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1. Author Profile - Keith Rommel Keith Rommel. Read Keith Rommel s article, Writing a Killer Query , to get thatillusive agent or publisher to notice your work. Novels by Keith Rommel, http://www.booklore.co.uk/Authors/RommelKeith/RommelKeith.htm | |
2. BookLore Interview - Keith Rommel Keith Rommel. 1. Have you always wanted to write? My writing didn t actually begin until I was in my early twenties AFTER I finished Spirit of Independence. http://www.booklore.co.uk/Interviews/RommelKeith/KeithRommelInterview.htm | |
3. Spirit Of Independence: By Author Keith Rommel Supernatural Thrillers by author keith rommel. COMING SOON! COMINGSOON! Creating the Devil by keith rommel. The devil made me do http://www.spiritofindependence.com/ | |
4. Keith Rommel @ Catharton Authors keith rommel and resources concerning his works. Catharton Authors R rommel, keith. keith rommel ? Try searching Google for keith rommel List of Works http://www.catharton.com/authors/2950.htm | |
5. Keith Rommel Barclay Books. Publisher of hardcover, softcover, and massmarket paperback Book Categories. keith rommel. A Spectral Visions Imprint Author. keith rommel is 30 years old and currently resides on http://www.barclaybooks.com/rommel.htm | |
6. SciFan: Writer: Keith Rommel (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) Writers keith rommel. Bibliography. Get pricing and availability through our links to online stores, or click on a title http://www.scifan.com/writers/rr/RommelKeith.asp | |
7. StickYourNeckOut: Writing/Rommel/Writing That Killer Query Authors, artists, and guests, StickYourNeckOut shares your love of arts and language and welcomes your submissions for free online publication. by keith rommel. So, you've finished your novel and http://www.stickyourneckout.com/writing/writing9.htm | |
8. Sardurvial Dissenting: By Author Keith Rommel COMING SOON! COMING SOON! Copyright © 2001 by keith rommel.All rights reserved. Revised 12 Feb 2004 004155 0800 . http://www.spiritofindependence.com/sardiss.htm | |
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10. Catharton: Authors: R: Rogers, Samuel Rogoff, Robert E. Rohan, Michael Scott Rohmer, Sax Rolland, RomainRolofson, Kristine Romberg, Nina Romkey, Michael rommel, keith Ronson, Mark http://www.catharton.com/authors/r.htm | |
11. SFReader.com Review: Spirit Of Independence, By Keith Rommel Robinson, Kim Stanley. Robinson, Spider. rommel, keith. Rucker, Rudy. Ruff, Matt On the whole, keith rommel does all of this very well http://www.sfreader.com/bbauthor_results.asp?LN=Rommel&FN=Keith |
12. Books-A-Million Online Bookstore : Buy Discount Books Magazines Audio : Booksami BooksA-Million.com offers Spirit of Independence by keith rommel at a deep discount (1931402078, Paperback). Find everyday discounts of 10% to 46% off and save even more on bargain closeouts. Paperback) by keith rommel. In Stock Ships within 2-3 days http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?id=2031040631991&pid=1931402078 |
13. SciFan: Books: Spirit Of Independence By Keith Rommel (from Our Database Of Fant Spirit of Independence, by keith rommel, Novel, first publication inSeptember 1999 , latest edition in September 2001. New to SciFan? http://www.scifan.com/titles/title.asp?TI_titleid=32730 |
14. Keith Rommel - Spirit Of Independence - Repentance ca. keith rommel. Featured Reviews. Spirit of Independence - Repentance.Spirit of Independence - Repentance by keith rommel Reviewed http://www.sffworld.com/authors/r/rommel_keith/sffreviews/repentance.html | |
15. SPIRIT OF INDEPENDENCE Keith Rommel Barclay Books 2001 Pb 276 Pages ISBN SPIRIT OF INDEPENDENCE keith rommel Barclay Books 2001 Pb 276 pagesISBN 1931402-04-3. Anarchy in the spirit realm! It is said http://www.yetanotherbookreview.com/spirit_of_independence.htm | |
17. SFReader.com Review: Spirit Of Independence, By Keith Rommel Rating of Ratings 0. Spirit Of Independence, by keith rommel Reviewedby Paul Kane. If you ve read this book, why not Here we have http://www.sfreader.com/bbauthor_results_new.asp?AN=Rommel1Keith |
18. SFReader.com : Science Fiction, Fantasy, And Horror Book Reviews And More Robinson, Spider (and Jeanne Robinson), view books by this author. rommel,keith, view books by this author. Rucker, Rudy, view books by this author. http://www.sfreader.com/bbauthor.asp?LN=r |
19. Keith Rommel Index. The Eternal Night Science Fiction, Fantasy And Horror Web Si The Eternal Night keith rommel Index. A site dedicated to Science Fiction,Fantasy and Horror Books. keith rommel Information and Links. http://www.eternalnight.co.uk/books/r/rommelkeith.html | |
20. Keith Rommel's Spirit Of Indepedence. The Eternal Night Science Fiction, Fantasy The Eternal Night keith rommel s Spirit of Indepedence. A site Horror Books.keith rommel Spirit of Indepedence First Published 2001 ? http://www.eternalnight.co.uk/books/r/rommelkeith/spiritofindependence.html | |
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