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41. Yannis Ritsos Biography And Quotes Sites If these resources do not have yannis ritsos biography and quote information that you need, please contact one of the sites directly. yannis ritsos. http://www.matchc.com/r_authors/Yannis_Ritsos.html | |
42. TOBEART.com : BOOKS / LIBROS / LIVRES - Auteur : Yannis Ritsos Translate this page Expositions. Publications. Salons et foires. AUTEUR - yannis ritsos -. Roberto Sebastian MATTA - yannis ritsos. Grécité. Montpellier, Fata Morgana, 1976. http://www.tobeart.com/FiAuteurs/FiRitsosY.htm | |
43. TOBEART.com : LIVRES/BOOKS - [Roberto Sebastian MATTA] - Yannis RITSOS - 1976. yannis ritsos. Grécité. http://www.tobeart.com/LivreRare/Matta-Ritsos76.htm | |
44. MSN Encarta - Ritsos, Yannis Translate this page Già iscritto? Per accedere fare clic sul pulsante Accedi in alto a destra. ritsos, yannis. Trova altre informazioni su ritsos, yannis, Altre risorse di Encarta. http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761590917/Ritsos_Yannis.html | |
45. Théâtre On Line : Yannis Ritsos ritsos, yannis, La saison de l artiste. yannis ritsos. Pour donner votre avis sur yannis ritsos http://www.theatreonline.com/indexation/a/detail_artiste14082.asp | |
46. SA SEULE IDÉE C'ÉTAIT MOURIR... De Yannis RITSOS Translate this page Si elle avait vécu, oh sûrement,. ils lauraient haïe. Sa seule idée cétait mourir. . Extrait de « Ismène ». yannis ritsos. (1909 - 1990). http://membres.lycos.fr/crcrosnier/mur2/peu2/ritsosy2.htm | |
47. LETTRE À LA FRANCE De Yannis RITSOS Translate this page Tout simples. Cela ne nous irait pas devant toi de porter nos cravates, nous avons chemise et poitrine déboutonnées,. . yannis ritsos. (1909 - 1990). http://membres.lycos.fr/crcrosnier/mur3/peu3/ritsosy3.htm | |
48. Ploughshares, The Literary Journal Boston, MA 02116. Authors Articles yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos, Paper Poems (From third Series), Poetry, Winter 1985. http://www.pshares.org/crawler/a1279.html |
49. Ploughshares, The Literary Journal Boston, MA 02116 Donate to Ploughshares. Authors Articles yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos, Paper Poems (From third Series), Poetry, Winter 1985. http://www.pshares.org/authors/authordetails.cfm?prmauthoriD=1279 |
50. Het Griekse Eiland - Boeken Stratis Myrivilis N Gregorios van Nazianze t/m Lawrence Norfolk O - P - Maria Papathanassoupoulou t/m Q - R - Vangelis Raptopoulos t/m yannis ritsos S - Rena http://www.griekse-eiland.nl/boeken_voorraad.asp?letter=R |
51. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Yannis Ritsos (Miscellaneous European Literature, Biogra AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on yannis ritsos, Miscellaneous European Literature, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/R/Ritsos-Y.html | |
52. Poems By Yannis Ritsos from Monochords, yannis ritsos translated by Paul Merchant, 122 A star on the hill. And the strangled woman. 123 Did you see the http://www.poetserv.org/SRR19/ritsos.html | |
53. Yannis Rítsos - Wikipedia NL yannis Rítsos. ritsos inspiratiebron lag in de vele vormen van onderdrukking en verdriet in de wereld; hij verklankte zijn gedachten meestal in een rijk http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yannis_Rítsos | |
54. Yannis Ritsos yannis ritsos. Trojan Women The Trojan Women by Eripedes and Helen and Orestes by yannis ritsos; translated with Nikos Tsingos Exile Editions, Toronto 1981. http://www.biledge.com/7testika.htm | |
55. The New York Review Of Books: Yannis Ritsos Bibliography of books and articles by yannis ritsos, from The New York Review of Books. The New York Review of Books. yannis ritsos. From the Archives. http://www.nybooks.com/authors/3893 | |
56. Yannis Ritsos In English Translation Late poems by yannis ritsos in English translation by Martin McKinsey. View...... yannis ritsos in English Translation. DMOZ http://www.daypoems.net/nodes/255.html | |
57. Yannis Ritsos: Selected Poems, 1938-1988 yannis ritsos Selected Poems, 19381988. yannis ritsos Book yannis ritsos Selected Poems, 1938-1988 Customer Reviews yannis ritsos http://www.poetry-reviews.com/Yannis_Ritsos_Selected_Poems_19381988_0918526671.h | |
58. Yannis Ritsos / Ölü Ev büyülü bir korku duygusu içinde Ölü Ev, yannis ritsos, Siir, K Kitapligi Aralik 2002. (Virgül Dergisi, 2003). Anasayfa. http://www.yitikulke.com/kitapelestiri/yannis_ritsos.htm | |
59. Twentieth Century Poetry In Translation: Translator's Index "K" ritsos, yannis ritsos IN PARENTHESES. ritsos, yannis RETURN And Other Poems. ritsos, yannis EXILE RETURN Selected Poems 19671974. ritsos, yannis EXILE RETURN. http://pigeon.cch.kcl.ac.uk/mpt/tridx/idx-K.html | |
60. Twentieth Century Poetry In Translation: Translator's Index "P" Paidoussi, Eleni. Greek. ritsos, yannis ROMIOSSINI AND OTHER POEMS. Painter, Barbara. Bengali. Greek. ritsos, yannis ROMIOSYNE. Parihar, Bhupinder. Urdu. http://pigeon.cch.kcl.ac.uk/mpt/tridx/idx-P.html |
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