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         Ritsos Yannis:     more books (78)
  1. Heaven without a Passport by Fereydoun Faryad; Yannis Ritsos (introduction); Scott King (translator), 2006-08-21
  2. Eighteen Short Songs of the Bitter Motherland by Yannis Ritsos, 1974-06
  3. Tirésias et autres poèmes choraux by Yannis Ritsos, 1991-04-16
  4. TRIQUARTERLY 92 by Alan; Ritsos, Yannis Shapiro, 1994
  5. Subterranean Horses. Translated by Minas Savvas. Introduction by Vassilis Vassilikos. Illustrations by the author. by YANNIS. RITSOS, 1980
  6. Gestures and Other Poems 1968-1970 by Yannis RITSOS, 1971-01-01
  7. AYAX by Yannis Ritsos, 2008
  8. The Fourth Dimension by Yannis Ritsos, 1977-01-01
  9. Gestures by Yannis Ritsos, 1971
  10. CASA MUERTA, LA by Yannis Ritsos, 2009
  11. Selected Poems by Yannis Ritsos, 1981
  12. Monovasia and the Women of Monemvasia by Yannis Ritsos, 1986-06
  13. Romiossini: The Story of the Greeks. by Yannis. RITSOS, 1969
  14. Romiossini and Other Poems by Yannis; Dan Georgakas (trans.) Ritsos, 1969-01-01

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  • KYLIT - Biographies and bibliographies of authors from Kentucky.
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  • The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction - A 20-volume set comprising works by 30 authors from 7 national literatures. Features novels and short stories with biographical and critical introductions. hopes that the Yannis Ritsos sites are useful in obtaining quote and biography information. Email us any other literature sites you are aware of that contain writer books, bios, quotes, or are specific to a particular title by an author.
  • 42. : BOOKS / LIBROS / LIVRES - Auteur : Yannis Ritsos
    Translate this page Expositions. Publications. Salons et foires. AUTEUR - yannis ritsos -. Roberto Sebastian MATTA - yannis ritsos. Grécité. Montpellier, Fata Morgana, 1976.
    Accueil Nouveautés Collections Rechercher Artistes Auteurs Livres Monographies Collectifs Livres rares Ecrits et essais Revues et catalogues Expositions Publications Salons et foires AUTEUR - Yannis Ritsos - [Roberto Sebastian MATTA] - Yannis RITSOS.

    Montpellier, Fata Morgana, 1976.
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    43. : LIVRES/BOOKS - [Roberto Sebastian MATTA] - Yannis RITSOS - 1976.
    yannis ritsos. Grécité.
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    Dessin original dédicacé et frontispice de Roberto MATTA.
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    Roberto Sebastian MATTA
    Yannis Ritsos

    Grécité. Traduit par Jacques Lacarrière. Frontispice de Matta.
    Montpellier, Fata Morgana, 1976, in-8, bradel demi-maroquin noir, plats de papier bois noir, doublures et gardes de papier vert, non rogné, couverture imprimée conservée, (D.-H. Mercher) , 48 pp., (22 x 14,5 cm).
    Nouvelle édition, illustrée d'un frontispice dessiné par Matta. Tirage unique limité à 600 exemplaires sur papier vergé.
    Exemplaire portant au verso du faux titre un dessin original en deux couleurs signé de Matta
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    44. MSN Encarta - Ritsos, Yannis
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    45. Théâtre On Line : Yannis Ritsos
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    Translate this page Si elle avait vécu, oh sûrement,. ils l’auraient haïe. Sa seule idée c’était mourir. …. Extrait de « Ismène ». yannis ritsos. (1909 - 1990).
    "Mur de poésie de Tours" 2002 Poètes d'Europe « SA SEULE IDÉE C’ÉTAIT MOURIR… » J’avais pitié d’elle, c’est vrai. Pour un peu, elle m’aurait fait du mal
    à moi aussi. S’ils ont tant célébré sa gloire,
    c’était parce qu’elle leur évitait d’avoir à agir eux-mêmes. Sur son visage,
    ils honoraient leur propre résistance vaincue. Ils se pardonnèrent à eux-mêmes,
    se déclarèrent innocents et se tinrent ainsi tranquilles. Si elle avait vécu, oh sûrement, ils l’auraient haïe. Sa seule idée
    c’était mourir. Extrait de « Ismène » Yannis RITSOS

