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         Thoreau Henry David:     more books (100)
  1. The Writings of Henry David Thoreau: Walden by Henry David Thoreau, 2010-03-05
  2. The Writings of Henry David Thoreau: Journal, Volume 7: 1853-1854 (Writings of Henry D Thoreau) by Henry David Thoreau, 2009-07-13
  3. Thoreau at Walden by John Porcellino, 2008-04-22
  4. Henry David Thoreau and the Moral Agency of Knowing by Alfred I. Tauber, 2003-05-05
  5. A Mind with Wings: The Story of Henry David Thoreau by Gerald Hausman, Loretta Hausman, 2006-04-11
  6. Wild Fruits: Thoreau's Rediscovered Last Manuscript by Henry D. Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau, 2001-02
  7. America the Beautiful in the Words of Henry David Thoreau by Henry David Thoreau, 1966
  8. The Succession of Forest Trees; And Wild Apples by Henry David Thoreau, 2010-10-14
  9. The Maine woods (The Writings of Henry David Thoreau ; 3) by Henry David Thoreau, 1982
  10. Collected Works of Henry David Thoreau by Henry David Thoreau, 2008-03-03
  11. Canoeing in the Wilderness by Henry David Thoreau, 2010-01-06
  12. Thoreau's Thoughts by Henry David Thoreau, 2009-12-28
  13. Journal, Volume 2 by Henry David Thoreau, 1984-09-01
  14. Winter: from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau by Henry David Thoreau, H G. O Blake, 2010-08-21

81. Chapter Henry D. Thoreau Of Index By Simonds History Of American Literature
the Concord circle became more or less noted either for eccentricity or utterance, the most remarkable among them all, after Emerson, was henry david thoreau.
Henry D. Thoreau
While several of those who composed this group of transcendental thinkers in the Concord circle became more or less noted either for eccentricity or utterance, the most remarkable among them all, after Emerson, was Henry David Thoreau. A genuine lover of nature a naturalist first of all he was also a philosopher and a poet, too, although a crude one. He was misunderstood by most of those who knew or heard of him while he lived, and these were not many, but by the inner circle of the transcendentalists he was comprehended and beloved. It is characteristic of his career that but two of his books were published in his lifetime while his published writings now number twenty volumes.
not here?" He was a friend of John Brown; and declared that "any man more right than his neighbors constitutes a majority of one already." He regarded only what was necessary as desirable. "A man is rich," he said, "in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone." His acquaintance with Emerson began early. He was for a time a member of his household, and during Emerson's visit to England in 1847, Thoreau occupied his house and took charge of affairs during his absence. Concerning Thoreau's qualifications as a naturalist, Emerson has this to say:

82. Literary Traveler Sunrise At Walden Pond
A visit to Walden Pond to watch the sunrise and to remember henry david thoreau.
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83. PAL: Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Paul P. Reuben. Chapter 4 Early Nineteenth Century henry david thoreau (1817-1862). Top henry david thoreau (1817-1862) A Brief Biography
PAL: Perspectives in American Literature
A Research and Reference Guide - An Ongoing Project Paul P. Reuben Chapter 4: Early Nineteenth Century - Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
HDT: A Guide to Resources Hypertext and Searchable Walden The Thoreau Institute ... Home Page
Source: Shaping of the Modern World - HDT Top Primary Works A Week on the Concord And Merrimac Rivers This is a beautiful account of Thoreau's boat trip with his brother, John, from August 31 to September 13, 1839. The book is carefully organized with one chapter given to each day of a week - experiences of two weeks condensed in one. It is an excellent celebration of nature. "Resistance to Civil Government" also known as "Civil Disobedience" (1849) For failing to pay poll tax, Thoreau was sent to jail. The famous and influential essay is the result of that gesture. Its message is simple and daring - he advocates "actions through principles." If the demands of a government or a society are contrary to an individual's conscience, it is his/her duty to reject them. Upholding moral law as opposed to social law "divides the individual, separating the diabolical in him from the divine." Inspired by Thoreau's message, Mahatma Gandhi organized a massive resistance of Indians against the British occupation of India. Thoreau's words have also inspired the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., the peace marchers and the numerous conscientious-objectors to the Vietnam war. Walden Considered one of the all-time great books

