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61. Genealogy Data taylor, mildred Birth 27 AUG 1787 Death 1854 Gender Female taylor, Alexander F. Birth 4 MAR 1807 Death 4 AUG 1887 Gender Male taylor, Edmund http://www.taylor-barry-roots.com/taylor/dat71.html | |
62. Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 315 EN, Friendship, The, taylor, mildred D. 4.1, 1.0. 170 EN, Gold Cadillac, The, taylor, mildred D. 4.1, 1.0. 54637 EN, Land, The, taylor, mildred D. 5.0, 18.0. http://www.oakhills.k12.oh.us/C.O.Harrison/ARQuiz/TUV-QuizInfo.html | |
63. Genealogy Data Genealogy Data. Back to Main Page. taylor, mildred Gender Female Parents Father taylor, Horace Mother Thornton, Mary Esther. Family Spouse http://www.grotonresearch.org/html2/dat01/dat189.html | |
64. Teacher Tools: Children's Book Discussion Sets taylor, mildred D. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, 1976, A black family living in Mississippi during the Depression of the 1930s is faced with prejudice and http://www.potamusplace.net/readinglists.php?id=207&order=auth&dir=DESC |
65. Robert Perry Taylor/Mildred Lewis Kennon Born ABT 1777 at Married at Died at FatherRichard taylor MotherLucy Byne Other Spouses Susan Pelham Wife mildred Lewis Kennon http://www.ronulrich.com/rfuged/fam08499.htm | |
66. John Wesley Taylor/Mildred Elizabeth Alvey Wesley taylor Born 1 JAN 1835 at Hart Co., Kentucky Married BEF 1864 at Hart Co., Kentucky Died at Father Mother Other Spouses Wife mildred Elizabeth http://www.ronulrich.com/rfuged/fam16544.htm | |
67. Judy Blume mildred D. taylor est née à Jackson dans le Mississippi, au cur du Sud http://www.restode.cfwb.be/francais/_sites/cmainil/Auteurs/Taylor/Taylor.htm | |
68. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. taylor, mildred L. Gender Female Family Spouse Harrod, John Martin Gender Male Parents Father Harrod, Harry L. Mother Spellman, Mary. http://www.geocities.com/ericvangilder/data/dat77.htm | |
69. Acceptance Speech mildred taylor is the author of many award winning novels for young readers including the Newbery Award winning Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, The Road to http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/spring98/taylor.html | |
70. Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry By Mildred D. Taylor Book Notes Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by mildred D. taylor Book Notes. taylor, mildred D. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. New York Puffin Books, 1976. http://www.bookrags.com/notes/roth/BIO.htm | |
71. First Link For Class Home Place Golenbock, Peter. Teammates Hamanaka, Sheila. All the Colors of the Earth Raschka, Chris. Yo! Yes! taylor, mildred . http://www.auburn.cnyric.org/Genesee/chared.html | |
72. Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry - Study Guide Teacher s Study Guide for Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry by mildred D. taylor. mildred taylor was born in Jackson, Mississippi, and grew up in Toledo, Ohio. http://www.aloha.net/~uncldon/rothmyc.htm | |
73. Accelerated Reader Program By Author taylor, mildred D. Land, The, 6.2, 19.0. taylor, mildred D. Let the Circle Be Unbroken, 5.7, 15.0. taylor, mildred D. Mississippi Bridge, 4.2, 1.0. http://www.spokaneschools.org/Chase/ChaseLibrary/Author/author-t-v.stm | |
74. Educational Paperback Association taylor, mildred Author Biographical Statement Ohio. In many of her college preparatory classes, mildred taylor was the only black student. She http://www.edupaperback.org/showauth.cfm?authid=75 |
75. BPC Library Catalog, Authors (T) taylor, mildred D. Friendship, F, Ta, Book. taylor, mildred D. Let the Circle Be Unbroken, F, Ta, Book. taylor, mildred D. Road to Memphis, The, F, Book. http://www.bpcweb.net/library/authT.htm | |
76. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. taylor, mildred Gender Female Family Spouse DENTON, Roy Victor Birth 1910 Sevier CO, TN Death 1985 Gender Male Parents http://www.dentongenealogy.org/html/dat184.html | |
77. TAYLOR, MILDRED D. RETURN. mildred D. taylor. THE WELL. ROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY. LET THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN. http://www.fiona.co.jp/AUTHOR_PAGE/taylormildredd.htm | |
78. Other Book Review Sites T UV W X Y Z. T. taylor, mildred D. Let the Circle be Unbroken Reviewed by Elizabeth U. taylor, mildred D. Let the Circle be Unbroken Reviewed by Michael M. http://www.lovett.org/~dknott/lionviews/t-z.htm | |
79. NSK 2003 LAUREATE .. mildred D. taylor, the 2003 NSK Laureate. Photos courtesy Penguin Young Readers Group. mildred D. taylor, one of the foremost http://www.ou.edu/worldlit/NSK/NSK2003Laureate.htm | |
80. Exodus Provisions - Catalog By Author Exodus Provisions Catalog by Author. List by Author T taylor, mildred. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. 2 found. http://www.exodusbooks.com/Author.asp?aut=T&author=Taylor, Mildred&authorID=673 |
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