    Translate this page Tout simples. Cela ne nous irait pas devant toi de porter nos cravates, nous avons chemise et poitrine déboutonnées,. …. yannis ritsos. (1909 - 1990).
    "Mur de poésie de Tours" 2003 Poètes d'Europe LETTRE À LA FRANCE Notre sœur la France,
    notre sœur bien-aimée la France,
    nous t’écrivons rapidement deux mots sur le genou,
    deux mots tout simples comme notre amour,
    comme sont le pain, la lumière, le sel et notre cœur.
    Tout simples. Cela ne nous irait pas devant toi de porter nos cravates,
    nous avons chemise et poitrine déboutonnées, Yannis RITSOS

    48. Ploughshares, The Literary Journal
    Boston, MA 02116. Authors Articles yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos, Paper Poems (From third Series), Poetry, Winter 1985.

    49. Ploughshares, The Literary Journal
    Boston, MA 02116 Donate to Ploughshares. Authors Articles yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos, Paper Poems (From third Series), Poetry, Winter 1985.

    50. Het Griekse Eiland - Boeken
    Stratis Myrivilis N Gregorios van Nazianze t/m Lawrence Norfolk O - P - Maria Papathanassoupoulou t/m Q - R - Vangelis Raptopoulos t/m yannis ritsos S - Rena

    51. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Yannis Ritsos (Miscellaneous European Literature, Biogra reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on yannis ritsos, Miscellaneous European Literature, Biographies.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference May 28, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Miscellaneous European Literature, Biographies ... Yannis Ritsos
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    Yannis Ritsos, Miscellaneous European Literature, Biographies
    Related Category: Miscellaneous European Literature, Biographies Yannis Ritsos See selected poems, tr. by E. Keeley (1985; 1991).
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  • 52. Poems By Yannis Ritsos
    from Monochords, yannis ritsos translated by Paul Merchant, 122 A star on the hill. And the strangled woman. 123 Did you see the
    from Monochords , Yannis Ritsos
    translated by Paul Merchant
    A star on the hill. And the strangled woman.
    Did you see the freed prisoner's bundle on the
    garden chair?
    A long Sunday with cypresses, birds, and water jars.
    He breathes lovingly into the rose's ear.
    They've left their shoes here, and their clothes still
    warm, to go for a swim in the river.
    A sad little village with two chairs in the street.
    The deeper the gaze, the more tight-lipped the mouth. The lighthouse keeper's silent conversation with the ships he wrecks. Hey, bowlegged man, ocean's bridegroom imagine the torment of your wedding dance. He's holding a laurel leaf tight between his teeth. How will he sing? Am I to tell the moon's secrets to the wounded? Once beautiful, refined, elegant he's grown portly from praise. How come the dead can rule our lives? The pleasure of loneliness after paying off a debt. A beautiful mouth, distorted by the sound of profundity.

    53. Yannis Rítsos - Wikipedia NL
    yannis Rítsos. ritsos’ inspiratiebron lag in de vele vormen van onderdrukking en verdriet in de wereld; hij verklankte zijn gedachten meestal in een rijkítsos
    Yannis Rítsos
    Yánnis Rítsos was een geëngageerd Nieuwgrieks dichter. Hij werd geboren op 1 mei in Monemvasia . Hij debuteerde in met de bundel Traktoren en trad nog datzelfde jaar toe tot de communistische beweging. Deze keuze leidde voor hem herhaaldelijk tot grote politieke tegenkanting, o.a. van het rechtse Metaxás-regime en later onder de Kolonelsdictatuur (1967–1974). Hij zat een gevangenisstraf uit op het beruchte eiland Jaros, maar kwam vrij in onder druk van de gemobiliseerde wereldopinie. In ontving hij een eredoctoraat van de Universiteit van Thessaloníki , in van de Universiteit van Birmingham . Rítsos overleed te Athene op 11 november Ritsos’ inspiratiebron lag in de vele vormen van onderdrukking en verdriet in de wereld; hij verklankte zijn gedachten meestal in een rijk geschakeerde lyriek, met een directe en geïnspireerde zeggingskracht. Veel van zijn werk werd vertaald en raakte in West-Europa bekend door de toonzettingen van Mikis Theodorákis , o.a. Epitáphios Dodenklacht Romiosýni Griekendom zie ook: Griekse literatuur Geschiedenis van Griekenland Views Personal tools Navigation Zoeken Toolbox

