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81. Rumi Balkhi, Sufi Bedil, Dari Art And Literature http://devoted.to/rumi |
82. Mevlevi Order - Home Mevlevi Order of America teaches the work of Mevlana Jelaluddin rumi and trains semazens http://www.hayatidede.org/ | |
83. Rumi Missabu - The Cockettes rumi. rumi ALSO A special installation by last year s Halloween headliners, The Castro s living treasure, Gay Glo rumi in FILMS God http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/2493/rumi.htm | |
84. Russian E-Classifieds Board Community site for Russians living in the metropolitan area. Includes classifieds, personals, employment listings, and community events. http://www.gbgm-umc.org/rumi/DIRS/RusInternet/DCVAMD/main.htm | |
85. Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi Links Nevit s Links to Mevlana Celaleddini rumi. All the links in this page have one thing in common Mevlana Celaleddin-i rumi. I will http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/9594/mevlana.htm | |
86. Coleman Barks: Rumi: Voice Of Longing. Ecstatic Love Poetry Of Rumi, The Sufi My Coleman Barks, rumi Voice of Longing. Ecstatic Love Poetry of rumi, the Sufi Mystic Audio at a Discount! http://sun-angel.com/emporium/sndstrue/rumi.html | |
87. Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi Mevlana Jalaluddin rumi. Divani-Shams 11909. The name Mevlana Jalaluddin rumi stands for Love and ecstatic flight into the infinite. http://www.naqshbandi.net/haqqani/sufi/saints/Sayiddina_Rumi.html | |
88. Rumi Life, work, poetry of Mevlana Jalaluddin rumi. http://www.rumi.org.uk | |
89. Rumi - There Is A Field rightdoing there is a field. I ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about. . rumi. http://www.elise.com/quotes/quotes/rumi.htm | |
90. Slezjanskie Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace Wizyt³wka salezjaÅskiego liceum og³lnoksztaÅcÄ cego w rumi. http://www.rumia.edu.pl/SLO/ | |
91. MEWLANA DSCHELALEDDIN RUMI rumi genannt Maulawi), geb. 1207 in Balkh (Prov. liebeslyrik. rumi bei amazon.de. © Helmut Schulze, 2003-2004. http://www.litlinks.it/rx/rumi.htm | |
92. Islamic Poems Site dedicated to Islamic poetry from Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal, Yunus Emre, and Jahaluddin rumi. http://members.tripod.com/~NasirS/poems.html | |
93. Rumi "the Poetry Of Love" rumi The poetry of love. Emi Classic recorded a project called rumi in 1997, and it represents another step on this direction. http://www.mybestlife.com/music/rumi.htm | |
94. A Tribute To Rumi - @ RumiOnFire.com Poetry of rumi in Persian and English, biography, links, and a picture gallery. http://www.RumiOnFire.com/ | |
95. Rumi - The Poetry Of Love rumi (inteso come disco) si muove perfettamente all unisono con le intuizioni del suo augusto ispiratore. http://www.mybestlife.com/ita_anima/rumi.htm | |
96. Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna W Rumi - MBP RUMIA - Strona Witaj¹ca. Wydarzenia, zbiory biblioteczne, multimedialny informator o rumi. http://mbp-rumia.w.interia.pl/ | |
97. Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi/Giris Sircasaray Icerik (2562 bytes), Güzel güzel gel de, dernege asil güzelligi getir. Biz herkesle hosuz ama seninle pek hosuz. http://sircasaray.turkiye.org/mevlana/giris.html | |
98. Turkish Odyssey/Places Of Interest/Central Anatolia/Konya-Sultanhan ecstasy and devotion. Mevlana Celaleddin rumi (12071273). Mevlana was born in 1207 in Balkh, Afghanistan. His father, Bahaeddin http://www.turkishodyssey.com/places/anatolia/ana1.htm | |
99. Rumi Quotes - Thinkarete rumi Quotes. Mevlana rumi 13th century sufi poet and mystic. Showing quotations 1 to 10 of 53, Next Page . Be occupied, then, with http://www.thinkarete.com/quotes/by_teacher/mevlana_rumi/ | |
100. Intro To Rumi Balkhi Poet's biography, selected ode and quatrain both in Dari and English. Developed as a flash site. http://www.geocities.com/mawlawibalkhi/ |
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