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         Sorrentino Fernando:     more books (34)
  1. La Venganza del Muerto (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 1997-11
  2. Sanitary Centennial: And Selected Short Stories (Texas Pan American Series) by Fernando Sorrentino, 1988-10
  3. Cuentos de Don Jorge Sahlame (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 2001-04
  4. Las Aventuras del Capitan Bancalari (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 1999-09
  5. Mentiroso, El (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 1993-09
  6. Historias de Maria Sapa y Fortunato (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 1995-09
  7. El Viejo Que Todo Lo Sabe (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 2001-04
  8. Sanitarios Centenarios (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 2000-04
  9. Costumbres de Los Muertos (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 1997-04
  10. Cuentos del Mentiroso (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 2002-07
  11. Historias de Maria Sapa y Fortuna (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, 2001-04
  12. Siete Conversaciones Con Jorge Luis Borges (Grandes reportajes. Serie Ayer y hoy) (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Sorrentino, Jorge Luis Borges, 1996-07
  13. Seven Conversations with Jorge Luis Borges by Fernando Sorrentino, 2010-03-01
  14. Jorge Luis Borges - Fernando Sorrentino (org.) by 2009-06-06

Translate this page Más documentos. Registrarme. Esta semana fernando sorrentino. fernando sorrentinocontesta ¿Cuál fue el libro que recordás te haya impactado en tu infancia?

62. In Self-Defense By Fernando Sorrentino On
Speed Reader Plus e-Book. In Self-Defense. by. fernando sorrentino....... In SelfDefense by fernando sorrentino 1.0. Last Updated 19-Nov 2002.

63. Fernando Sorrentino, "There's A Man . . ."
fernando sorrentino, There s a Man in the Habit of Hitting Meon the Head with an Umbrella . fernando sorrentino was born in
Fernando Sorrentino, "There's a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella"
[Fernando Sorrentino was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1942. He works in the magical realist tradition of Jorge Luis Borges (the most celebrated Argentinian writer) and Luisa Valenzuela. This story was published in 1970; its translators are Norman Thomas di Giovanni and Patricia Davidson Cran.]
  • There's a man in the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella. It is five years to the day since he began hitting me on the head with his umbrella. At first I couldn't stand it; now I've grown accustomed to it.
  • I don't know his name. I know he's an ordinary man, with a plain suit, graying at the temples, and a nondescript face. I met him one sultry morning five years ago. I was sitting peacefully on a bench in Palermo Park, reading the newspaper in the shade of a tree. All of a sudden I felt something touch my head. It was this same man who now, as I write, automatically and impassively keeps striking me blows with his umbrella.
  • At any rate, I could not stand that bat. Convinced that I was in the presence of a lunatic, I tried to get away. But the man followed me, in silence, without once letting up his blows. At this juncture, I began running (I may as well point out right here that there are few people as fast as I am). He set out after me, trying without luck to get in a whack or two. The man was gasping and gasping and panting so hard I though if I kept him running like that my tormentor might sink dead on the spot.
  • 64. Fernando Sorrentino: Tres Hermosas Supercherías Borgeanas
    Translate this page bsol1.jpg (8879 bytes). fernando sorrentino Tres hermosas supercheríasborgeanas. fernando sorrentino, Buenos Aires, junio de 1999.
    Fernando Sorrentino
    Tres hermosas supercherías borgeanas En 1969 Borges compiló el volumen El matrero cuyo “Prólogo” termina con estas palabras: “Este libro antológico no es una apología del matrero ni una acusación de fiscal. Componerlo ha sido un placer; ojalá compartan ese placer quienes vuelvan sus páginas”. El Índice registra los nombres de dieciocho autores cuya indiscutible existencia es verificable con fechas de nacimiento y de muerte: Paul Groussac, Eduardo Gutiérrez, José S. Álvarez, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Ventura R. Lynch, Alejandro Magariños Cervantes, Pedro Leandro Ipuche, Manuel Peyrou, Antonio D. Lussich, Lucio V. Mansilla, Leopoldo Lugones, José Hernández, Vicente Rossi, Laurentino C. Mejías, Martiniano Leguizamón, Jorge Luis Borges, Bernardo Canal Feijoo y Adolfo Bioy. Pero, además de los trabajos de estos escritores, encontramos —ignorados por el índice— otros tres textos, en cuerpo menor, en las páginas 73, 147 y 160. A saber, respectivamente:

