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Terris Susan: more books (94) | ||||||||||
62. On The Page Contributors susan terris Chickens Have No Myths; Natural Defenses susan terris s recent booksof poetry include Curved Space, Eye of the Holocaust, and Angels of Bataan. http://www.onthepage.org/adolescence/contributors.htm | |
63. On The Page Contributors susan terris Palatino susan terris s recent books of poetry includeCurved Space, Eye of the Holocaust, and Angels of Bataan. She http://www.onthepage.org/siblings/contributors.htm | |
64. No Clear Messages, By Susan Terris No Clear Messages by susan terris. A washboard sky with cirrus ribbing the horizon,and he walks through the shallows so he leaves no trace of footprints. http://www.redriverreview.com/A55656/RRR.nsf/0/efa08906f8e96ad786256ca2002200dc? |
65. Old Girl Takes A Skinny Dip, By Susan Terris Old Girl Takes A Skinny Dip by susan terris. As the Pleiades rise andset, we are floating on the corrugated lake, feeling undulations http://www.redriverreview.com/A55656/RRR.nsf/0/7f5608f5309e816886256ca2002200dd? |
66. Night Skye Magazine / Poetry / Susan Terris / Poems susan terrissusan terris. WIDOW PRACTICE Bruised midnight sky. susan terris livesin San Francisco where she is a writer and a teacher of writing. http://www.geocities.com/thiscafe/Susan_Terris.html | |
67. The Pedestal Magazine Support The Pedestal Magazine. Help us to continue serving the literaryworld. MAKE A DONATION. POETRY, UP. susan terris Two-week Suitors. http://www.thepedestalmagazine.com/Secure/content/cb.asp?cbid=3586 |
68. The Pedestal Magazine MAKE A DONATION. POETRY, UP. susan terris Michael Mazur Ice Glen, 1993.Interior landscape and the cryptic world of nature branching inward with grace. http://www.thepedestalmagazine.com/Secure/content/cb.asp?cbid=2045 |
69. Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 32530 EN, Needles A Memoir of Growing Up with Diabetes, Dominick,Andie, 5.7, 11.0. 20126 EN, Nell s Quilt, terris, susan, 6.0, 7.0.8885 http://www.mountsihighschool.com/library/ARTitleN.htm | |
70. Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 1916 EN, Drug Laws, The, Terkel, susan Neiburg, 10.6, 8.0. 1922 EN, Finding YourWay, Terkel, susan Neiburg, 10.3, 7.0. 20126 EN, Nell s Quilt, terris, susan,6.0, 7.0. http://www.mountsihighschool.com/library/ARAuthorT.htm | |
71. Marlies' Creative Universe - Susan Terris Resources susan terris. Home Feedback. HOME Books susan terris SEARCHRESULTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. http://www.mcuniverse.com/cgi-bin/mcu-mode-books-search_type-AuthorSearch-input_ | |
72. Name Of The Game Was Murder, The 7.1. 11. 6621. Nekomah Creek. Crew, Linda. 5.6. 6. 20126. Nell s Quilt. terris,susan. 4.8. 6. 8885. Nemesis. Christie, Agatha. 7.1. 14. 8116. Never Cry Wolf. Mowat,Farley. 7.5. http://www.sierra.k12.ca.us/arbooklist/fms/N-P.htm |
73. Sidereality | Poems -- V. 1, N. 3 | "July" By Susan Terris July. susan terris. Morning. As I chuff, my tufted feet crimp silvered grasscircling the doe who can no longer flee. Copyright © 2002 susan terris. http://www.sidereality.com/archives/volume1issue3/poemsv1n3/july.htm | |
74. Sidereality | Contributor Bios And Contact Information -- Volume 1, Issue 2 susan terris (SDT11@aol.com) has a new collection of poetry, FIRE IS FAVORABLETO THE DREAMER, which will be published by Cedar Hill Publications in 2002. http://www.sidereality.com/archives/volume1issue2/contributorsv1n2.htm | |
75. Marin 6-11 Six authors will participate in this free reading RUNES coeditors susan terris,who is the author of more than 20 books and CB.Follet who won the 2001 http://www.unitedpoets.org/marin_Jun02.htm | |
76. Runes Wilbur. Editors CB Follett and susan terris. Each issue of RUNES willhave a different theme. CB Follett susan terris, Editors CB http://www.unitedpoets.org/runes.htm | |
77. Grade Twelve English List Wolf of Shadows, Streiber, Whitley, X, X, STR. The Cay, Taylor, Theodore, X, TAY.Nell s Quilt, terris, susan, X, X, TER. Seventeen Against the Dealer, Voigt, Cynthia,X, X, VOI. http://www.mtsd.org/mcdowell/gradetwelveenglishlist.html | |
78. IWWG : Published Books By Guild Authors: 1999 Letitia D. Tired of Yelling Teaching Our Children to Resolve Conflict (LongstreetPress) terris, susan Eye of the Holocaust (Arctos Press) Tondini, H. Lucia http://www.iwwg.com/index.php?page=56 |
79. Nell's Quilt (in MARION) Nell s quilt. Title Nell s quilt / susan terris. Author terris, susan.Published New York Farrar, Straus, Giroux, c1987. Subject http://catalog.evanston.lib.il.us/MARION/AAI-8027 | |
80. El Dorado County Library In Between Book List Chocolate Fever; SOBOL, DONALD Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective; terris,susan No Boys Allowed; TITUS, susan Basil of Baker Street; WILLARD http://www.eldoradolibrary.org/between1.htm | |
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