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Rucker Rudy: more books (103) | ||||||||||||||
21. Link To Rudy Rucker's Home Page Biography, list of works, online stories, class information and contact information. http://www.mathcs.sjsu.edu/faculty/rucker/rucker.html | |
22. Rudy Rucker :: Big :: Little Enjoy Jenna and Me, a subversive politicalsatirical science-fiction story by rudy rucker and rudy rucker, Jr., in the on-line SF magazine Infinite Matrix. http://www.rudyrucker.com/ | |
23. Cellular Automata Laboratory An extendable DOS/Windows application for exploring cellular automata, accompanied by a thorough user guide; by rudy rucker and John Walker. http://www.fourmilab.ch/cellab/ | |
24. The SF Site Series Review: Rudy Rucker Trio The Home Page for Science Fiction and Fantasy rudy rucker. Born in Louisville, KY, rudy rucker went to private schools in Louisville then to Swarthmore College http://www.sfsite.com/05a/wite32.htm | |
25. The Infinite Matrix | Rudy Rucker And Rudy Rucker, Jr. | Jenna And Me Jenna and Me, a short story by rudy rucker and rudy rucker, Jr. In The Infinite Matrix, a magazine for people who enjoy science fiction as a literature of ideas. Edited by Eileen Gunn. jenna and http://www.infinitematrix.net/stories/shorts/jenna_and_me.html | |
26. Spaceland By Rudy Rucker Review of the novel Spaceland by rudy rucker. http://www.computercrowsnest.com/sfnews2/03_sept/review0903_20.shtml | |
27. Buy.com - Rucker, Rudy Books Search Results Search for rucker, rudy in all of Buy.com's stores. Results for rucker, rudy ( 17 matching products) http://www.buy.com/retail/searchresults.asp?qutype=2&qu=Rucker, Rudy&sea |
28. Rudy Rucker's Software Engineering And Computer Games rudy rucker s Software Engineering and Computer Games. Main Page. www.rudyrucker.com/computergames. rudy rucker. Software Engineering and Computer Games. http://www.rudyrucker.com/computergames/ | |
29. Rudy Rucker's Home Page. Writing, Science Fiction, Bruegel Novel, Cellular Autom Scifi experimentalist and cosmic math guru. Biography, writings, classes, and links. http://www.mathcs.sjsu.edu/faculty/rucker/index.html | |
30. Rudy Rucker And Farideh Dormishian's Hypercube Downloads A shareware program for Windows called Hypercube 98 that shows tumbling fourdimensional hypercubes as well as some 3D polyhedra and some 2d snowflakes. http://www.mathcs.sjsu.edu/faculty/rucker/hypercube.htm | |
31. ECampus.com - Books And Stuff. Cheap! TEXTBOOKS and STUFF. EASY. FAST. CHEAP. eCampus.com find books, textbooks and college gear. Author(s) rucker, rudy / ISBN 0380701774 / Paperback / 4/1/1997 Author(s) rucker, rudy / ISBN http://www.ecampus.com/search.asp?qtype=AUTHOR&qsearch=Rucker, Rudy |
32. Capow98 A Windows application that can simulate and analyze various onedimensional and two-dimensional cellular automata, part of the Cellular Automata and Electric Power project lead by Dr. rudy rucker. http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/faculty/rucker/capow/ |
33. Booklist: Rucker, Rudy. As Above, So Below. How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine. rucker, rudy. As Above, So Below. Dec. 2002. 304p. Tor/Forge, $23.95 (0765-30403-1). What http://archive.ala.org/booklist/v99/no2/31rucker.html | |
34. Booklist: Fiction--Science Fiction (v.93) Moon, Elizabeth. Once a Hero. rucker, rudy. Freeware. Sawyer, Robert J. Frameshift. rucker, rudy. Freeware. May 1997. 304p. Avon, paper, $13 (0380-79278-8). http://archive.ala.org/booklist/v93/33.html | |
35. Buy.com - Rudy Rucker Books Search Results Search for rudy rucker in all of Buy.com's stores. Author rucker, rudy Publisher Forge http://www.buy.com/retail/searchresults.asp?qutype=2&qu=Rudy Rucker&loc= |
36. Ureda - RUCKER, Rudy Translate this page A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Ü Y Z Ö rucker, rudy, ist ein Glückstreffer! Schon als Autor von Sach- und Fictionliteratur. http://www.ureda.de/php/lexikon/anzeige.php3?id=237 |
37. Frontwheeldrive.com: Rudy Rucker Interview Keeping it Transreal. rudy rucker. by Tom Georgoulias rudy rucker has a lot of things on his mind. Although his day job has him teaching computer science and mathematics at San Jose State University, rudy rucker is a writer. http://www.frontwheeldrive.com/rudy_rucker.html | |
38. Rucker, Rudy Translate this page rucker, rudy. rudy rucker liebt Rockmusik, moderne Physik und Bewußtseinserweiterung in (fast) jeder Form. Als Sachbuch- wie als http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/rucker.html |
39. Alibris: Rudy Rucker Used, new outof-print books by author rudy rucker. buy new from $21.21! 10. The Hollow Earth more books like this by rucker, rudy buy used from $2.95! 11. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Rucker, Rudy | |
40. Collection Rucker, Rudy - Photo History Of SIGCHI SIGCHI Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction, Home ? Photo History, Photo History of SIGCHI 1982 - 2001, Computer Human Interaction 2003 http://turing.acm.org:18080/photolib/collection_viewer.jsp?lib=chi&personId=273& |
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