84. Henry David Thoreau
Illustrated essay features henry david thoreau as an archaeologist.
Archeology In Concord
Thoreau and the Hunt House by Bob Graham Two decades before Heinrich Schliemann, armed with a fortune in California gold, and a pocket edition of Homer in his breast pocket, went off to dig up Priam's treasure and become the "father of modern archeology," an American original , Henry David Thoreau, carrying his surveyor's instruments, and botanical specimens in his hat, was making a detailed observational inquiry into seventeenth century construction techniques as evidenced in the remains of the earliest domestic structures in the township of Concord, Massachusetts. Schliemann traveled the world; Thoreau had "traveled a good deal in Concord". Thoreau (1817-1861) was a man of many hats. In 1847, the year of the tenth anniversary of his graduation from Harvard University, he received a letter from the secretary of his class asking the routine questions about his life since graduation for the class book. When he got around to responding, some seven months later, he claimed as his trades "Schoolmaster, a Private Tutor, a Surveyor, a Gardener, a Farmer, a Painter, I mean a House Painter, a Carpenter, a Mason, a Day Laborer, a Pencil-Maker, a Glass-paper Maker, a Writer, and sometimes a Poetaster." To these, in WALDEN , he added "self-appointed inspector of snow storms and rain storms," "surveyor of forest paths," and "[looking] after the wild stock of the town ." In regard to the latter, though he made important contributions as a naturalist, his observations on nature most often

85. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Resources in Japanese. henry david thoreau (18171862). Homepages Writings thoreau, henry david Selected Works and Commentary. (HTML

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

86. Poets' Corner - Index Of Poets - Letters S,T
Nine poems What's the Railroad to Me? , They Who Prepare My Evening Meal Below, On Fields O'er Which the Reaper's Hand Has Pass'd, Pray to What Earth Does This Sweet Cold Belong, Winter Memories, Mist, Smoke, The Inward Morning, and Indeed Indeed, I cannot tell.
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87. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (DL SunSITE)
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE. henry david thoreau. Civil Disobedience. I heartily accept the motto, That government is best which
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience
But, to speak practically and as a citizen, unlike those who call themselves no-government men, I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government. Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it. "Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note, As his corse to the rampart we hurried; Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot O'er the grave where our hero was buried." "I am too high born to be propertied, To be a second at control, Or useful serving-man and instrument To any sovereign state throughout the world." He who gives himself entirely to his fellow men appears to them useless and selfish; but he who gives himself partially to them is pronounced a benefactor and philanthropist. How does it become a man to behave toward the American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it. I cannot for an instant recognize that political organization as my government which is the slave's government also.

88. IPL Online Texts Henry David Thoreau
Listing of many of the online texts of thoreau; frequently updated.

89. About Henry David Thoreau
The Life and Work of henry david thoreau. thoreau messageboard, complete text of thoreau s books and short About henry david thoreau.
About Henry David Thoreau
Works Online A Plea for Captain John Brown Read to the citizens of Concord, Mass., Sunday Evening, October 30, 1859.
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience


Timeline born in Concord, Mass., U.S. as David Henry Thoreau became a teacher in Canton, Massachusetts. stayed for a year here he contracted tuberculosis and suffered from recurring bouts throughout his life. graduated from Harvard University. At this point he started going by the name Henry David Thoreau became a teacher at Center School Thoreau began work in his father`s pencil factory. stayed for a year He opened a school with his brother John in Concord and taught there until his brother became fatally ill he was invited to live in the Emerson household, where he served as a handyman and assistant to Emerson Brother John becomes fatally sick Thoreau built himself a small cabin on the shore of Walden Pond A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers Civil Disobedience (this bok grew out of an overnight stay in prison as a result of his conscientious refusal to pay a poll tax that supported the Mexican War) Walden died, Concord, from tuberculosis

90. Walking - Henry David Thoreau
Walking, by henry david thoreau, reformatted for the web (HTML format).

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by Henry David Thoreau
I wish to speak a word for Nature, for absolute freedom and wildness, as contrasted with a freedom and culture merely civilto regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of Nature, rather than a member of society. I wish to make an extreme statement, if so I may make an emphatic one, for there are enough champions of civilization: the minister and the school committee and every one of you will take care of that. It is true, we are but faint-hearted crusaders, even the walkers, nowadays, who undertake no persevering, never-ending enterprises. Our expeditions are but tours, and come round again at evening to the old hearth-side from which we set out. Half the walk is but retracing our steps. We should go forth on the shortest walk, perchance, in the spirit of undying adventure, never to return prepared to send back our embalmed hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms. If you are ready to leave father and mother, and brother and sister, and wife and child and friends, and never see them againif you have paid your debts, and made your will, and settled all your affairs, and are a free manthen you are ready for a walk.