    65. Fernando Sorrentino: Erratas En Textos De Borges
    Fernando Sorrentino
    Erratas en textos de Borges
    Frutos de las relecturas No por poseer espíritu detectivesco ni alma de relojero ni inclinación a la filatelia ni a ninguna de las ponderables aficiones relacionadas con el detalle, la minucia o lo diminuto, es que escribo este breve trabajo. Ocurre, simplemente, que la frecuentación y las relecturas de la obra de Borges (con la atención que ella requiere) me han hecho advertir que en la trasmisión textual se han deslizado algunas anomalías; éstas pueden ser tipificadas como erratas (para el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española errata es “Equivocación material cometida en lo impreso o manuscrito”).

    66. In Self-Defense By Fernando Sorrentino 1.0
    In SelfDefense by fernando sorrentino 1.0. In Self-Defense by fernando sorrentino1.0 back to menu. In Self-Defense by fernando sorrentino 1.0.

    67. Autorenverzeichnis: Fernando Sorrentino
    Translate this page Zum Verlag . Autor fernando sorrentino Verfasste Bücher Von Skorpionen undanderen Alltagsgefahren. SeitenanfangZum Seitenanfang, Autorenverzeichnis
    (Anzeige) Neu bei C.H. Beck Götter, Künstler und Athleten – die wahre Geschichte des antiken Olympia Zum [ Verlag ] Autor: Fernando Sorrentino
    Verfasste Bücher:
    Von Skorpionen und anderen Alltagsgefahren

    Zum Seitenanfang Autorenverzeichnis: A B C D ... Mail an die Redaktion

    68. Fernando Sorrentino - Von Skorpionen Und Anderen Alltagsgefahren - Perlentaucher
    Erzählungen, Druckversion. Zum Autor sorrentino, fernando keine Informationen.
    (Anzeige) KiWi kickt anders Ronald Reng:
    Der Traumhüter.
    Die unglaubliche Geschichte eines Torwarts
    - British Sports Book Awards 2004 -
    Zum [ Verlag ] Fernando Sorrentino
    "Von Skorpionen und anderen Alltagsgefahren"

    Gebunden 160 Seiten, 15,24 EUR
    Buch bestellen bei
    [ Klappentext ]

    Aus dem Spanischen übersetzt und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Vera Gerling.
    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 08.02.2002
    Zum Seitenanfang Zum Autor Sorrentino, Fernando keine Informationen Home Aktuell Magazin Service ... Mail an die Redaktion

    69. Európa Könyvkiadó
    sorrentino, fernando Hét beszélgetés Jorge Luis Borgesszel (Siete conversacionescon Jorge Luis Borges) Fordította Latorre Ágnes Oldal 264 Ára 1500 Ft

    70. Short Story - Unjustified Fears By Fernando Sorrentino - Page 1 Of 2
    fernando sorrentino. Short Stories. Unjustified Fears (5 ratings) by fernando sorrentinoPage 1 of 2. I m not very sociable, and often I forget about my friends.
    Support , buy your books through these links ( read more or
    Fernando Sorrentino
    Short Stories
    The Visitation
    Method for Defense against Scorpions

