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Ruff Matt: more books (28) | ||||||||||||||||
61. SciFan: Writer: Matt Ruff (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) writers series A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. home about links email. Writers matt ruff (1965 - ), Bibliography, http://www.scifan.com/writers/rr/RuffMatt.asp | |
62. Laughin' With Ayn: Matt Ruff's Sewer, Gas & Electric Ayn Shrugged. matt ruff s Sewer, Gas Electric is a wonderful sendup and parody of Ayn Rand s ponderous classic, Atlas Shrugged. http://www.strangewords.com/archive/ruff.html | |
63. Steampunk: Authors : R : Matt Ruff Authors R matt ruff. Official Sites. Author matt ruff s Home Page. Interviews. Audio Interview from Book Radio. Novel Excerpts. Sewer, Gas, Electric. Readings. http://www.steampunk.com/newsfch/Authors/R/Matt_Ruff/ | |
64. Matt Ruff :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius matt ruff. Online Encyclopedia matt ruff is an author who graduated from Cornell University. His first book, Fool on the Hill (published http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/m/ma/matt_ruff.html | |
65. Great Science-Fiction & Fantasy Works: Matt Ruff Sciencefiction and fantasy books by matt ruff rated and critically discussed by the universal standards of fine literature. A Few Words About matt ruff. http://greatsfandf.com/AUTHORS/MattRuff.shtml | |
66. Matt Ruff GAS Die Trilogie Der Stadtwerke Translate this page Neue Bücher - kurzund matt ruff GAS Die Trilogie der Stadtwerke. Roman. 622 S., Hanser 1998. Vorab gibt es eine Personal Aufstellung http://www.u-lit.de/buecher/matt-ruff-gas.html | |
67. Suche Nach Autor: Matt Ruff - Relevantis.de Translate this page Suche nach Autor matt+ruff bei relevantis.de, Englisches Buch, Englische Bücher, Hörbücher. Englische Bücher. Bücher. Suche nach Autor matt ruff. http://englische-buecher.relevantis.de/autor/matt-ruff/s1.htm | |
68. SUBWAY Magazin - Matt Ruff - April 1998 Translate this page Aber ohne matt ruff zu nahe treten zu wollen, es gibt auf diesem Planeten wohl wenige Menschen, auf die diese alte Wahrheit mehr zuträfe. http://www.subway-net.de/magazin/1998/04matt.shtml | |
69. Sewer, Gas And Electric, Matt Ruff, 1997 Sewer, Gas Electric The Public Works Trilogy matt ruff, 1997 Copyright © 1997 by matt ruff From Chapter 1 Down in the Canyons with Eddie Wilder (and Teddy http://www.sewergator.com/lit/sge.htm | |
70. L E S E L U S T: Re: MATT RUFF , Rollblau Am 10.5.2004 16:10 Translate this page Re matt ruff. LESELUST. Geschrieben von rollblau am 10. Mai 2004 161054 Als Antwort auf Re matt ruff geschrieben von Martine am 10. Mai 2004 090827 http://f5.parsimony.net/forum5557/messages/19072.htm | |
71. L E S E L U S T: Re: MATT RUFF , Martine Am 10.5.2004 09:08 Translate this page Re matt ruff. LESELUST. Mai 2004 090827 Als Antwort auf matt ruff - Ich und die Anderen / Set this House in Order (August) geschrieben von Daniela am 09. http://f5.parsimony.net/forum5557/messages/19051.htm | |
72. Welcome To HarperCanada matt ruff Author Tracker Want to receive notice of books, events, promotions, and news of matt ruff? Sign up now! Enter your email address below. http://www.harpercanada.com/catalog/author_xml.asp?authorid=14678&isbn=006095485 |
73. Sf.www.lysator.liu.se/sf_archive/sf-texts/books/R/Ruff,Matt.mbox http://sf.www.lysator.liu.se/sf_archive/sf-texts/books/R/Ruff,Matt.mbox |
74. Carmilla On Line ® Translate this page Sei qui Homepage Segnalazioni Intervista a matt ruff. Maggio 23, 2003. Intervista a matt ruff. di Susanne Bach. matt ruff è nato http://www.carmillaonline.com/archives/2003/05/000259.html | |
75. Year's Best Fantasy And Horror, Matt Ruff, Neal Stephenson The Year s Best Fantasy and Horror, matt ruff, Neal Stephenson. This is an entertaining, if oddly lightweight, novel set in the future as imagined by matt ruff. http://www.unc.edu/~chague/bkrvw/2-16-98.HTM | |
76. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection To the lobby of the Internet Public Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection. matt ruff (1965 ). Criticism about matt ruff. Sorry. http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=ruf-187 |
77. Set This House In Order By Matt Ruff | PopMatters Book Review Set This House in Order by matt ruff, review by Jonathan Messinger The sometime firstperson narrator is really just one of dozens of personalities http://www.popmatters.com/books/reviews/s/set-this-house-in-order.shtml | |
78. Tom Liehr - Rezensionen: Matt Ruff, Fool On The Hill. Roman. Translate this page Fool on the hill. Roman. matt ruff, dtv 1993, (EV 1989). (gelesen als preiswerte HC-Wiederveröffentlichung von Zweitausendeins, gerade erschienen). http://www.literatur-fast-pur.de/0fool.html | |
79. G.A.S., Matt Ruff http://www.literatur-fast-pur.de/0gas.html | |
80. Entertainment News - matt ruff Set This House in Order 23.01.2004 Reviewed by MARGIE THOMSON Forget your usual crime thriller, or even horror fiction. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/entertainmentstorydisplay.cfm?storyID=35 |
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