91. Thoreau (Henry David)
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862), écrivain américain, pacifiste et panthéiste, auteur d'un texte célèbre, la Désobéissance civile The Dial (1840-1844) qui, dans son numéro initial, publia le premier poème de Thoreau. Beaucoup d'autres poèmes y furent publiés par la suite, ainsi qu'un essai consacré à l'histoire naturelle du Massachusetts. Parmi les nombreux ouvrages de Thoreau, seuls Une semaine sur les fleuves Concord et Merrimac (1849) et Walden ou la Vie dans les bois (1854) parurent de son vivant, sans grand succès. Une semaine sur les fleuves Concord et Merrimac est le récit d'un voyage en bateau qu'il fit en août 1839 ; cette évocation nostalgique du mode de vie des Indiens, conforme aux lois de la nature, est surtout prétexte à diverses réflexions métaphysiques sur l'amitié, la foi et à des études sur la vie naturelle. Avec Walden, son ouvrage le plus célèbre, Thoreau nous révèle, de façon franche et directe, les raisons qui justifièrent son choix d'une vie contemplative, mais il y fait aussi un compte rendu vivant et souvent pittoresque des événements de son existence au bord de ce petit lac. C'est en étudiant son journal, ses manuscrits et sa correspondance que ses amis purent éditer d'autres livres après sa mort (son journal intime et ses essais ont d'ailleurs une valeur littéraire certaine). Thoreau clarifia ses positions politiques et idéologiques dans la Désobéissance civile (1849), sans doute son essai le plus célèbre, où il prône la résistance passive en guise de protestation. Cette méthode fut adoptée plus tard par Gandhi en Inde pour lutter contre les Britanniques ainsi que par les Noirs américains pour manifester contre la ségrégation raciale.

92. Liber Liber: Biblioteca > Autori T > Thoreau, Henry David
Translate this page thoreau, henry david. Note biografiche. henry david thoreau nacque a Concord, nel Massachusetts, nel 1817. Laureatosi
Liber Liber promuove il progetto Manuzio , biblioteca telematica ad accesso gratuito biblioteca Autori A B C D ... Tesi Opere A B C D ... Collaborare ti trovi in: Copertina Home Biblioteca Autori T Thoreau, Henry David Note biografiche Henry David Thoreau nacque a Concord, nel Massachusetts, nel 1817. Walden, ovvero La vita nei boschi Walden Disobbedienza civile , un opuscolo pubblicato nel 1849 nel quale Thoreau teorizzava l'idea dell'opposizione non violenta che tanto seguito avrebbe avuto nel secolo successivo. Note biografiche a cura di Laura Barberi. Gli e-book istruzioni e licenze titolo: Disobbedienza civile e-text del: 7 luglio 1998 leggi subito: download: note: Il saggio " Resistance to Civil Government " viene letto da H. D. Thoreau come conferenza al " Concord Lyceum " nel gennaio 1848 e pubblicato, il 14 maggio 1849, in Aesthetic Papers, a cura di Elizabeth Peabody. Sarà poi pubblicato postumo nel 1866 con il diverso titolo di " Civil Disobedience ". La traduzione italiana è a cura di Manuela Federella.

93. MSN Encarta - Thoreau, Henry David
thoreau, henry david. thoreau, henry david (18171862), American writer, philosopher, and naturalist who believed in the importance of individualism.
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94. MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Henry David Thoreau
Multimedia, from, Encarta, Appears in, henry david thoreau. The 19thcentury American writer henry david thoreau wrote philosophical
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Multimedia from Encarta Appears in Henry David Thoreau The 19th-century American writer Henry David Thoreau wrote philosophical essays in which he criticized social institutions and celebrated nature and individualism. Thoreau surrounded himself with only basic essentials when he went to live for a time at Walden Pond, and he wrote about simple living in his most famous book, Walden; or, Life in the Woods (1854). In his influential 1849 essay, “Civil Disobedience,” Thoreau advocates the concept of passive resistance. Culver Pictures Appears in these articles: United States (Geography); American Literature: Prose; Boston; Thoreau, Henry David; ... Feedback

95. Henry David Thoreau - 1817-1862
henry david thoreau (1817 1862). Biographie, Images, textes etc.. Botanical Index to the Journal of henry david thoreau, A Plea for Captain John Brown,
Henry David Thoreau
Biographie, Images, textes etc..