    Waiting for a Resolution

    Unjustified Fears

    Unjustified Fears (5 ratings)
    by Fernando Sorrentino Page 1 of 2 I'm not very sociable, and often I forget about my friends. After letting two years go by, on one of those January days in1979 - they're so hot - I went to visit a friend who suffers fromsomewhat unjustified fears. His name doesn't matter; let's call him - just call him - Enrique Viani.
    On a certain Saturday in March, 1977, his life changedcourse.
    It seems that, while in the living room of his house, near thedoor to the balcony, Enrique Viani saw, suddenly, an "enormous" - according to him - spider on his right shoe. No soonerhad he had the thought this was the biggest spider he'd seen inhis life, when, suddenly leaving its place on his shoe, the animalslipped up his pants leg between the leg and the pants.
    Enrique Viani was - he said - "petrified." Nothing so disagreeable had ever happened to him. At that instant he recalled two principles he had read somewhere or other, which were: 1) that, without exception, all spiders, even the smallest ones, carry poison, and can inject it; and, 2) that spiders only sting when they feel attacked or disturbed. It was plain to see, that huge spider must surely have plenty of poison in it, the fullstrength toxic type. So, Enrique Viani thought the most sensible thing to do was hold stock still, since at the least move of his, the insect would inject him with a definitive dose of deadly poison.

    71. HHU Romanistik I: Vera Gerling
    sorrentino, fernando Piccirilli .

    Dr. des. Vera Elisabeth Gerling - Wissenschaftliche Angestellte -
    Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
    Geb. 23.21, 02.83
    Universitätsstr. 1
    40225 Düsseldorf
    Tel.: (+49)-211-81-12981
    Fax.: (+49)-211-81-14033 E-mail:
    Biographie /
    Forschung / Publikationen / ... Weitere Aktivitäten
    Biographie Vera Gerling, geboren 1969 in Ahaus/Westfalen
    Studium im Fach Diplom-Literaturübersetzen an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, abgeschlossen 1995 (Spanische und französische Romanistik, Germanistik) Auslandssemester in Pau (Frankreich) und Granada (Spanien) Zusatzqualifikation "Deutsch als Fremdsprache", erworben 1994. Nach dem Studium Praktikum beim Goethe-Institut in Córdoba, Argentinien, Forschungsstipendium für Argentinien (DAAD Kurzzeitspipendium), Promotionsstipendium (Graduiertenförderung NRW), Tätigkeit als Lektorin für deutsche Sprache und Landeskunde in Nantes, Frankreich (Studienjahr 1997/98). Seit Oktober 1998 Wissenschaftliche Angestellte am Romanischen Seminar I der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.

    72. HHU Romanistik I: Fernando Sorrentino
    fernando sorrentino.
    Mittwoch, den 14.11.2001: FERNANDO SORRENTINO
    Fernando Sorrentino mit seiner Frau Alicia I. Vortrag: "La literatura fantástica argentina de los siglos XIX y XX. Un panorama" - Fernando Sorrentino Organisation: Romanistik, Vera Gerling
    (im Rahmen der Übung "Traducción alemán-español II") Zeit/Ort: 14-16 Uhr / 23.21, 02.26
    II. Übersetzungswerkstatt: zum Text "Historia de José Montilla" von Fernando Sorrentino Leitung: Romanistik, Vera Gerling Zeit/Ort: 16-18 Uhr
    III. Lesung:
    (spanisch u. deutsch) aus dem Buch Von Skorpionen und anderen Alltagsgefahren Zeit/Ort: Info: Fernando Sorrentino Von Skorpionen und anderen Alltagsgefahren (Göttingen, Hainholz-Verlag) Letzte Änderung am 10.11.01

    73. Escritores Argentinos
    Translate this page sorrentino, fernando (Buenos Aires, 1942) Una conversación con fernandosorrentino . Entrevista a fernando sorrentino, por Carla Pravisani.
    Escritores argentinos: S

    74. Fernando Sorrentino - Existe Un Hombre Que Tiene La Costumbre...
    Translate this page Volver al índice. fernando sorrentino. Existe un hombre quetiene la costumbre de pegarme con un paraguas en la cabeza.
    Fernando Sorrentino E xiste un hombre que tiene la costumbre de pegarme con un paraguas en la cabeza Nº 5 Verano 2001 [De Imperios y servidumbres, Barcelona, Editorial Seix Barral, 1972.]

