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41. J.R.R.Tolkien Translate this page Home_Page JRR.tolkien (1892-1973), Especialista en historia medieval, filólogo y escritor fantástico británico de origen surafricano. http://www.epdlp.com/tolkien.html | |
42. Official Lord Of The Rings Return Of The King Tickets New Movies LOTR Movie Site The Fellowship of the Rings is the first of tolkien's Middleearth trilogy to become a movie. Visit the flash site to learn more about the making of the film, download pictures, visit a photo gallery, and learn about special effects. http://www.lordoftherings.net/ | |
43. TOLKIEN EN VF Translate this page Encyclopédie de tolkien VF, Accueil, Essais et études de tolkien VF, Pour nos amis cruciverbistes Biographie, Bibliographie de tolkien, A télécharger http://www.chez.com/tolkienvf/ | |
44. Benvenuto Straniero...dimentica La Tua Vita Si Ricomincia Da Qui.... Raccolta riguardante il genere fantasy che presenta immagini e descrizioni di elfi, drow, nani, halfling, maghi e guerrieri. Contiene anche font, wallpaper, screensaver, icone nonch¨ immagini e notizie sul narratore tolkien. http://web.tiscali.it/fantasy_exaltation/ |
45. A à Z Guide Des Romans De Science Fiction Et Fantaisie, Critiques Et Comptes-re tolkien, JRR Le seigneur des anneaux, tolkien, JRR Bilbo le Hobbit, Attention Chef-d oeuvre ! http://www.chez.com/guidelecture/scfictionT.shtml | |
46. Tolkien.MultiMania.Com / Trailer Archive" / R©pertoire de bandesannonces en diff©rents formats et forum de discussion. http://membres.lycos.fr/tolkien/ | |
47. THE LORD OF THE RINGS (.com) Dedicated to the memory and work of JRR tolkien, the fantasy writer loved all over the world by children and adults alike. Take http://www.thelordoftherings.com/ | |
48. Tolkien Boardgames: Tolkien Boardgame Collecting List and chronology for a large collection of games. http://www.freewebs.com/tolkienboardgamecollecting/ | |
49. Tolkien.cz: Pøímou Cestou Do Ardy tolkien.cz Ve o JRR tolkienovi ivotopis, básne, písma, jazyky, rasy, hudba, filmy, novinky, obrazy tolkien.cz - hlavní stránka, http://www.fantasy-scifi.net/jrr_tolkien/index.php | |
50. Untitled Document tolkien theme fantasy MUD. Restricted PK, remorting available. Newbie friendly, clans offered, mainly original world. Code base is original. http://ruinsmud.com/ |
51. J.R.R. Tolkien 1997 Fragmenty tekst³w ozdobione ilustracjami. http://www.phys.uni.torun.pl/~jacek/tolkien/ | |
52. J.R.R. Tolkien Resource - Biography, Pictures, History, Research Info, Images JRR tolkien all in one place, biography, info, pictures, history, books, images, philosphy, issues, significance. Home Notables T tolkien, JRR. http://www.starpulse.com/Notables/Tolkien,_J.R.R./ | |
53. Lord Of The Rings Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit and other books by JRR tolkien. Calendars. Browse tolkien, JRR. Search tolkien, JRR Editor s Note http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/literature/tolkien.htm | |
54. áÒÄÁ-ÎÁ-ëÕÌÉÞËÁÈ ÐÑÑпнейÑий ÑайÑ, поÑвÑÑеннÑй ÑвоÑÑеÑÑÐ²Ñ Ðж.Ð .Ð . Толкиена и полевÑм игÑам. http://www.kulichki.com/tolkien/ |
55. The Lord Of The Rings | J.R.R. Tolkien | Fantasy In Middle-earth JRR tolkien has delighted millions of readers with fantasy stories about hobbits, elves, dwarves, and middleearth JRR tolkien, Middle-earth. http://www.xenite.org/jrrt.htm | |
56. Tolkien's Middle-earth Battles, Miniature War-games From LOTR & Hobbit Stage recreational battles from LOTR and The Hobbit with these scenarios and rulesets. http://tolkienbattles.bravepages.com/index.html | |
57. J.R.R. Tolkien - Classic Literature Search. Literature Classic, tolkien, JRR Guide picks. Here follows a study of this equipment. . Books About JRR tolkien Read the top 10 books about JRR tolkien. http://classiclit.about.com/cs/tolkienjrr/ | |
58. Tolkien Fan Club Contiene la historia, personajes, fotos, encuestas, noticias y foro. http://www.thecharly.f2s.com/interior.php | |
59. The Collectible Hobbit - Tolkien Collecting Resources A site devoted to the collection of items related to the works of JRR tolkien, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The tolkien http://users.aol.com/legolas141/ | |
60. Dagorhir Battle Games, Where Tolkien's Middle Earth Meets Dark Age Europe! Nationwide LARP society inspired by tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Site includes rules of play, links to local chapters, upcoming events, photographs, building tips and contacts. http://www.dagorhir.com/ | |
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