Thoreau Institute

The Thoreau Institute

Les oeuvres d'Henry D. Thoreau
Les Journaux de Thoreau

Textes Walden Cape Cod The Maine Woods Walking ... Cape Cod (includes introductions by Clifton Johnson , 1908, and Henry Beston Autumnal Tints The Dispersion of Seeds The Natural History of Massachusetts ... Thoreau Quotes
Sites The Thoreau Society The Thoreau Institute Thoreau Home Page The Thoreau Reader ... The Waldenpond Campfire Chat

96. Henry David Thoreau
Translate this page Home_Page henry david thoreau (1817-1862), Escritor, filósofo y naturalista estadounidense, cuya obra demuestra cómo los ideales
Henry David Thoreau
E Simpatía en su primer número, en el año 1840 y siguió publicando otros poemas -entre los cuales cabe mencionar A la concella del este y Un paseo en invierno , así como el ensayo Historia natural de Massachusetts - hasta que dejó de editarse en 1844. Sólo dos de los numerosos volúmenes que ocupan sus obras completas fueron publicados en vida del autor: Una semana en los ríos Concord y Merrimack (1849) y Walden, o la vida en los bosques (1854). Los materiales que componen el resto de los volúmenes fueron publicados póstumamente por los amigos del escritor, basándose en sus diarios, manuscritos y cartas. Una semana en los ríos Concord y Merrimack es la descripción de un viaje en barca que Thoreau llevó a cabo en agosto de 1839; se trata de una combinación de estudio de la naturaleza y especulación metafísica, y transmite claramente la comprometida personalidad de su creador. Walden , quizá su obra más conocida, expresa de un modo más concluyente las buenas razones que existen para adoptar una vida contemplativa, y contiene una nítida descripción de los principales detalles de su experiencia. Sus diarios y ensayos, de un gran valor literario, reflejan un talento especial a la hora de conseguir un estilo fresco y cuidado. Thoreau eligió ir a la cárcel, aunque sólo por una noche, en lugar de pagar los impuestos a un gobierno que admitía la esclavitud y estaba envuelto en una guerra con México. Su postura en este aspecto quedó mucho más clara en su ensayo más célebre, Desobediencia civil

97. Henry David Thoreau Resource - Biography, Pictures, History, Research Info, Imag
henry david thoreau all in one place, biography, info, pictures, history, books, images, philosphy, issues, significance. henry david thoreau Categories,,_Henry_David/
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Henry David Thoreau on eBay Picture Product Price Bids "America The Beautiful" by Henry David Thoreau AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL/HENRY DAVID THOREAU/1966 HENRY DAVID THOREAU- REFLECTIONS AT WALDEN! Wild Fruits by Bradley P. Dean, Henry David Thoreau ... ... items on ebay Welcome to has hundreds of other Notable People in addition to Henry David Thoreau. Plus we have over 12,000 other topics including all your favorite actors actresses athletes music ... TV shows and video games ! Be sure to explore all our categories by using the navigation and search box above.
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98. Henry David Thoreau --  Encyclopædia Britannica
thoreau, henry david Encyclopædia Britannica Article. henry david thoreau born July 12, 1817, Concord, Mass., US died May 6, 1862, Concord

99. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) American Writer.
henry david thoreau is known for his time at Walden Pond and the work of prose that came out of that experience. thoreau, henry david Guide picks.
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Thoreau, Henry David
(1817-1862) American writer. Henry David Thoreau is known for his time at Walden Pond and the work of prose that came out of that experience.
Recent Up a category Etext - Civil Disobedience - Henry David Thoreau Read the complete text for "Civil Disobedience," by Henry David Thoreau. Etext - Walden - Henry David Thoreau Read the complete text of Henry David Thoreau's "Walden." Guide Picks - Top 10: American Romanticism American Romanticism (also known as American Renaissance) is a literary movement. American Romantic writers include: Edgar Allan Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Walt Whitman, and others. Thoreau: Collected Essays and Poems Henry David Thoreau (christened David Henry Thoreau) created essays and poetry — works that explored nature, politics and the human spirit.

100. Henry David Thoreau: A Who2 Profile
henry david thoreau • Writer / Peacenik. A former schoolteacher, thoreau spent two years in the 1840s living in a hut beside Walden
HENRY DAVID THOREAU Writer / Peacenik A former schoolteacher, Thoreau spent two years in the 1840s living in a hut beside Walden Pond in Massachusetts, where he studied nature and wrote peaceful essays and poems. His journal of these years became his most famous work: Walden, or a Life in the Woods (published 1854). Thoreau also wrote Civil Disobedience (1849), advocating non-violent resistance to unethical governments; the same notion was later advocated by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Always a hit with college readers, Thoreau became a pop icon for anti-war and pro-environment groups late in the 20th century.
Extra credit : Thoreau was a lifelong bachelor... His single-room cabin at Walden Pond was 10 feet wide by 15 feet long... Among his sayings was, "Beware of enterprises that require new clothes."
Other American philosophers include Benjamin Franklin Ralph Waldo Emerson and Thomas Paine
The Writings of Thoreau

No texts online, but otherwise a great source; lively FAQ Thoreau Links
Great links to Thoreau biographies online, from Thoreau, Walden and the Environment

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