    54. Yannis Ritsos
    yannis ritsos. Trojan Women The Trojan Women by Eripedes and Helen and Orestes by yannis ritsos; translated with Nikos Tsingos Exile Editions, Toronto 1981.
    We climbed the hill to look over our land:
    fields poor and few, stones, olive trees.
    Vineyards head toward the sea. Beside the plow
    a small fire smoulders. We shaped the old man's clothes
    into a scarecrow against the ravens. Our days
    are making their way toward a little bread and great sunshine.
    Under the poplars a straw hat beams.
    The rooster on the fence. The cow in yellow.
    How did we manage to put our house and our life in order
    with a hand made of stone? Up on the lintel there's soot from the Easter candles, year by year: tiny black crosses marked there by the dead returning from the Resurrection Service. This land is much loved with patience and dignity. Every night, out of the drywell, the statues emerge cautiously and climb the trees. translation : Edmund Keeley A star on the hill. And the strangled woman. Did you see the freed prisoner's bundle on the garden chair? A long Sunday with cypresses, birds, and water jars.

    55. The New York Review Of Books: Yannis Ritsos
    Bibliography of books and articles by yannis ritsos, from The New York Review of Books. The New York Review of Books. yannis ritsos. From the Archives.
    @import "/css/default.css"; Home Your account Current issue Archives ... NYR Books
    Yannis Ritsos
    From the Archives
    November 5, 1981 RETURN November 15, 1973 REAL HANDS
    Your account Current issue ... NYR Books with any questions about this site. The cover date of the next issue of The New York Review of Books will be June 24, 2004.

    56. Yannis Ritsos In English Translation
    Late poems by yannis ritsos in English translation by Martin McKinsey. View...... yannis ritsos in English Translation. DMOZ
    DayPoems: A Seven-Century Poetry Slam * Yannis Ritsos in English Translation lines of verse * * Timothy Bovee , editor
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    A Seven-Century Poetry Slam
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    57. Yannis Ritsos: Selected Poems, 1938-1988
    yannis ritsos Selected Poems, 19381988. yannis ritsos Book yannis ritsos Selected Poems, 1938-1988 Customer Reviews yannis ritsos
    Yannis Ritsos: Selected Poems, 1938-1988
    Yannis Ritsos: Selected Poems, 1938-1988

    by Authors: Yannis Ritsos , Kostas Myrsiades , Kimon Friar
    Released: April, 1990
    ISBN: 0918526671
    Sales Rank:
    List price:
    Our price: You save: Book > Yannis Ritsos: Selected Poems, 1938-1988 > Customer Reviews: Yannis Ritsos: Selected Poems, 1938-1988 > Related Products
    Yannis Ritsos

    The Complete Poems of Cavafy: Expanded Edition

    C. P. Cavafy: Collected Poems
    Late into the Night: The Last Poems of Yannis Ritsos (The Field Translation Series) ... poetry reviews

    58. Yannis Ritsos / Ölü Ev
    büyülü bir korku duygusu içinde Ölü Ev, yannis ritsos, Siir, K Kitapligi Aralik 2002. (Virgül Dergisi, 2003). Anasayfa.
    BÜYÜLÜ BÝR KORKUYLA DÝNLEMEK Kadir Aydemir Ritsos gibi usta bir kalemin yazdýðý þiirlerin ‘kodlamasýný’ yapmak epeyce zor. Dramatik monolog, þiirsel anlatý, þiirsel öykü, koral ya da epik þiirler, anlatýlar... ‘Ölü Ev’de ise dramatik monolog tarzýný kullanarak iþliyor þiirini Ritsos. Ve ‘Ölü Ev’, Ritsos’un bu tarzda yazdýðý en önemli eserlerinden biri. Ritsos, ‘Alýþkanlýklar Da Deðiþir’ kitabýndaki ‘Ýsmene’ þiirini ve ‘Helena ve Nöbetçi’ kitabýndaki ilk uzun þiiri de benzer þiir formunda oluþturmuþtu. Hatta, bu kitabý okurken, biraz uzak da olsa, ‘Yaþlý Kadýnlar ve Deniz’ kitabýndaki yedi yaþlý kadýný da canlandýrabiliriz zihnimizde. Trajik ve etkileyici bir dil yapýsý ve günlük yaþamýn sonsuz deðiþkenlikleri, yazarýn pek çok eserinin belirgin özelliklerindendir. Kitabýn öyküsü bize üçüncü tekil þahsýn diliyle anlatýlýyor. Parçalanmýþ bir aileden arta kalan eski bir ev, yazarýn mitologya ve kendi yaþam serüveniyle baðýntý kurduðu paralel dizeler ve bu eski eve dönen, -biri çýldýrmýþ- iki kýz kardeþ... “O” yani baþýndan geçenleri soluksuzca anlatan kýz kardeþ, yakalandýðý sayrýlýktan zamanla kurtulabilmiþ; diðer kýz kardeþ ise kitap boyunca hiç çýkmýyor sahneye; tek iþaret ise yan odada terliklerinin içinde ikide bir oraya buraya seðirtirken çýkarttýðý seslerdir.

