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1. Tolkien Online | Lord Of The Rings Source Your complete tolkien resource. Find news, reviews, and other info on the books, collectibles, and movies related to J.R.R. tolkien's works. We also have the only searchable tolkien Art Gallery on http://www.tolkienonline.com/ | |
2. JRR Tolkien Biography - The Tolkien Society Tolkein ). JRR tolkien A Biographical Sketch. 1. Childhood And Youth. The name tolkien ( pron. References. Letters of JRR tolkien . Ed. Humphrey http://www.tolkiensociety.org/tolkien/biography.html | |
3. Tolkien.co.uk Official site from HarperCollins. Includes biography, some of his artwork, interviews, and video and audio files. http://www.tolkien.co.uk/ |
4. Home Page - The Tolkien Society The tolkien Society, a registered charity; matters of interest to lovers of JRR tolkien s writings. Click here if most of the text is too small to read http://www.tolkiensociety.org/ | |
5. The Grey Havens - The Ultimate J.R.R. Tolkien Resource Web Page Croatian WWW Site Dedicated to the World of J.R.R. tolkien Based on J.R.R. tolkien's mythical swordand-sorcery the 1960s delighted in tolkien's peace-loving hobbits, a new based on the http://tolkien.cro.net/ | |
6. scholar tolkien. Don't know what a fanlisting is ? Then visit the headquarters or the about section, where you will also find more information about tolkien http://tolkien.till-morning.net/ | |
7. The Tolkien Archives - Crapped On By The Lawyers Your source for everything concerning J.R.R. tolkien. We have artwork, photographs, writings on tolkien, excerpts from tolkien's works, resources and links, multimedia, latebreaking news, and a http://www.tolkien-archives.com/ | |
8. Tolkien, J.R.R. Dagbladet :litteratur Forfatterprofil i Dagbladets nettside med biografi og artikler. http://www.dagbladet.no/kontekst/13712.html | |
9. Tolkien Enterprises A division of the Saul Zaentz Company which licenses the names from Lord of the Rings for use in merchandise. http://www.tolkien-ent.com/ | |
10. Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft E.V. Die Gesellschaft pr¤sentiert umfangreiche Materialien zu Tolkiens Leben, Werken, zu den Filmen, Merchandise, Artikel, Downloads und weiterf¼hrende Links. http://www.tolkiengesellschaft.de/ | |
11. Index Of /tolkien Spazio web offerto dalla Gilda Anacronisti a chi vuole creare pagine ( in italiano ) sul padre del genere fantasy. Linee guida e note tecniche. http://gilda.it/tolkien/ | |
12. The Encyclopedia Of Arda The Encyclopedia of Arda This encyclopedia is an interactive guide to the works of J.R.R. tolkien, author of the quot;Lord of the Rings. quot; There is an extensive index of just about every http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/default.htm&y= |
13. The Grey Havens - Tolkien: Who Was J.R.R. Tolkien Anyway? Who was JRR tolkien anyway? Here you can find pages concerning JRR tolkien s life, work, what other people said about him and his books http://tolkien.cro.net/tolkien/who.html | |
14. A&D HomePage - Tolkien, Tierra Media, Juegos De Rol Informaci³n sobre la vida de tolkien y sus famosos libros de fantasa. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/8876/ | |
15. Tolkien.co.uk http://www.tolkien.co.uk/frame.asp |
16. TOLKIEN, J.R.R. tolkien, JRR. John Ronald Reuel tolkien født 3. januar 1892 i Birmingham, England og døde 2. september 1973. 01 Eventyret om http://www.bibliografi.dk/tolkien_j_r_r.htm | |
17. Frank Weinreichs Tolkienseiten: Essays, Infos, Geschichten Zehn Vortr¤ge, Essays und Rezensionen zu tolkiens Leben und Werk; Hintergrundmaterial eines einw¶chigen tolkienSeminars im Oktober 1999. http://www.polyoinos.de/tolk_stuff/tolk_start.htm |
18. Tolkien News Roma Dal signore degli anelli ai signori della rete. Comunicati e programmi, immagini e racconti, gesta e suoni. http://www.tolkienonnet.net/tolkien.htm | |
19. J.R.R. Tolkien For the religious element is absorbed into the story and symbolism. (The Letters of JRR tolkien, 1981) tolkien s Catholicism does not appear overtly in the http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/tolkien.htm | |
20. Sin Titulo Esta p¡gina ha sido dedicada al gran escritor JRR tolkien, cuya obra m¡xima fu© El Se±or de los Anillos, un gran aporte a la literatura. http://www.gratisweb.com/tolkien_jrr | |
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