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81. HIS 108 ISP Introduction Volume I To 1877. Boston Bedford Books, 1998. ISBN 0312-13910-1. rowlandson, mary. The Sovereignty and Goodness of God Together http://www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/History/IS/HIS108/intro.html | |
82. MIT OpenCourseWare | Literature | 21L.007J After Columbus, Fall 2003 | Readings rowlandson, mary. Sovereignty and Goodness of God. Edited by Neal Salisbury. Bedford/St. Pp. 6387, American Identities; mary rowlandson (PDF). 18, rowlandson. http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Literature/21L-007JFall2003/Readings/ | |
83. WowEssays.com - The Puritans Covenant With God, As Revealed In Narrative Of Th 1999). rowlandson, mary. Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. mary rowlandson. In Baym, Nina (General Editor). 1999). rowlandson, mary. http://www.wowessays.com/dbase/af1/arm324.shtml | |
84. Find By Title of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. mary rowlandson Resource Type eBook Publication Year 199? Author rowlandson, mary White Source Project http://www.library.yorku.ca/eResources/browseByTitle.jsp?alpha=N |
85. Hutchinson And Rowlandson American Literature I Fall 2003. LECTURE FOUR (September 15) Anne Hutchinson, mary rowlandson, and Anne Bradstreet. Terms and Concepts. http://www.nyu.edu/classes/amlit/amlect04.htm | |
86. Bookshare.org - Books By Author Please log in. Books by mary rowlandson. Here is a list of our books by mary rowlandson . There is 1 book by this author in our collection. This is book 1 of 1. http://www.bookshare.org/web/BooksByAuthor.html?author_id=473 |
87. English 360R/460R: Topics In Early American Literature Susanna Charlotte Temple and Lucy Temple Foster, Hannah The Coquette rowlandson, mary A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. mary rowlandson http://www.lehigh.edu/~ejg1/sylx/hiltner.html | |
88. The Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson - CHAPTER II The Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. mary rowlandson. by Mrs. mary rowlandson. http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/historical/CaptivityandRestorat | |
89. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article Captive on the literacy frontier mary rowlandson, James Smith, and Charles Johnson.(Critical Essay). Early American Literature; 1/1/2003; Newman, Andrew. http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1G1:99515662&num=9&ctrlInfo=Round |
90. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (R) 1674 1737. Rowe, Nicholas (Rowe, Nicholas ). 1674 - 1718. rowlandson, mary (rowlandson, mary ). 1635 - 1678. rowlandson, Thomas (rowlandson, Thomas ). 1756 - 1827. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=200&golist=true&init=R |
91. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Rowlandson, Mary Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved. Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_rowlandson_mary_white_c |
92. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Titles > N Author rowlandson, mary White, ca. 1635ca. 1678 Keywords Authors R rowlandson, mary White, ca. 1635-ca. 1678; Titles N ; Subject Gypsies. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Ti |
93. Running To Myself Mary Rowlandson S And Elizabeth Ashbridge S Running to Myself mary rowlandson s and Elizabeth Ashbridge s Spiritual Travels in Early America. Alan J. Silva Hamline University asilva@piper.hamline.edu. http://english.cla.umn.edu/travelconf/abstracts/Silva.html | |
94. Discussion Questions For Rowlandson Discussion Questions forA Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. mary rowlandson. For what purposes does rowlandson use biblical allusions? http://www.uwrf.edu/~sl01/324/rowlnd.html | |
95. Captured By Indians : The True Story Of Mary Rowlandson And OthersFIÉ Captured by Indians The True Story of mary rowlandson and Others by rowlandson, mary In Audio ?\. http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/booksea.cgi?ISBN=1883049946 |
96. Ibiblio :: More American West! 1995; Narrative of the Captivity and Removes of Mrs. mary rowlandson by rowlandson, mary White, ca. 1635ca. 1678 Released Mar 1997; http://www.ibiblio.org/index.old/west.july2002.html | |
97. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Free Ebooks Select an archive download site Author mary rowlandson. Captivity Google search on mary rowlandson. Gutenberg list of authors. This http://textual.net/access.gutenberg/Mary.Rowlandson | |
98. BRITANNICA Women's History: Study Guide: Student Activity 4 By the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and http://search.eb.com/women/studyguide/stud4.htm | |
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