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Rivard David: more detail | ||||||||||
61. Team Statistics 26, Diamond, Josh, 39, 8, 10, 18, 27, For. 5 11 , 175, 1987. 6, rivard,david, 34, 5, 11, 16, 22, LW, 6 , 180, 1984. 9, Cole, Adam, 45, 2, 12, 14,31, Cen, 5 10 , 184, 1985. http://www.ohahockey.org/westb/stats/petrolia.htm | |
62. Le Bottin De Ste-Agathe.com Translate this page david, Cadieux M, 2065 rivard, Val-david, Cadieux Mario, RR 1 Succ Bureau-Chef, Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Cardin L, 2071 rivard, Val-david, Carey http://www.ste-agathe.com/cgi/bottin/BottinAlphaAgathe.pl?lettrealpha=C |
64. Guilty Pleas By Computer Associates Trio - - CFO.com david rivard, former vice president of finance, and david Kaplan, former divisionvice president of finance, each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to http://www.cfo.com/article/1,5309,13184,00.html?f=related |
65. Ferdinand-Conon DAVID david, rivard, Laurent et Drolet spécialisée dansla spéculation immobilière et dans la construction domiciliaire. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fra/membres/notices/d/davifc.htm | |
66. AGNI Book Review david rivard provides something that readers may not have known they were missinguntil they take in the intense, beautiful poems in Wise Poison, rivard s http://www.webdelsol.com/AGNI/a-fa97-2.htm | |
67. Operation Urgent Fury, Grenada (1983) : Bibliography : Information Resource Cent rivard, david T. An analysis of Operation Urgent Fury. 47 p. (355.005 A8 1990no.02 / IRCCIS). rivard, david T. An analysis of Operation Urgent Fury. | |
68. Author Index R-S Rios, Alberto, The Weekly Morning Meeting of the Town s Civic Band, 19(3 4) 305.rivard, david, Voiceover, 15(1 2) 162. Roberge, Rob, Live Audiences, 12(3 4)69. http://aqr.uaa.alaska.edu/About AQR/authorsrs.htm | |
69. Cousins Genweb44 Translate this page répartition géographique david, DAVY, ? THOMAS Richard. Ancenis, CADIOU André.Anetz, CADIOU André. Belligné, BOITEAU René. Besné, DESMARES Michel rivard Claude. http://cousinsgenweb44.free.fr/patronymes.php?p=DAVID, DAVY |
70. Netfemmes david@cdeacf.ca , 09/01/2003. netfemmes Créerdes liens pour favoriser l inclusion From Maryse rivard rivard@cdeacf.ca http://listes.cdeacf.ca/mhonarc/netfemmes/mail65.html | |
71. Netfemmes david@cdeacf.ca , 09/01/2003. netfemmes Créer des lienspour favoriser l inclusion From Maryse rivard rivard@cdeacf.ca , 08/01/2003. http://listes.cdeacf.ca/mhonarc/netfemmes/mail64.html | |
72. Ontario Ministry Of Finance, Salary Disclosure 2003 (Disclosure For 2002):Addend rivard, david, ExecutiveDirector, $110,000.02, $6,805.13. Additions to the March 31, 2003 http://www.gov.on.ca/FIN/english/salarydisclosure/2003/addenda3_03.htm | |
73. :: Ez2Find :: R 3) Riley, Peter (1) Rilke, Rainer Maria (18) Rimbaud, Arthur (14) Rinehart, MaryRoberts (20) Rios, Alberto (2) Ritsos, Yannis (5) rivard, david (2) Robards http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Arts/Literature/Authors/R/ | |
74. Haileybury Centennial Celebrations Joshua Morgan. Joy david (McIntyre). Joy david (McIntyre). Joyce Fielder (Menzies).Joyce Hallworth (Houghtling). Judie Reavell. Judy rivard (Robinson). Julia rivard. http://www.town.haileybury.on.ca/Cen/All Homecoming Groups.htm | |
75. Individual Top Times By Stroke/Distance Colorad. 37, 24.11, Y, F, rivard, david, TRIN, 12/9/02, Best TimesYards. 38, Yards. 14, 50.21, Y, F, rivard, david, TRIN, 12/9/02, BestTimes Yards. http://www.scac-online.org/swimming_mens2003/toptimes.htm | |
76. Celebrities Directory - World-of-Celebrities.com Reade, Charles (1), Ritsos, Yannis (6), Rulfo, Juan (3). Reardon, Lisa (1), rivard,david (2), Rumi (13). Rechy, John (1), Robards, Karen (1), Rupp, Joyce (1). http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Authors/R | |
77. Safe Metaclass Programming Riv97 Fred rivard. SKT96 Edward J. Klimas , Suzanne Skublics , david A. Thomas,Smalltalk with style, PrenticeHall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1995. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=286949&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
78. The Book Shoppe Riley, James Whitcomb, Songs of Summer, 012304kc04, $12.00. rivard, david, WisePoison, 072000lf20, $10.00. Robinson, Edwin Arlington, Tristam, 012304kc03, $6.00. http://www.thebookshoppe.com/browse.php?show=124 |
79. LinuxElectrons⢠- Former Computer Associates Execs Plead Guilty To Fraud Co actions against Ira Zar, the former Chief Financial Officer at Computer AssociatesInternational, Inc., ( CA ), and david rivard and david Kaplan, former vice http://www.linuxelectrons.com/article.php?story=20040408183900538 |
80. November 1999 Journal Highlights Mass Attenuation Coefficients of ClearPb for Photons from 125 I, 103 Pd, 99MTc, 192 Ir, 137 Cs, and 60 Co Mark J. rivard, david S. Waid, and Jacek G http://hps.org/hpspublications/journalarchive/08-1999.html | |
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