    75. - Blogathon 2003: My Friend Luke By Fernando Sorrentino
    My Friend Luke by fernando sorrentino. My Friend Luke by fernando sorrentino Translatedby Gustavo Artiles and Alex Patterson. All the best, fernando sorrentino.
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    I bet that you are wondering what kind of crazy guy I am. I mean, who in their right mind would stay up for 24 hours to raise some money for charity? Well this crazy would! Yes, that is right, I'm a crazy bastage. I'm a glutton for punishment. I stay up for 24 hours, I blog every 30 minutes, and you're pledges go to the charity of my choice ( ). Seems pretty easy right? Well it is for you, so sit back, enjoy my posting, and see if you can spare a buck or two and sponsor me .... for the children! main archives guestbook email ... Have you figured out my format yet? » My Friend Luke by Fernando Sorrentino My Friend Luke by Fernando Sorrentino
    Translated by Gustavo Artiles and Alex Patterson I have a friend who must be the sweetest, shyest person in the world. His name is brittle and ancient (Luke), his age modestly intermediate (forty). He is rather short and skinny, has a thin moustache and even thinner hair on his head. Since his vision is not perfect, he wears glasses: they are small, round and frame-less.
    In order not to inconvenience anyone, he always walks sideways. Instead of saying 'Excuse me', he prefers to glide by one side. If the gap is so narrow that it will not allow him to pass, Luke waits patiently until the obstruction be it animate or inanimate, rational or irrational moves by itself. Stray dogs and cats panic him, and in order to avoid them he constantly crosses from one side to of the road to another.

    76. Fernando Sorrentino Cuando El Cuchillero Se Hizo Futbolista -n ..
    Translate this page la cabra mecanica. fernando sorrentino Cuando el cuchillero se hizofutbolista -n Reflexiones de fernando sorrentino acerca

    77. Literaturwelt: International/Spanisch
    Translate this page Jan-2003 - ~. sorrentino, fernando Kurze Biografie des argentinischenErzählers, Bibliografie und deutsche Übersetzungen. - Added
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    78. Wauu.DE: Deutsch: Kultur: Literatur: Autoren Und Autorinnen: S: Sorrentino, Fern
    Translate this page Wauu.DE Deutsch Kultur Literatur Autorenund Autorinnen S sorrentino, fernando.
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    79. Jorge Luis Borges Habla De Julio Cortázar
    Translate this page INICIO, Localice en este documento. Conversación con fernando sorrentino Borgeshabla de Cortázar Página de Jorge Luis Borges Página de fernando sorrentino.
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    Conversación con Fernando Sorrentino
    Borges habla de Cortázar
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    Gris 25 Negro Imprimir F.S.: ¿Le agradaban los cuentos fantásticos de Julio Cortázar?
    J.L.B.: Sí, me agradaban, y ocurrió un pequeño episodio. ¿Se lo he contado ya?
    F.S.: No.
    J.L.B.: Yo me encontré con Cortázar en París, en casa de Néstor Ibarra. Él me dijo: "¿Usted se acuerda de lo que nos pasó aquella tarde en la diagonal Norte?". "No", le dije yo. Entonces él me dijo: "Yo le llevé a usted un manuscrito. Usted me dijo que volviera al cabo de una semana, y que usted me diría lo que pensaba del manuscrito". Yo dirigía entonces una revista, Los Anales de Buenos Aires (una revista ahora indebidamente olvidada), que pertenecía a la señora Sara de Ortiz Basualdo, y él me llevó un cuento, " Casa tomada Fernando Sorrentino; Siete conversaciones con Jorge Luis Borges , Buenos Aires, El Ateneo, 1996, págs. 103-105

    80. MOLINARI, FERNANDO Libreria Cultura Hispana - Spanish-language Bookstore In St.
    Translate this page BUZZI, fernando, $13.50, comprar comprar. AVENTURAS DEL CAPITAN BANCALARIPor sorrentino, fernando, $5.50, comprar comprar. CAUDILLOS DE LA, FERNAND

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