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61. William Shakespeare - Complete Works Of Shakespeare, Biography, Study Guides Includes his tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems, related reading and a brief biography. http://www.shakespeare-literature.com/ | |
62. Shakespeare - Menu Site consacr© william shakespeare et son oeuvre. http://www.cssh.qc.ca/projets/carnetsma/shakespeare/shakespeare_menu.html | |
63. EducETH: Shakespeare, William information on william shakespeare and his plays suitable for class reading,teaching information, teachers and students comments, requests. http://www.educeth.ch/english/readinglist/shakespearew/ | |
64. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE Kurzbiographie, Werke, als OnlineText vorhandene Werke. http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/autoren/shakespr.htm | |
65. Shakespeare Resources Summary Page The First Folio and Early Quartos of william shakespeare. Edward III now authenticatedas the work of william shakespeare, by the Arden shakespeare Series. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/shakespeare/ | |
66. The Shakespeare First Folio The First Folio and Early Quartos of william shakespeare. Quartos Anonymous,Sir Thomas More. shakespeare, william, Pericles (1609 Quarto). http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/shakespeare/folio/ | |
67. Ew Shakespeare 'Macbeth', Fragment - Eixample Web Selecci³ de fragments d'aquesta obra de william shakespeare. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/4045/tmacbeth.html | |
68. Virginia Shakespeare Festival In 1753, williamsburg was home to the first professional shakespeare production in the New World. Today, the annual summer festival carries on the tradition in Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall, on the campus of the College of william and Mary. http://www.wm.edu/vashakespeare/ |
69. Shakespeare And The Globe: Then And Now A brief biography. http://search.eb.com/shakespeare/micro/160/59.html | |
70. Comédie-Française - William Shakespeare http://www.comedie-francaise.fr/biographies/shakespeare.htm | |
71. Power Of Will Committed to exploring the works of william shakespeare in a dynamic and organic way, in Queensland, Australia. http://members.aol.com/powtied/power1.html | |
72. Shakespeare S Julius Caesar william shakespeare s Julius Caesar. Using this Edition Choose fromthe several different editions of shakespeare s play listed below. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/JC/JC.shak.home.html |
73. Sonet 90 de william shakespeare. Du tradukoj de william Auld kaj Valentin Melnikov. Se vi malamos min, malamu nun. http://www.esperanto.mv.ru/Melnikov/Sonet90.html | |
74. IMA Hero: William Shakespeare HH william shakespeare was a hero read about hislife, the times in which he lived, and http://www.imahero.com/herohistory/bard_herohistory.htm | |
75. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE bersetzung von Dorothea Tieck, durchgesehen von Ludwig Tieck. http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/shakespr/cymbelin/cymbelin.htm | |
76. Everything Shakespeare Welcome to my shakespeare page. This is a site completely devoted to william shakespeareand to those of you who are seeking knowledge of him and his works. http://www.field-of-themes.com/shakespeare/indexmain.html | |
77. Park Players Birmingham, AL. Park Players is an outdoor theatrical organization dedicated to the performance of quality plays, including the works of william shakespeare. http://www.bhamparkplayers.com | |
78. William Shakespeare Translate this page william shakespeare. Isabel reina desde hace seis años cuando williamshakespeare nace en 1564. Cuando muere, en 1616, Jacobo I http://www.bibliotecasvirtuales.com/biblioteca/Shakespeare/index.asp | |
79. Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet Information on and links to Kenneth Branagh's film version. http://members.tripod.com/~Moon_Faery/hamlet.html | |
80. Shakespeare, William: Works, Digitale Rekonstruktion Google Directory Arts Literature World Literature British shakespeare (23) Arts Performing Arts Theatre shakespeare (137) Kids and Teens School Time English Literature Classics shakespeare, william (17 http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/diglib/shakespeare/works/six/ | |
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