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50. Saint-Henri - Bonheur D'occasion : Gabrielle Roy 1909-1983 gabrielle roy 1909-1983. Le roman, Bonheur d occasion,publié en 1945, relate la vie dans le quartier Saint-Henri en 1941. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/sthenri/bonh.htm | |
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52. Gabrielle Roy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia McClelland and Stewart Ltd New Canadian Library For Me and My House, afterword by Robert Kroetsch Ross, Sinclair, The Lamp at Noonand Other Stories, afterword by Margaret Laurence roy, gabrielle, The Cashier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabrielle_Roy | |
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56. Gabrielle Roy -- Encyclopædia Britannica roy, gabrielle Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , roy, gabrielle (190983).The FrenchCanadian novelist gabrielle roy was praised http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=65927&tocid=0&query=gabrielle-emilie cha |
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