    59. Twentieth Century Poetry In Translation: Translator's Index "K"
    ritsos, yannis ritsos IN PARENTHESES. ritsos, yannis RETURN And Other Poems. ritsos, yannis EXILE RETURN Selected Poems 19671974. ritsos, yannis EXILE RETURN.
    MPT Translator's Index: K HOME Kabbani, Rana Arabic DARWISH, Mahmoud SAND AND OTHER POEMS Kabdebo, Thomas Hungarian ILLYES, Gyula SELECTED POEMS JOZSEF, Attila POEMS ... 100 HUNGARIAN POEMS Kabir, Alamgir Bengali Al-MAHMUD SELECTED POEMS Kabir, Humayun Oriyan LENKA, Kamalakanta WHAT I LOOK LIKE Kabir, Q. A. Urdu IQBAL, Muhammed ARMAGHAN-I-HIJAZ Versified English Translation Kabza, Tod French VEINSTEIN, Alain ARCHEOLOGY OF THE MOTHER Kada, Julia Hungarian THE FACE OF CREATION Contemporary Hungarian Poetry Kadir, Djelal Brazilian Portugese CABRAL de MELO NETO, Joao SELECTED POETRY 1937-1990 Kaer, Krista Estonian ILMET, Peep LINNAMAGI TUULTE VALLAS/A DRUMLIN IN THE WIND Kahn, Sholom J. Hebrew TSCHERNICHOWSKY, Saul SAUL TSCHERNICHOWSKY Poet Of Revolt essay Eisig Silberschlag Kaiser, Walter Greek SEFERIS, George (1900-1971) THREE SECRET POEMS Kajevic, Milica Bosnian ZAHIROVIC, Ajsa ANOTHER MOMENT Kakolis, Pantelis N. Greek KAKOLIS, Pantelis N. PART OF MY COSMOS Poems KAKOLIS, Pantelis N. BETWEEN TWO CULTURES Kalamaras, Vasso Greek KALAMARAS, Vasso TWENTY-TWO POEMS KALAMARAS, Vasso LANDSCAPE AND SOUL Greek-Australian Poems Kalendek, Julie French DAIVE, Jean

    60. Twentieth Century Poetry In Translation: Translator's Index "P"
    Paidoussi, Eleni. Greek. ritsos, yannis ROMIOSSINI AND OTHER POEMS. Painter, Barbara. Bengali. Greek. ritsos, yannis ROMIOSYNE. Parihar, Bhupinder. Urdu.
    MPT Translator's Index: P HOME Paddon, Seija Finnish SAARITSA, Pentti GATHERING FRAGMENTS TURKKA, Sirkka NOT YOU, NOT THE RAIN Padgett, Ron French CENDRARS, Blaise KODAK CENDRARS, Blaise COMPLETE POEMS ... THE POEMS OF A.O.BARNABOOTH Padhi, Bibhu Oriyan MAHAPATRA, Sitakant THE SKY OF WORDS And Other Poems MAHAPATRA, Sitakant THE RUINED TEMPLE AND OTHER POEMS Page, Geoff French APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume CENTURY OF CLOUDS Selected Poems Pagis, Dan Hebrew PAGIS, Dan VARIABLE DIRECTIONS Selected Poetry Paidoussi, Eleni Greek RITSOS, Yannis ROMIOSSINI AND OTHER POEMS Painter, Barbara Bengali UDDIN, Jasim GYPSY WHARF Painter, Kirsten Russian OKUDZHAVA, Bulat PESNI/SONGS VOL. 2 Palandri, Angela Jung Chinese MODERN VERSE FROM TAIWAN Palley, Julian Mexican CASTELLANOS, Rosario MEDITATION ON THE THRESHOLD: A Bilingual Anthology Spanish GUILLEN, Jorge AFFIRMATION A Bilingual Anthology 1919-1966 Pallister, Jan French-Caribbean THE BRUISED REED Black Songs From The Latin Tongues Palma, Michael Italian CORAZZINI, Sergio SUNDAY EVENING Selected Poems GOZZANO, Guido VALERI, Diego ... NEW ITALIAN POETS Palmer, Aileen Vietnamese HO, Chi Minh

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