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61. Literatureseek.com Ritsos,_Yannis Literature Authors R ritsos, yannis Found 2 sites about ritsos, yannis. Poetry. yannis ritsos Repetitions, Testimonies, Parentheses http://www.literatureseek.com/categories/Arts__Literature__Authors__R__Ritsos,_Y | |
62. Books Written By Yannis Ritsos - Textbook Land Books Written By yannis ritsos. Exile and Return Selected Poems 19671974 yannis ritsos, Edmund Keeley October, 1987 ISBN 0880010185, Picture of Book. http://www.textbookland.com/author/Yannis Ritsos | |
63. Yannis Ritsos Nel Mondo Greco Translate this page la letteratura in Grecia. yannis ritsos. http://www.mondogreco.net/ritsos.htm | |
64. Adelante Digital - Lecturas: Yannis Ritsos: Obrero Del Verbo Translate this page Publicado el sábado 7 de febrero del 2004. yannis ritsos obrero del verbo. José Luis Díaz-Granados Email cultura@prensa-latina.cu. http://www.adelante.cu/noticias/24/2/7/lecturas.ritsos.php | |
65. Yannis Ritsos, Matei Visniec, Jean-Pierre Siméon - Paroles De Femmes - Mise En Translate this page Paroles de femmes, yannis ritsos, Matei Visniec, Jean-Pierre Siméon, Michel-Jean Thomas. yannis ritsos, Matei Visniec, Jean-Pierre http://www.theatre-contemporain.net/spectacles/paroles_de_femmes/accueil.htm | |
66. Yannis Ritsos, Matei Visniec, Jean-Pierre Siméon - Paroles De Femmes - Directio Translate this page Paroles de femmes, yannis ritsos, Matei Visniec, Jean-Pierre Siméon, Michel-Jean Thomas. http://www.theatre-contemporain.net/spectacles/paroles_de_femmes/defaultus.htm |
67. Abstract Liana THEODORATOU yannis ritsos and the Ghosts of Helen. Composed of a series of dramatic monologues that move between the past and http://www.apaclassics.org/AnnualMeeting/04mtg/abstracts/THEODORATOU.html | |
68. :: Studio 52 On-line Music Store :: RITSOS GIANNIS ( YANNIS Or YIANNIS, ) - Alph Artists / Group ritsos GIANNIS Discography Participations. (Alternate Spelling/Writing of Artist Name yannis or YIANNIS, ). No. http://www.studio52.gr/english/RITSOS_GIANNIS.htm | |
69. Yenisayfa.com Yeni Sayfa Kitap Yazar (yannis ritsos) Tüm Kitaplari. yannis ritsos Sanat yapiti gibi insan da bir bütünselliktir, birliktir. http://www.yenisayfa.com/pgs/prdA/prd_aut.asp?AuthorNO=2110 |
70. CNC - Images De La Culture : Fiche Film yannis ritsos lisant ses poèmes. http://www.cnc.fr/intranet_images/data/Cnc/Recherche/fiche2.asp?idf=192 |
71. MSN Encarta - Yannis Ritsos Translate this page yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos (1909-1990), poeta griego, cuya vida y obra estuvieron íntimamente ligadas a la historia del siglo XX de Grecia. http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761590917/Yannis_Ritsos.html | |
72. Livres De Ritsos Yannis Proposés Par Chapitre.com yitikulke.hypermart.net/yannisritsos.htm BPJ Author Index R 1950-2004 ritsos, yannis Women, trans. by Minas Savvas, 23 (Summer 1973), 9. The Fourth Dimension Selected Poems, trans. by Rae Dalven, rev. http://www.chapitre.com/livres-neufs/Ri/Ritsos-Yannis/Ritsos-Yannis.html | |
73. Grecidad Y Otros Poemas - Yannis Ritsos. Translate this page Grecidad y otros poemas. 78 págs. Traducción de H. Perdikidi. ISBN 84 - 7053 - 198 - 0. Precio con IVA 800 ptas. (4,80 ). http://www.visor-libros.com/webhtml/visor/91.htm | |
74. Yannis Ritsos In English Translation ( Http://www.oberlin.edu/~ocpress/Translati yannis ritsos in English Translation, Late poems by yannis ritsos in English translation by Martin McKinsey. http://www.shrinker.net/entry/Yannis_Ritsos_in_English_Translation/ | |
75. Yannis Ritsos: The Fourth Dimension ( Http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/5187.html yannis ritsos The Fourth Dimension, Translated by Peter Green and Beverly Bardsley. Short presentation of the book and excerpt. http://www.shrinker.net/entry/Yannis_Ritsos:_The_Fourth_Dimension/ | |
76. Yannis Ritsos: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price yannis ritsos Compare new and used books prices among 98 book stores in a click. Find the lowest price. Searched in books for yannis ritsos. http://www.fetchbook.co.uk/Yannis_Ritsos.html | |
77. Yannis Ritsos Için Onihi Siir yannis ritsos için Onihi Siir (Twelve Poems for yannis ritsos). They are the outcome of a close friendship between a Greek and a Turkish poet. http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php@URL_ID=8409&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTI | |
78. Fondo De Cultura Económica, Colombia Translate this page yannis ritsos. Entre sus obras Sueño de un mediodía de verano. Título. Motor de Búsqueda. http://www.fce.com.co/autor.php?id_autor=3207 |
79. Greek America E-Store - Books, CDs, DVDs, VHS Tapes And More! The celebrated modern Greek poet yannis ritsos follows such distinguished predecessors as CP Cavafy and George Seferis in a dramatic and symbolic expression of http://www.ga-estore.net/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0249 |
80. Caderno De Notas: YANNIS RITSOS Translate this page setembro 28, 2003. yannis ritsos. Legado Ele diz creio na poesia, creio no amor, creio na morte, exactamente porque creio na imortalidade. http://cadernodenotas.blogs.sapo.pt/arquivo/000133.html | |
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