The Rings" (Le Seigneur des Anneaux) Bien et le Mal L es deux autres tomes paraissent le 11 novembre 1954, "The Two Towers" (les Deux Tours) , et le 20 octobre 1955, "The Return Of The King" (Le Retour du Roi) J .R.R. TOLKIEN

172. Viking MUD
tolkienbased middle earth fantasy MUD.
Viking MUD

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173. Tolkien - Le Seigneur Des Anneaux - Bilbo Le Hobbit - Le Silmarillion
Informations sur J.R.R. tolkien, ses 3 oeuvres et le film Le Seigneur des Anneaux .

Bienvenue voyageur, vous entrez dans un monde sombre et étrange : vous vous trouvez sur les terres du milieu un continent de légendes créé par le maître et le créateur de la littérature fantastique :
JRR Tolkien
Cet auteur de génie a conçu une véritable mythologie : Il a réalisé une synthèse des légendes celtiques du Nord-Ouest de l'Europe, et en a tiré la Terre du milieu : une terre de rêves, dont il raconte les mythes ( Le Silmarillion, contes et légendes inachevées ), les contes ( Bilbo le Hobbit ), et l'épopée ( Le Seigneur des Anneaux).

Ces ouvrages sont les fondements de l'Heroic-Fantasy sous toute ses formes : la littérature fantastique, les jeux de rôles, et le cinéma.
Je vous propose de vous faire découvrir une partie de cet univers a travers les écrits, quelques légendes et chants, et le film " Le Seigneur des Anneaux "
Entrez dans ce site Livre d'or Forum E-Mail Liens
mots clefs :
terres du milieu, Silmarion, contes et légendes inachevées, Bilbo le Hobbit, Seigneur des Anneaux, Heroic Fantasy, les jeux de rôles, La communauté de l'anneau, Les deux tours, Le retour du roi, Merry, Legolas, Sam, Frodon, Gandalf ,Aragorn, Pippin, Balrog ,Sauron ,Sméagol, Gollum

174. El Señor De Los Anillos -
Dedicado al mundo de tolkien. Noticias, reportajes e im¡genes de las pel­culas de Peter Jackson. El Se±or de los Anillos y el Hobbit.
ÚLTIMAS NOTICIAS Hasta el trailer se lleva premios...
Análisis DVD cinematográfico El Retorno del Rey -ACT

Fotos de Arwen en Helm

Estudio Internacional sobre El Señor de los Anillos
Videojuegos en móviles Vodafone - ACT

REPORTAJES DESTACADOS Reportaje sobre el Catolicismo en Tolkien y en El Señor de los Anillos
- Prepublicación de 21 páginas de ...
Estamos recibiendo varios e-mails con distintas consultas, así que vamos a pasar a ofreceros toda la información que poseemos al respecto (y que los que habéis venido siguiendo las noticias, conoceréis de sobra), para que lo tengáis todo recopilado en esta noticia (entrad en la ampliación de la noticia para leer todos los datos).
LAS PELÍCULAS 150 imágenes de la Edición Extendida de El Retorno del Rey
Oscars 2004
Discursos de agradecimiento de los 11 premios
Nuevos vídeos
... - El Calendario de El Retorno del Rey
MUNDO TOLKIEN Relatos - Actualizaciones y nuevas historias escritas por fans de Tolkien. El Rincón de... , nuevos ensayos de Eduardo Segura, Michael Martinez, Edhel-dûr y Elfa Árwena ... - Preguntas frecuentes sobre la obra de Tolkien JUEGOS DE ROL Videojuegos - Análisis de Middle-Earth Online Descargas - Todos los módulos necesarios para el jugador y el DJ ... - Aprende a jugar a rol Busca en la tienda Recaudación Millones Dólares (Haz click para más datos) EE.UU

175. Tolkien's Haven
Encyclopedia, quizzes, quotations, gallery, biography, Sindarin introduction, and a poll.
Vote for us! @ PT Network Vote for us! Vote for us!
   Looking for used or rare books?    Look no further than our partners! 21/08/01 - The Forum I would like to remind everyone of the forum which has not received the same sort of traffic as the rest of the site. You can use it to leave comments, discuss Tolkien's books or the films. Go on!
By the way, don't forget to vote for Tolkien's Haven - however to simplify things I am going to focus only on 25 Hobbits - I will remove the other voting banners. Also today I have added a Film Cast page under Extra. It's only a list at the moment, but I will add more information when I have time.
20/08/01 - A new partnership I am delighted to announce the co-operation of Tolkien's Haven with Just Books UK , a site dealing in the sale of used, rare or out-of-print books. The above banner will take you direct to their Tolkien section which is well worth a visit. In other news, there is a new Site of the Week - check it out. I'm afraid I haven't updated the Feature for quite a while however, be assured, I have a subject matter in mind for the next one.
27/07/01 - Back from holidays For the last few weeks I have been on holiday in different places and have therefore been unable to give any attention to the site, however I can now resume my travails.

176. Tolkien Diskussionsforum
Diskussionen zu den B¼chern Tolkiens, zum Autor und anderen Themen rund um Mittelerde.

177. Alternative Lord Of The Rings
Alternative authors versions of Lord of the Rings. Back to home page, Humour, Links.
Alternative authors' versions of
Lord of the Rings
Back to home page Humour Links Essays and what-ifs ... Charities listing
One of the cult novels of the 1970s turned out to be Lord of the Rings. Written by one of the unlikeliest of best-selling authors, it affected a large number of people, not least of them being those people now in their teens saddled with names like Galadriel. How would this book have turned out had it been written by someone else?
Lord of the Rings, by Ian Fleming
Aragorn placed his hand on the cool, ivory hilt of his 6.38 Anduril sword, half-holding it in as casual manner as possible. His eyes swept the room of the Prancing Pony, eyeing up the potential threats. He took out his pipe, made from the warmed heartwood of a mature oak. In the palm of his left hand, he unwrapped his leather tobacco pouch filled, as he preferred, with Gondorian Silk Cut. Aragorn preferred it to the harsher, stronger Numenorian blend... To top of page
Lord of the Rings, by PG Wodehouse
"Sam, I've decided to go and overthrow the Dark Lord by tossing his jewellery into a volcano."

178. Der Hobbit
Die Seite widmet sich speziell f¼r eine Verfilmung des Hobbits als Prequel zu den Herr der Ringe Filmen ein, auŸerdem eine Liste von B¼chern und Neuigkeiten zu Tolkiens Welt. Verfilmung des Hobbit als 'Prequel' zu den Herr der Ringe Filmen ein.
D aneben stellt die Seite , wie Der Hobbit, Der Herr der Ringe und Das Silmarillion und andere Produkte von und zu J.R.R. Tolkien vor.
U nter Sammeln
Bilbos Welt
Hobbit Film News
Ein neuer Eintrag in Bilbos Welt: Eryn Vorn
Am 25. Mai erscheinen
Herr der Ringe Poster Nach oben

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